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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Well, Sunflower would actually have to join us, but 3-3 a few hours before hammer is good too.
  2. Weren't you the one who always voted ME for being concepts
  3. You could join me over here to make it 3-2, which would be a nice place to sit while we wrap up discussion for a few hours, and we can always shift if we decide without a shadow of a doubt Louis is the one we want to go for.
  4. Montresor was actually my second choice because nobody ever lets me be the concept of disease or pestilence for halloween so I put a little less effort into this than I might have otherwise
  5. As I said previously, I'm fine with either Cat 5 or Louis. I wanted discussion about a team between the two of them but that didn't materialize. For the moment I'll vote Cat 5 in hopes of getting the trains close so we can analyze any possible hopping back and forth to look for partners. The fact that I say this I don't suspect will actually influence scum ##Vote Cat 5
  6. Even at a base level, when have you known humans to practice restraint
  7. Sealing someone away is called "Of the Masons" too which is also kinda dumb But I mean, I guess they're references to the actual story, so I can kinda see where they're coming from, but eh, I should have come up with names for more things myself.
  8. I didn't name that one personally, and think it's kinda dumb
  9. So to answer the next implication, yes, I used the party profiler on FRAYDO deliberately.
  10. Track (called Stumble) and Mason (called A Cask of Amontillado) are abilities. Party Profiler is an item.
  11. The track is not the party profiler. Whoever has it shouldn't speak up, because it can just be stolen (by you or Louis) or killed.
  12. The party profiler is not random. The track ability I have is random, exclude one.
  13. If he's TP and not neutral, I think technically they have to be eliminate too, but yeah, he can wait.
  14. I mean, my track is already random. He could random my random to make it DOUBLE random I guess, but.... I mean, I'm not ruling out that KY is TP either, but I'm pretty sure he did what he said here.
  15. Triple effect of limiting how much info one person gets, possible to pass it to a baddie, plus delay in usage because can't be used same turn it's passed.
  16. It gives me their complete bio, it's very strong. That's why it can only be used once per person who holds the item.
  17. It specifically says who I target. It specifically says "Louis".
  18. I mean, I can defend myself until the cows come home, but as KY said, why would I completely rolecop the N1 Kill if I was scum?
  19. So either she can mask, I'm lying, or something messed with me independent of this. Obviously I'm going to rule out the middle option, but I can see that generating some debate. The last possibility is perhaps the most concerning though, whereas the first would be the simplest but also not a great look for Louis.
  20. On Louis vs Cat 5: TBH they're both rubbing me the wrong way. Obviously I have more personal interaction with Louis here, and that would tend to bias me towards wanting to vote her, so I feel like I need to dive deeper into Cat 5 to make sure I don't overlook him. Cat 5 seems less verifiable than Louis, for one thing, but on the other hand, Louis being obstinate is pretty anti-town. Vengeful scum has a precedent (in the first game I hosted) so I'm wary of that. Honestly, what are our thoughts on Cat 5 - Louis scum team? It might have been ruled out and I missed it, but if it's a possibility, I'd want to go for Cat 5 first, so we can deal with the possible vengeful claim last, because if we hit that in the middle our odds of succeeding go down as our force for the next day is diminished.
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