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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Yep. I can lock KY away if I'm somehow not miraculously voted today, but I wasn't going to do that. It was a counter against accidentally finding a baddie, because I might, if I use it N1 like I planned. It doesn't kill them though, so it's 100% non-fatal, you can get them back.
  2. Do I really have to take Nod's test, it would be easier if it was not in a quote I could just edit it in
  3. It's required reading in pretty much every high school.
  4. You mean like who am I? I'm Montresor, from A Cask of Amontillado. Probably does not help my case
  5. Hate to break it to you, but dementors aren't real. That's been mom and dad leaving presents for you under the tree.
  6. Yes. Though I was very tempted to write something there that might get me killed at the end of all this
  7. If this is some kind of "Shade verifies all my claims at the end" thing. I DEMAND that Shade count the times I've ever been asked if I'm scum and if I've responded with snark or a direct answer.
  8. I'd take a survey and probably be vindicated but that's a lot of work
  9. No, can't use my investigation at the same time as my masonry action. I'll admit KY told me about redirecting Nodlied before it became public in the thread, but you all know that now.
  10. I mean, I'm sitting down into like 10 posts with my calzone being too hot and I'm just annoyed something is going on and I'm not quite sure what it is, of course I counter with snark
  11. Also can I complain you guys are most active when I'm trying to eat
  12. Historical reasons by and large, we've been a dream team a lot, but I also considered Nodlied but at the last second I decided I didn't want to wrap myself up in the ILTS/Nodlied debate. Basically KY is someone I get along with pretty well and I didn't suspect him.
  13. No I'm a mason and a pretty weak investigative role that gets somewhat stronger as the game goes on, that's another reason to use the masonry first.
  14. Fair enough, my snark game is off this week after the weekend disruption.
  15. Wouldn't I like get some instructions as to what happened or if I'm gimmicked though? I'm not just gonna take your word for it. Regardless, I'm always scum, especially when I'm not
  16. I've not been informed via PM anything has happened to me though? Is that a real action?
  17. I mean, that could be seen as you not wanting the heat too Though as it happens I need to lunch here in 5 minutes so I'll be out for awhile anyway.
  18. The masonry isn't the only thing I can do. Masonries are simply more useful at the start of the game. At the end, you don't have as much need to weasel things out of people.
  19. If I was scum why would I paint a massive target on my back by hyping this up?
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