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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. It will certainly promote healthy discussion during the day phase, though. Everyone might need to work a little harder to come up with a plan, which IMO is a good thing. Even if you fail to come to a consensus and have multiple opposing camps, IMO, that's still valid and a good thing and keeps things interesting.
  2. Edited the main post to include the rules for location investigations in the battle section, as there are highly related.
  3. And in regards to the first point I'm gonna make Verti proud. I'm so excited!
  4. So remember when people said they wanted kind of a location based game? I'm making some last minute changes that might make that a reality. This is literally an idea I had just now (brought on by realizing there was an error in my notes), but I actually think I can have it ready by tomorrow's start time, AND it'll improve the game a lot and make it more memorable. Can't say any more right now. Though there is also another point that I CAN say right now. I've already mentioned how nights will be a bit more fluid than in a normal mafia game. I'm going to take this a step further and do some advanced processing on certain night orders, as well as allow continued night action on some night actions during the next day. Now I know that might sound like a pretty radical change but it's actually not that big a deal. Here's an example of what I mean. Say one of your orders is to shop for a held item. After you confirm your orders (because you can't take it back), I'll go ahead and present you with your shopping list you can pick from, so you can go ahead and decide what item you're buying before the night is up, rather than waiting until day start to present you with your list and having you pick during the next day. Conversely, the way some actions in this game work and interact with each other, some of you might find yourself confronted with a *choice* to make a day start. This choice would occur during day time, even though it's technically part of the night actions. As an example, in your day start PM you might be presented with a note asking you if you'd like to venture down the left path or the right path. This is technically a consequence of night actions, but I'll give you some time to ponder your decision while the day phase starts.
  5. I'll also announce that I've figured out how to get this setup down to 7 players, but because I'm so tired after community day (was not the best idea to go walking after I injured my foot Thursday) that I'm not gonna start work on the modifications until tomorrow, so if there's any last stragglers you have the rest of the day to join, and the more people the better the setup is still.
  6. Attention all players: Please PM me an email you're okay with using for when/if you get invited to a doc or something.
  7. And by midnight, I meant after dinner today when I get back from community day. Though so far I've managed to modify the setup down to 8 players safely, so progress is being made. If just one more wanted to join that'd be great.
  8. Registration will close at midnight central time, because I'm lazy
  9. If @Killing_You and @VERTi60 do their usual space filling, we can let this roll without any major changes
  10. Received! Now of the people who committed I just need Cat 5. I'm sure he'll be along (or Irish can poke him). Still a few days if those on the fence want to hop on as well! The closer we get to 10 the less roles I have to cut :P Though the budget setup can be run with 9.
  11. No, just the pokemon, move set will be generated for you, though once the game starts you'll have some control over moves via TMs/HMs and maybe when they level up/evolve, etc.
  12. Though let me also take the time to say we only have 5 people "fully" signed up right now. I still need rosters from @Category 5 Hurricane and @Brigitte. With just 5 people pretty much no amount of tweaking will save the game. I'm also incredibly busy this week working on job related things so I want to tweak as few things as possible if possible.
  13. Yes, though as it stands I'm going to have to modify the game. If that runs into roadblocks it might be delayed, but assuming no roadblocks the 18th is the start date.
  14. Just a heads up, but the deadline to register and submit your team is FRIDAY, even though the game won't start until the following Monday. I need that extra time to get things ready and finalized.
  15. Do you know her? If so could you tell her to send me a lineup?
  16. Irish! Can you confirm your team for me in PM? I have a list, but I didn't commit it to my files, so I'm wondering if that meant we were waiting on possible changes or something. If everything's fine I can just add you in to the files though.
  17. I'll also give a very minor spoiler and say I was thinking of Psyduck when I designed this game
  18. Retal was one of the first people to sign up for this game, he's already counted
  19. I'll tentatively set the start date for Feb 18th (a Monday). I'd prefer to start on a weekend, but the 16th is not only Poke Go community day, but it's also when us kids are getting together to take my mom out for her birthday. If we don't get a few last minute joiners, I will have to change the game, and I'd like feedback on what direction the existing players would like it to go. I know the simplest solution is just to do a battle tournament, but I also know several people specifically don't want that, and wanted more mafia like elements to this game. I also still need rosters from Brigitte and Cat 5, plus confirmation from Irish.
  20. Fun fact btw. If you have a steam key or an origin key for an EA game that's on both platforms, you can activate them on both. I had some expansions for sims 3 on steam, and some *different* expansions on origin. For the hell of it I tried activating them on the rival platform one day and was able to consolidate all my sims holdings in one place. Pretty sure it works for other games as well. Also pretty sure old physical copies work on origin as well too. I have a physical copy of Mass Effect 1 but the disk is too scratched to play, but my activation code worked on Origin so now I don't need the disk.
  21. I'll say the main draw of testing this for me had been nostalgia about the maps. Then, when I actually got in game, those rose tinted glasses came off pretty fast. I can honestly say there's not a map in the current build that I dislike, but loading up some of those old ones I was like "wow", in a bad way. I still miss Fjord and some others, but I think they might be bad
  22. I'll say at one point I actually got it up to 1300 FPS, after I had reported the 700-800 But yeah, V-sync fixes all those issues.
  23. It's basically only @Brigitte though I'm not sure if @TheIrishman "finalized" his or if more changes are coming.
  24. I have most people's, but am missing a few. I'm all for taking your time to decide, but the sooner I get a team, the sooner I can generate their stats and moveset, which is just one more thing to get out of the way. Granted, to meet that start date, there's still plenty of time, I just like to have my ducks in a row.
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