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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. You didn't respond to my big post, you quoted a separate post, so I think you're confuse. My argument is PoE and that you're worse than the other possible suspects, so really, you just being bad is indeed the crux of my argument. Is it a sure-fire argument, no, but it's all we have.
  2. At this point... one is yourself... and the other is Shade... I'm confident Shade can do what he wants, and you are always free to do what you want.
  3. Oh, you mean the fact that the joke votes were still on you? No seriously I didn't realize that. Those people should get here and see what's going on and decide legitimately.
  4. As much as I don't like insurance companies, if you actually work for one, you get the best insurance, and for someone with literally a bajillion health issues like me it can pretty much be a life saver.
  5. Also I may or may not be afk here for a bit because I'm flipping out because my brother got me an in into a sweet job that he has.
  6. Damn it I'm totally starting to have that problem where I confuse you and Shade by avatar everyone else was having.
  7. I was gonna make a joke, but tbh the legit answer would be Anon and the "Anon is a silo" thing is some 3D chess move. But no.
  8. Yeah, HGSS are widely regarded as the best ever, and tbh I kinda agree, though I'm not gonna bloviate about that right now.
  9. I normally don't get my opinions from youtube, but a video I watched a few months ago really summed up my problem with the games: Sinnoh, geographically, is just horribly designed. Now yes, it's based off a real place, Hokkaido, but that's not what I mean. What I mean is you're forced to back track without fast travel so many times, and it just eats up so much time. There's a lot of time, not just doing that, that you're not *progressing*, you're just kind of wasting time. It all combines to make it feel like the whole experience is coated in molasses, which is kinda how I always felt but couldn't really put into words. I still like the games, but I do think it was a low point, and many people have an over inflated sense of how good they were because it was their first pokemon.
  10. He needs to post more, but he is indeed down in my priority list. It'd be nice to know it's not just due to a small sample size though.
  11. Ye, what is it this game with our obsession with saying the scum team is the people attacking each other. Granted, Choppy isn't attacking me right now, but I kinda assume that has to do with the fact that he's not here seemingly.
  12. If the link wasn't clear to me it wasn't clear to other people, but that annoyance is offset by the fact that I'll take having a fancy title
  13. Though this is a better explanation. TBH I had a feeling that was your reason, but you didn't state it with the vote, and that's kinda a pet peeve of mine because I hold you to a higher standard.
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