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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. So you vote for the person that made an actual case rather than the people who just flopped over, which I agree, they did so perhaps a little too easily...
  2. In honor of the 25th anniversary of Pokemon being tomorrow, I declare a "chopbam" to be when your machop karate chops and electrode but it uses self-destruct anyway.
  3. Lol all the joke votes are still on him, totally didn't realize that.
  4. Okay, since we're running out of time: We are indeed probably going to have to do this the old fashion way. Unfortunately, the scum pool is large. I'd say Mojo, Anon, Killing_You, Cat 5, and Chop. For certain reasons I don't want to get into (but you can probably guess given what I've talked about a lot today) some of these people I don't want to focus on too much, we can set them aside for future days. Instead, let's look at the drama surrounding FRAYDO's demise. You can really make any argument you want, no matter what anyone did. I'm going with the "some people knew FRAYDO was town and wanted cred when he flipped" angle. This is really gonna do Chop dirty, but I think his reactions regarding that were worse. Killing_You is the other person you could nail with this argument, but he seemed genuinely outraged, where Chop seemed to be hedging his bets too much at times. Cat 5 factors into this conversation too, but overall he's been too helpful/smart for me to consider him right now. Doesn't mean he isn't scum, just that if he is I don't think he's overly shown it so really nothing to lead there. So really, what meager signs we do have lead to Chop, and kinda PoE from my pool of who I'd focus on today. ##Vote Chopbam
  5. I'm getting ready to do the mission about possible assassination attempt on Lady Rhea. Might do it tonight, if not don't know when I'll get a chance to pick it back up before Sunday. Got pretty much everybody but Bernadetta certified for a class, though, and a ton of level C supports between people.
  6. I subtly dug that Chop is my preferred suspect but nobody picked up on it
  7. We barely know anything about TP, so that's a dangerous assumption to make. I will say, however, that today is probably not the day to TP hunt. Maybe tomorrow if we feel like the clock is on our side.
  8. I mean, theoretically, he could be lying... but I'm willing to believe it for now.
  9. While I said don't badger him, if he doesn't answer at all, or answers unsuccessfully, tbh that may be a sign he was converted to a cult.
  10. Watch the sniper claim rhino tank and shoot their counter claim successfully and be cleared by Shade.
  11. I mean my stance is Coolrock is an unreliable narrator, that doesn't make him scum. I think he's truly drank the coolaid regardless of the truth of his statements.
  12. Chop will love it, it'll be "tone reads" from me, but at least I used other methods to get the pool smaller. He's going to especially love where it points.
  13. Yeah I don't think either option of those two is actually that good. We've already been over why silo win isn't feasible. Really, we have a pool, a large pool, of who can be scum, and all we can do is finger point. I haven't started yet because it's basically going to all be he said she said and I'm not looking forward to it but we're probably going to have to resort to it, though I've both already said why I think Anon is valid but also why I won't press that.
  14. Though really I'd kinda prefer if he did not confirm or deny if he is the silo...
  15. Oh crap, it's not Friday. I assumed He'd have more time off "school" or whatever now, but I guess we'll have to coax it out of him.
  16. Let's vote entirely based off who can embed youtube links, starting with Jeod.
  17. I mean, to be clear, I'm not mad or anything! It's fun. But it's making it more difficult to solve the game.
  18. I mean we're here to have fun, but going back to my comment about "don't lose on purpose" there is also an expectation to "actually play the game" as well. I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong, but you're cultivating a personality where we can't trust anything you say. That's a really bad way to play as town. That's a really bad way to play as scum, too, because you don't blend in as town.
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