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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I bought KW last Christmas but got distracted before playing it so if it's from that I haven't seen it either.
  2. I mean I don't know what that is, but it's clearly Nod.
  3. I mean maybe I'm biased but I'm definitely in the top 2 for people who are going to die today, settle down
  4. And like I won't even be mad if you KILL MOJO NEXT.
  5. TBH as much as I want Mojo to die and feel the rush of being right, the look on all your faces if I die and you to see I was telling the truth would be pretty great too
  6. We did last game. I guess it is kinda sketchy, but I suppose we can ask KY first what his stance on it is, since Jeod gave us permission for his game.
  7. I alluded to it when I woke up this morning, but last night I passed out because of narcolepsy from my medication, came back to 4 new pages which I skipped, of which that post was a part of, saw most of it was Shade being an idiot, liked one post, and went back to bed, so I wasn't paying a lot of attention.
  8. See I think he's been very logically consistent and logically town throughout this though. I'd ask what you'd think of his actual dialogue, but most of it has been directed at you, so it may be hard to judge from your perspective. Well the recent dialogue at least, but that's the part I've found most towny. Also the CVC is a pinned post at the top now and anyone can edit it... well those of us with mod powers, so you can do it yourself if you really feel like it... or I could...
  9. It was actually me getting confused about this post because I wasn't paying attention you guys were actually discussing the day kill and nobody said the word unstoppable.
  10. Someone did, dunno if it was Shade specifically, I'll see if I can find it.
  11. TBH reading it again that does seem medic specific, so I might be immune to that when in flight actually.
  12. I mean somebody else referred to it as an unstoppable kill before me and I'm just following suit, I even think it was Shade.
  13. I wouldn't be upset if everyone voted me today, as long as you guys voted Mojo D2.
  14. Yeah, in the heat of the moment, and how we're supposed to paraphrase and all, I may have been a bit inaccurate. I mean that's debatable, but I don't know the answer, but that was what I was refering to.
  15. Except I read that as scum-read, doh, pulled a dumb, guess I didn't understand what you said
  16. Scum read when secretive, scum read when transparent
  17. I guess technically it doesn't say untarggetable but immune, so that unstoppable kill can probably still get me.
  18. He never answered why he claimed, either, did he?
  19. I don't think that's why he's (claiming) to be hesistant, and if his hesitancy is for his stated reasons is another matter of debate. However, I'd read that claim as the kill gets resolved today, and if it's a miss, then tomorrow there's a chance to self-kill.
  20. Someone said it was like the flamethrower, but tbh I only played one of those games so I'm not that familiar with it to know if it's true.
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