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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. True, and it doesn't look like my vote would've helped anyway since I was in a match and by the time I posted, Hammer already hit.
  2. I'm tempted to switch but I'm mostly salty that no one wanted me to do it so I'll just stay where I am an let RNGesus decide.
  3. I'd prefer to send myself but KY or Jeod seem like decent picks.
  4. Correction, we still need Brigettes as well.
  5. Tried to actually get the investigations done, repeatedly. Was the only person to suggest a plan to actually help catch Scum with these Investigations. Btw, Jeod, Shade, and KY, are you guys going to post your list before the Investigation?
  6. I never said I actually wanted to fight you, although you seem to be digging yourself a pretty big hole of suspicion. I was more concerned about the investigation and trying to catch people lying about their Pokemon. Considering that you'll most likely end up fighting tomorrow anyway, I'd rather us do the investigation today. I will say Brigette's ability is a bit concerning if coupled with the fact that she has a Scyther, but I'm not going to push it too much for now because the more information we have, the more certain we can be. ##Investigation Route 30 Since it looks like most if not everyone agrees it's a good idea. Wobbuffet (No longer have this) Magikarp Lapras Exeggute Eevee Abra
  7. Wouldn't it be better to fight him tomorrow while we investigate today? Also, a thought albeit rather risky. We reveal all our Pokémon now (the first evolutions so we don't reveal which one(s) we're leveling) that way if any more are mentioned, Scum might be outed. This would include any Pokémon anybody has exchanged for eggs. The reason being, I doubt Scum would know which Pokémon is revealed, so lying becomes more risky for them - especially if they end up using a Pokémon not on their "list".
  8. Yeah...it was really a gamble. Wobbuffet was Lv 20 already but injured so I'd have to waste something to heal him, but Wobbuffet is only actually useful when no one is expecting him. Also if the opponent has both a physical and special move, it makes using Counter or Mirror Coat a pain. The only thing that might give me the win is Destiny Bond but that's more like a draw. So I figured why not hope? And it looks like it paid off. I still have at least one other "useless" pokemon if whoever wants to send another egg my way :b Update for Pokemon Sacred Gold, just beat the 3rd Gym Leader - Goldenrod Gym Leader, Whitney. She uses cute Pokemon like Wigglytuff. And it looks like the order for the game is Route 30, Route 34, Goldenrod Gym, Goldenrod Radio Tower. So that might be the order of difficulty for this game. Haven't quite made it to the Radio Tower but I probably will before we get to that investigation.
  9. Well, the site is back up. So although I should probably use this to my advantage, I also feel a bit obligated for some disclosure. I no longer have Wobbuffet, traded him off for an egg that someone gave me. After seeing what hatched, I think it was worth it. To whoever gave me the egg, thank you very much. As for the investigation, Brigette, while I appreciate the honesty it doesn't make me feel comfortable sending you. Granted I already wanted to go myself. And I forgot to vote when I suggested myself apparently ##Trainer Theirishman
  10. I'm willing to investigate route 30, since it's not too far into the game, so hopefully it won't be too difficult but I feel pretty confident regardless though with all the items I have.
  11. So are you accusing Jeod of lying through an investigation role, claiming him as Scum? Or are you saying that you helped Jeod double train during the night so he had a Lv 30 by Day 2? Although considering you think Jeod to be Town, I'd assume it as the latter.
  12. Nah you guys mentioned it a couple pages back when talking about Eevees, so I decided to give it a go for fun. Also thought it might give me a better grasp about the investigations, but that's minor in comparison. Cat5, although I don't like you calling me a scum suspect, I already said that I'd rather send Jeod or Killing Flower go for this one.
  13. I already said I'm fine with investigating today, just that I'd prefer to do whatever the next investigation is since I feel prepared with all my items, it's just that you all will have to wait until 6 or 7 hours after hammer due to my work. ##Trainer TheIrishman On a side note, I've also started playing Pokemon Sacred Gold, and just beat Faulkner. Funny enough, I've already caught half my team for this game. Also the rarest pokemon I've caught so far is Larvitar.
  14. On my phone rn, so I'll be brief Brigette - leaning Town, benefit of the doubt Killing Flower - leaning Town, but I'm mostly going off of Sunflower over KY Jeod - leaning Town, although he has made at least one questionable decision Irish - Well I'm Town Retaliation - not sure, his latest action seems very risky for Scum, but then again he probably didn't expect to lose. Cat5 - fairly null read, I haven't heard enough from him to judge other than him apparently being an egg giver Shade - Always hard to read, he's seemed Town oriented but his actions or thoughts seem to almost always conflict with everyone. Leaning Scum.
  15. Jeod...what? Not pushing pro town decisions? I was trying to get you or Sunflower to do the investigation while you guys somehow thought Retaliation would be the better choice. I don't understand the whole Wobbuffet argument, especially with it being injured.
  16. Yeah, true, I didn't really think about that but based on my reads, I still think Jeod and Sun (now KY) are more likely Town. Although now that I'll have a Lv 30 I wouldn't mind doing it myself. But I'd rather do whatever one we do next because I'm fairly confident my items would almost guarantee me to win.
  17. Well then that was pointless >.> Shall we continue with Sunflower or Jeod for the investigation tomorrow?
  18. Nvm, I must be crazy. I must've assumed you used your bonus 5 levels for Jolteon which wouldn't make sense.
  19. Oh, I thought you mentioned lv 25 or maybe I assumed..going back to reread.
  20. Yeah, I think I'll leave my vote on Sunflower for now, but I'd change it to Jeod over Retaliation. I ran the sims between all electric LV 30 pokemon vs Lv 30 Psyduck and the overwhelming majority can beat Psyduck within 2 moves even with Spark, while most can finish him in one move with Thunderbolt. But if she has a grass type, the odds are even more so in her favor, so pretty much whatever she has, I don't think anybody has a better chance to win. That said, a lv25 Jolteon with Thunderbolt would also one-shot Psyduck...wait a second. Jeod, how do you have a lv 25 Jolteon? It takes two training sessions to evolve which would put you at 30, Orange never mentioned evolving from the whole lost levels thing.
  21. But won't investigations benefit everyone regardless (provided we win)? The item in particular shouldn't affect the overall benefit for us too much, rather how much he'll personally gain from winning. I'd rather not jeopardize a chance at actually winning an investigation for his personal benefit.
  22. Ah, missed that part (just got off of work and tried to speed read through it). I'm not familiar enough with Pokemon to even take a guess on items.
  23. I'm confused why Retaliation is jumping in when he's already lost one Pokémon, especially when the chances for the other two seem better, and one of them has a full party.
  24. Not entirely true, but I'm sure you have more confidence that you're Town than anyone else (assuming you actually are)? So you'd be more willing to bet on yourself than others.
  25. idk, I can relate. There's no real guarantee that anyone here is on your team, so feeling more comfortable with doing things yourself makes sense. One of the reasons I want to investigate next (also the items from winning give me a fair share of confidence towards winning regardless of any type advantage), but my highest level is 20, so I'm waiting until I have one at 30. That said, from Jeod's "sacrifice" to trying to figure out how the investigations work, I'm leaning more towards him being Town than anybody else.
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