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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Well then, I'm more comfortable with that too, especially if it swaps out to a different Pokemon. ##Trainer Sunflower
  2. Jeod, you said you're confident, you even have type advantage it sounds like. How confident are you, Sunflower? Do you have type advantage?
  3. Hmm...I think I'd feel more comfortable with Jeod or Sunflower over Shade for today at least.
  4. idk, I'm not sure how I feel about Shade. I mean, his warning stopped me from bothering with investigating right away, but he always seems to know more because his assumptions occasionally turn out to be correct.
  5. I kinda want to investigate, but I'm not confident that I'd win, maybe the next one.
  6. Basically if you out level Wobbuffet and can one-hit him, then you won't have to worry about Destiny Bond because his speed is so slow that he'll almost always go second. Apparently indirect damage doesn't activate Destiny Bond though, such as Leech Seed, Future Sight, and Weather damage. So now you guys know how to beat it.
  7. and GG Retaliation. Sorry for the Destiny Bond, it's a bit trollsy. And yeah, there wasn't really any way to win then other than me missing - but even then Destiny Bond.
  8. What were your moves for Skarmony? Just curious because I think there might've been a way for you to win.
  9. What else is there? Counter till one of us dies, I'm protected from any other negative effects anyway. Maybe safeguard when it runs about, just remind me when that is.
  10. "Counter counters all physical moves for twice the damage done to the user. "
  11. Huh Sand Attack doesn't seem to fade away ever, so basically Counter until one of us dies.
  12. I said "all of them are physical except Agility" so that would include Swift. So you're not limiting the debuffs and buffs like Jeod did? I thought he only allowed 1 stack due to the fact that we can't switch out pokemon. Counter
  13. Leer, Peck, Sand-Attack, Swift, Agility, Fury Attack, and Steel Wing should be the only moves you can have right now. All of them are physical except Agility which doesn't deal damage. So I don't know why you'd bother to mention Mirror Coat. You PMing your moves seems relatively pointless. Destiny Bond
  14. My Pokémon is wobbuffet. On break rn, tho less than a half hour left
  15. A little odd considering more of the population is in the East or West coast. Maybe because we're all bored in the Midwest and have nothing better to do than play Mafia :b
  16. You're fine, I didn't remember what the bonus was, but it doesn't seem to give you an actual tactical advantage.
  17. We're both lv 10, Retal, it should be fine. And yeah, the fight would have to be delayed until at least 6 to 7 hours after hammer.
  18. What's the bonus for being Rocket again? A bit odd that Retaliation offered himself up to battle but put himself into Rocket. Anyway... ##Trainer Irish
  19. I'm for the change as well. Although it doesn't really improve the ability to evolve, it certainly makes your other pokemon more viable. I mean, to get all your pokemon to lv 50 as is would take 24 nights. Obviously the game would probably be over by then (and I'm not saying we should have all six at 50). Personally I still prefer the ability to train multiple at once, even if we cap it at 2 or 3 in case someone wins and try to train 4 at a time.
  20. So I have a lv 10. And yeah, I'm up for dueling if no one else wants to do it. The main reason I volunteered is because we gotta choose someone, so if others didn't want to, we'd still get a battle done.
  21. Sorry to give you so much work Orange xD I think allowing us to train 2 or 3 Pokémon at once would be a decent fix. Most people wouldn't choose 3 considering how helpful items or new moves can be, but it could be an option if someone wants to be prepared against different types.
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