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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Damn, you've had Night Shade this entire time..
  2. I think you practically have to use hypnosis on Lapras otherwise they'll both hit you before you can hit them. Otherwise you can try a final blow against Arcanine if you can do mroe than 8 dmg. Dragon's Rage - Arcanine.
  3. I'll be honest, I didn't. Again, haven't played pokemon in over 15 years.
  4. You could, but then you'd die because you only have 18 HP left.
  5. Yeah, Hypnosis on Shade would be the best choice.
  6. Wow...I even felt bad for you thinking you were about to die. Dragon's Rage - Arcanine
  7. I didn't have a full heal. I had a Super Potion which heals only 50HP.
  8. It looks like there's possibly 27 items with around 8 of them being healing items (I looked at all Gen 1 items and just assumed they're in here). So roughly a 1/3 chance of obtaining a healing item.
  9. Why is 50% odd? 2/3 of my items are healing (one used).
  10. I haven't used any, she used what, one or two? Regardless, she's won 3 times so she had 9 items.
  11. That was included. She used Potion, I used Super Potion, then she attempted to use Full Heal before the turn was reset for Orange. Even if she did use it, Full Restore would've healed more.
  12. She's used two, I've used one, but to be fair Orange had Full Restore which healed more than all three of our potions combined.
  13. You're "already" eliminated unless you expected Orange to use a healing item on you.
  14. I'd let it slide this time, Jeod. He's about to die this turn anyway.
  15. If you were able to put Lapras to sleep, he wouldn't even be able to hit you because he attacks after you.
  16. Oh, I didn't even see him use awakening. Oh well. Hypnosis again on Lapras, Sunflower. Dragon's Rage - Arcanine
  17. Also even she heals herself before Orange's attack lands, not that it matters.
  18. If we can just focus on Arcanine, we should win. Your Night Shade does 25 dmg, while my Dragon's Rage does 20, he should be dead before he wakes up.
  19. What do you mean, good luck? You'll live.
  20. Super Potion - Gastly If you can, your next moves should be Night Shade against Arcanine.
  21. Can you heal, Sunflower? If not I'll target you.
  22. Yeah but Jeod is agreeing with you >.> a 20% chance to miss entirely is not worth a 20% chance to crit.
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