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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Mafia Edit: ##Vote Champion Orange ##Vote Sith Voe
  2. Agreed, so much silence... Vote Champion Orange Vote Sith Voe Updated Table: Players Character Race Skills N0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 Sun Aayla Secura Twi’lek [Dex] [Wis] Learn T1 Resist Dark Side Learn T2 +10 Max FP Learn T1 Resist Dark Side Rest Learn T2? Rest Learn T2 Unknown T2 Shade Dare Komad Whiphid [Con] [Wis] Learn T1 + Protect Self Duel -10 FP -10 FP -20 FP -30 FP +5 FP +5 FP OP47 Unknown Unknown [Dex] [Cha] Holo-Pad – Shade Track Force TheIrishman – No Force Used Learn T1 Track Force Nodlied – Sense Alignment Learn T2 Track Force TheIrishman – No Force Used Rest Learn T1 Track Force – Voe – No Force Used “Hibernation Trance” “Hibernation Trance” Nod Tichal Momicki Human [Con] [Int] Learn T1 Learn T2 Sense Force – Voe, Fear Sense Force – TheIrishman, Light Sense Force – Sunflower, Light Sense Force – Retal, Light + 10 FP +5 FP Jeod Darth Voss Human [Dex] [Cha] Learn T1 ? (-10 FP) Learn T2 Duel -10 FP -10 FP -10 FP -10 FP -5 FP KY John Ennis Mandalore [Str] [Wis] “Failed Holo-Pad – Orange” +10 Max FP Learn T1 Learn T2 Duel +5 FP +5 FP -40 FP +5FP Retal Senaviev Human [Con] [Wis] Learn T1 +10 Max FP Learn T2 +10 Max FP Learn T1 +10 Max FP Duel Rest T2? Learn T3 “Detect Force” Cat 5 Christina Starleaper Kiffar [Dex] [Wis] Learn T1 Learn T2 Learn T1 Mind Meld – Nodlied Rest Duel +5 FP + 1 FP -60 FP Irish Faelyn The Seeker Stennes Shifter [Con] [Int] Learn T1 Learn T2 Duel Learn T1 Learn T2 Rest Learn T3 Sense Force – Nodlied – Dark Eat Force - Sunflower Duel Duel FRAY Rayd K’no Ozan Mirillian [Dex] [Cha] Holo-Pad – Orange Track Force TheIrishman – No Force Used Sense Meditation Force Track Orange – Force Track Force Track – TheIrishman – No Force Used Learn T1 Hibernation Trace Duel Rest? Died Nothing Voe Hermit VolDergar Kaleesh [Str] [Int] Learn 2 T1 Learn 2 T2 Duel Rest Nothing? Learn T3 Rest? Chop Unknown Human [Dex] [Wis] Learn T1 Learn T2 Mind Meld – Nodlied Learn T1 Rest Mind Meld – OP47 – Fail Learn T2 Duel
  3. I think the card game mafia is rather interesting, but I think I'd prefer to do a CYOR first as a "break" like KY said. Though it wouldn't matter that much to me if we ended up doing the Card Game instead. But, Jeod, I recommend splitting up a few cards in manipulative, like Mirror, adding a few more cards, and creating a new Card Type under Trap, that way I can say...
  4. I think Orange and Voe are our main suspects, still more on Orange with getting ChopBam killed. Voe was at 10 FP last night, it was basically a guarantee that he'd Rest. If Orange were Scum, he could just use Hibernation Trance to ensure nobody used any abilities to mess with him, then blame Voe on the lack of FBI movement. I'm too lazy to mention everything else i've said before, but we're incredibly close to filling up the FBI meter and I think even if Orange or Voe dies, as "corrupted" players, it should lessen the impact on the FBI. If one of them dies as Scum, even better. Btw, I do have a hypothesis about how the Force Ghosts work. Notice how the FP cost for any ghost that visits a player is increasing? But it didn't increase during Jeod's death. I suspect that the ghosts, at least the Town ones, can all talk to each other like in a standard dead doc, but only one can visit the living and the remaining ones "rest" gaining 5 FP. With each Town death, the cost of visiting the living increases by 10 FP. I'm also guessing that the Scum Ghosts don't rest and that's why Jeod got -5 FP. It's not terribly important information anymore, just something I've surmised. Also Sunflower, we know what everyone else did last night, what about yourself?
  5. Yeah, I still wish I would've been able to save my stamina the first time around, that way I might've won with full HP...but I suppose I can't complain too much. I had more tools yeah, but it came down to luck in the end because I used all my powers. If I didn't kill you that round, I would've been basically wide open for you to take me out. For the Scum left, I suspect it's either Orange or Voe, or maybe even both. Leaning a lot more on Orange. We'll see what happens during the night though. @VERTi60 You posted the final duel image instead of the CVC
  6. I think that's my first 10, but man was it needed. GG, Chop.
  7. ##Offensive ##The Circle of Shelter Ugh >.> In hindsight I should've done The Circle of Shelter on the turn I attacked prior so I wouldn't have taken dmg. C'mon RNGesus, I was one of your hands before ._.
  8. ##Center of Being ##No Form ##Force Shield
  9. ##Offensive ##Shii-Cho Ward ##Reduce Injury
  10. ##Defensive ##No Shape, Mold, Frame, Form, Arrangement, or Style
  11. It doesn't make sense to assume which Form I want to use if I don't mention it at all either. I have 3 different ones. And again, you never gave us in the PM nor mentioned in the tutorial an action to remove the form. *sigh* Alright, let's move on.
  12. Mafia Edit: But I still think the duels would run better*
  13. For sure, would've been easier to assume. But I still think the game would duels would run better if you only counted the player's commands during THAT turn. Not mentioning a Form, to me, means that I didn't choose to use it during that turn. Just like how not mentioning a Force Power means you're not choosing to use a Force Power. I get that they're One-Time use in a duel, but if they weren't, you wouldn't assume they'd choose to use the same power again simply because they didn't say they wouldn't use it again.
  14. Meh, true enough when no other player has ever taken off a form. I appreciate the effort Vert's gone through for this game, I really do. It's just frustrating when a game mechanic that is counter intuitive blows back in your face. Oh well, we'll see how this plays out. ##Sense Surroundings ##Center of Being ##Shii-Cho Ward
  15. This must be what it feels like to be Jeod
  16. He had 25 Stamina, Sarlaac Sweep only cost 10 stamina. But if it's final, it's final.
  17. The example was that FRAYDO didn't run out of stamina and you still took it off. If you want to leave it as is, that's fine but it'll completely change the result of this duel.
  18. I guess, but it would've been absolutely stupid for me to keep the form against a guy who'd only have 24 stamina, so there's no way he could attack me >.> I just searched through every duel. During this post, FRAYDO used Center of Being while he still had enough stamina to keep his Form, but you took it off regardless. Literally every other example, besides myself, of players who have used their Forms, they've ran out of stamina and had the form automatically taken off. And the only person who's used that template is Cat5.
  19. Do I actually lose 60 Stamina because Forms stay on? You require us to mention our stances each turn, why not our Forms too?
  20. Dammit Vert, you should really require us to repeat the form if we want to keep it >.> To have to take it off each time is silly especially when there's no designated action in the PM to do so.
  21. Force Breach? Guessing it negates my next Force Power, since it doesn't appear to rupture my shatterpoints. ##Defensive
  22. ##Battle Meditation ##Center Of Being ##The Circle of Shelter A.K.A. Soresu Ward
  23. ChopBam has to use Center of Being since he doesn't have enough Stamina to do anything else on his turn, right? If so... ##Enlarge Force ##Offensive ##Makashi or ##Shii-Cho Ward (Whichever I have enough Stamina for)
  24. It wouldn't be the first time we've had a player with Ascetic, though I imagine his would be limited to investigations, somewhat similar to Godfather. Or the corrupting is a Special Action that he's able to use in addition to his regular Force Action, then he could've used some Scum ability to prevent himself from being Mind Melded, either from targeting himself or roleblocking you specifically since you're the only player who'd be likely to Mind Meld him. Retaliation probably didn't learn it yet, Sunflower had no FP, Voe doesn't even know what's going on, and I'm locked down from duels. ##Redirect Energy ##Jedi Ready
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