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Everything posted by Shade939

  1. Technially it probably does, but they should return to their last position by day start.
  2. At least partially, it said to protect players from the NK at least.
  3. It should technicially happen during a single phase. So that might also interfere with other actions targeting that player.
  4. The Sub-Pen should be able to prove their ability and role by the fact they can only target submarines, GM confirming that just makes the role that much stronger than it has to be.
  5. The airplane/spy plane should probably be included as another unit? Which still only works barring any custom-units, which really ovrrcomplicates things if those exeist.
  6. Not to overly complicate everything, but those are the non-custom units.
  7. I’ve been wondering about that, but the fact that Voe is alive and didn’t mention anything about taking damage or is still alive doesn’t support that.
  8. Allthough, I’m not certain how that would work if you were told if a unit moved by your location, and it seems like more work than a GM would want to do for that.
  9. We’re assuming Voe is an attack submarine since he pressed Orange over that earlier, but if he’s different unit then it’s entirely possible that he moved himself.
  10. Found Voe’s earlier shot, so he at least appears to have switched quadrants somehow.
  11. Overall, basically the one thing we’re lacking is information to act on, which really isn’t that surprising given it’s only day two.
  12. Yeah, one of the simpler explanations for tonight would be if the NK failed to target Voe because he moved, or maybe that’s what Scum want us to think...
  13. Honestely, when Category 5 said he was making a low effort this game, it seems like he really meant it. There’s not exactly many ways you could know if an action was directed at another player, and most of them would be Scum based in this situation. With the possibille exception of the Sub-Pen, which is basically the cop/Doctor role which shouldn’t be giving themselves away now in the first place...
  14. So, how's that drama working out for you know, of Voe shooting some random coordinates on the map with nothing in them apparently?
  15. Assuming Voe isn't about to shoot himself or anything like that...
  16. That's kinda the problem though, it could be anything that's going on here...
  17. I'd assume that you'd need a really good reason to swap an allied player with Voe at the very start of the game though.
  18. I do question why you're immediate response is to shoot whoever you were swapped with in that case though...
  19. Not particularly, although I'd still probably go with my initial assumption of an allied night attack given how close that coordinates are to the land at 015. And as Jeod pointed out, if we have a Chronosphere in game then it could have several unusual effects that it causes to balance out an ability to move players around...
  20. One of the question which should be asked is if a player would even receive a message if they were targeted by an action during the night phase.
  21. Neither am I, but that's a question related to game rules so Verti should be capable of clarifying it when he get's around to answering my question.
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