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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. 1) I don't know all the things. 2) If you think that trying to find out who the killer is is grasping at straws, then I really don't know what to tell you other than I tried to be as completely forthright about my thoughts as I could. 3) When status quo players lose the game, don't blame me.
  2. Is he able to do that and "verify" your actions at the same time? That seems like using the evidence key for 2 things at the same time.
  3. Since no one else is going to do it, I'll analyze who might and might not be the killer. I guess the complicated part is with the PP system and items and with so many people saying they didn't vote, it's hard to completely exonerate many players. Retaliation - He was in jail so he couldn't do it. Not the killer. Cat 5 - I don't *think* he could have done it because Orange claims to know his vote, and FRAYDO says he say an action. Apparently that action was sketchy but not sketchy enough for FRAYDO to think it was a killing action. (tbh that exchange was pretty weird). KY - Seems like we know he investigated Shade, so him being the killer is less likely but not totally impossible because we don't know if or how he voted. Orange - Similar situation to KY but less clear because I have no idea how the evidence key works. If we take him at his word that it costs a PP, then he's in the same spot as KY where we know one action but not the other. If we don't, then it's a little more muddy. Sunflower - Well I know what I did last night but the fact that I followed through on my promise to withhold my gifts means I can't prove that I wasn't the killer, so I'll put myself here as if I was analyzing myself in someone else's shoes. Note how no one other than Retal got an extra PP today? That's because of my strike. However, I *can* prove that I give gifts on future nights by resuming my activities. Irish - I honestly have NO idea how his trap works, so I can't really analyze him other than to say that we don't have any idea what he did last night. If someone wants to enlighten me on how his trap could have been involved last night, feel free. :P Since I have no idea what he did last night, that makes him more suspicious than the others I looked at so far. Shade - NO info known about Shade whatsoever apart from the fact that he apparently can't have night actions performed on him. UNKNOWN if this is because of a passive, an item, or an ability that he had to spend PP to use. Can't confirm that he spent any PP. The only other thing we know is he made a couple comments about friendly fire, but unlike Jeod, I'm not at all convinced that him saying that is "proof" that he wasn't the killer. Jeod - He has been all over the map this whole game. Radicalism? Pacifism? Status Quo? Pluralism? You name it, he's supported it at some point or another. He also claims to have abstained in the vote after specifically making a deal with Snipe where Snipe said that "THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES" if he failed to follow through. His explanation that he was worried about a tie is also extremely suspicious. If he REALLY is a status quo supporter like he claims, he would know how powerful his moving to pluralism could be. He says he was worried about a tie, but before yesterday, the only person he thought supported radical status quo was himself. If he really wanted to break the stalement, I think he would have voted soft pluralism. Because he claims to have abstained, we *also* can't confirm that he used his protection ability on himself like he said. However, we probably can confirm his story about taking the crowbar from the vault tomorrow when someone goes there and either sees it there or doesn't. FRAYDO - He is pretty suspicious too. He claims that he can verify what Orange did but the only thing we have to go by is his word. He also accused Cat 5 of doing something that needs explaining. Cat 5 says he doesn't need to explain anything, and we're still waiting on this mystery person to say something happened to them last night and imply that Cat 5 did it. So basically we know one thing. FRAYDO probably saw Cat 5 do *something* to *someone* because it would be risky to make that claim without knowing if Cat 5 might have used his action on himself or, like me, chose not to use any actions. It would help a little if Orange would confirm that FRAYDO can actually do what he says he can do or if he can confirm that FRAYDO did anything at all. But we still don't have anything other than his word that he "verified" Orange's actions.
  4. Not to mention that nobody will get any presents to boot!
  5. Like I said in my speech, I'm status quo. Everyone else might be afraid to say it, but I'm not. I want to win this game, not spend the next 5 years negotiating. You can investigate me if you want, but you won't find the killer and someone else will probably end up dead tomorrow.
  6. As if alternating pluralism and status quo each night isn't pretty much exactly the same as the supposedly hated stalemates? lol
  7. My my. No respect for the Pope with the kids these days. Are you sure you're Austrian?
  8. I mean sure if you want to stop me from delivering gifts to the children.
  9. Either way, I think in order to win the vote there were probably at least 3 santa voters (including me) and maybe more. For that matter, you might even consider the abstentions to be indirect santa support. Who knows how many shy santa supporters there might be out there! Personally, I think whoever killed Snipe is a bigger concern than Santa's legion. I just want to make Austria-Hungary great again.
  10. I guess it's possible, but he was also killed so... dunno if his vote would even count in that scenario. I mean you could be a shy santa voter too for all we know.
  11. Psh you say that as if there's only one valid plan. I offered a plan too.
  12. Good question. In celebration of today's glorious outcome, I shall indeed resume distributing gifts to the good boys and girls!
  13. I don't have anything to report other than I'm greatly pleased to find out that Supreme General Santa increased stability. A morale boost to the Austro-Hungarians indeed!
  14. I was so unprepared for that victory that the only post I had ready was this:
  15. lmao. It was supposed to say 'nigh' No one ever said Santa was a spelling bee champion.
  16. Call to Arms: The Time of the Great Claus Crusade is Nye! Honourable members of the Ausgleich. The time for action is at hand. Our council is beset with indecision and strife. Supposed allies turn their backs on friends and hand over the keys of our grand Austro-Hungarian Empire to the sniveling pluralists. What do we get in exchange for this humiliation? A mere walky talky! Insufferable goodie goodies saying we should all get along and throw our glorious history and traditions to the winds. Limp noodle SJWs and pacifists, the lot of them! Will we stand by and let these goodie goodies sully the majestic rule of Austria and Hungary? We should not! Friends! I stand before you today to offer you a proposal. I, Santa Claus, am a crusader for the status quo of the empire. I care not how we preserve the status quo. We shall do it by any means necessary! Tonight I will cast my vote for RADICAL STATUS QUO and I ask that all who would support EITHER status quo OR radical reform to join me! Join me, and I shall lead thine armies into glorious battle the like's of which no soul has ever seen. For I am Supreme General Santa Claus and we are the glorious Santa Claus Legion!. 1) If you support the status quo, you shall have it. Don't bend your knee to the SJWs! 2) If you support SANTA'S CRUSADE, you shall have it! I care not whether you support status quo, pluralism, or abolishment. If you want war, this is your chance to have it! 3) Let us come together to bring a new era to the Austro-Hungarians. A new and glorious era. A war to end all wars. SANTA'S CRUSADE. Like the sound of that? Then remember to vote RADICAL STATUS QUO!
  17. I'm not trying to keep the stalemate. The circumstances of tonights vote are totally different than D1 or D2 because someone different will be investigated and you are (supposedly) changing your vote and (supposedly) so am I. There's no reason to expect it will turn out the same way.
  18. A self professed status quo supporter voting for the other side for the lols is not "a particular side"?
  19. As I said, that my vote was based on Jeod not accepting any deals, I'm withdrawing my nomination of him and giving it to Irish instead because he is the closest. But I'm willing to vote for others as well if the opportunity arises. ##nominate Irish ##investigate Cat 5
  20. I suggest investigating me because I intend to change my vote from soft to radical.
  21. Literally just throwing your own words right back at you.
  22. You guys realize that Nodlied said this game doesn't work like the TL in the computer game right? Meta analysis has about as much substance as mayo noshing, but without the benefit of being interesting.
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