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Posts posted by OWA

  1. I'd suggest keeping it as simple as possible, reducing the number of channels to only the ones you really need to be permanent. Can people make their own temp channels? If so, open rooms 1-3 probably aren't necessary.

    We don't generally let everyone make their own temp channels because in the past there was a problem with people using inflammatory channel names.

  2. My only concern with the clan channels and the TeamSpeak in general is the tenancy for a large amount of niche and redundant channels to pop up and sit around with nobody in them. E.G. There are 3 channels for the 495th Scarlet Armoured Division, but 9 times out of 10, only 1 of them is used.

    I'd be inclined to encourage the use of Temporary channels for private discussions and rarely-played games/bespoke events, just so that we can all save some real estate on our screens.


        Recording Booth
          Westwood RTS Games
          Tiberian Sun: Reborn
          Renegade X
        Minecraft & Terraria
        World of Tanks
        Open Room #1
        Open Room #2
        Open Room #3
      SG Clan
        Clan Chat
        Staff Chat
      Ghost Reactive
        Staff Chat
      W3D Hub


    I agree with most of these changes, especially putting W3D Hub to the bottom of the list and making SG more visible; however I don't think we need a channel for Renegade X or Westwood RTS games. The Base C&C Channel can still be joined and that will probably be where most of the people playing C&C will hang out. TSR is necessary because we kind of make that game. :p


    We probably don't need a World Of Tanks channel, because players can use one of the open rooms if they want to play it in public.


    The 495th Scarlet Division HQ channel is missing from this list. this is important because it's one of the channels that sees the most TeamSpeak traffic currently. This needs to be put back.


    I think a review of SG clan channels needs to be done with the actual clan involved so that we're not treading on people's toes and everyone can be happy with the environment that we are hanging out in. Personally, having internal channels is better for a clan because it allows them to play in private without the fear of randoms entering the channel and causing problems.


    We don't need a W3D Hub Founders channel. Anything that we talk about (that isn't a private discussion) should be available for any staff member to listen in on.


    These are just my opinions of course. Here's my proposed structuring table:


        Streaming/Recording Booth
        Command & Conquer
          Tiberian Sun: Reborn
        Minecraft & Terraria
        Open Room #1
        Open Room #2
        Open Room #3
      Steel Guardians
        Leaders Room
        Clan Area
          Other Games
        495th Scarlet Devil Armoured Division HQ
      Ghost Reactive
        GR Internal HQ
        GR Chat
      W3D Hub
    I'm happy to accept criticism and discuss with everyone on how we can go about making everyone happy with this restructure. So feel free to post a reply or PM me. :)
  4. Don't expect a release within the next 2 years. Not enough developers, not enough interest. It's basically a dead project.

    I know it sounds depressing, but giving false hope will only lead to disappointment.


    The game isn't in a fully playable state yet. Certain features are yet to be implemented and a good portion of the Allied structures don't have proper interiors yet.


    I think that when the game becomes fun to play, we can think about releasing it and going from there.


    The last thing I want to see (as the leader of this project) is for people to play it once, dismiss it and then go back to playing APB/Reborn/Renegade/Other games.

  5. Hey guys! As some of you may know, I work at Creative Assembly currently and have worked on some awesome games, such as Alien: Isolation and Total War: Attila. But now the latest project that I'll be working on has been announced (for Xbox One and PC) and it's a pretty big deal! I figured that this was big enough to be community news as it's strategy-related and C&C-esque, so enjoy the teaser!

    Being a C&C fan, I do love me some classic strategy games, so when I found out we were doing Halo Wars 2, I did everything in my power to make sure that I got onto the team (which I did!). I can't really say much more though, other than the game is going to be awesome! Keep your eyes peeled in the future for more news!

  6. Don't expect a release within the next 2 years. Not enough developers, not enough interest. It's basically a dead project.

    I know it sounds depressing, but giving false hope will only lead to disappointment.

    No need to be so depressing. The game will see a release at some point, but there's still a lot of work to be done. The project itself in it's unreleased state is way more robust than APB or Reborn because it was built from the ground up rather than on top of Renegade's always.dat file. It should be pretty awesome to play when it's released.

  7. Why can't RA2:AR be released in current state?

    I would really like to play it even though I missed window to apply for alpha tester.

    How much longer do we have to wait?


    It can't be released in it's current state because it's not balanced enough. Once we finish off the substantial task of finishing up the Allied structures, then we can probably think about releasing to the public.


    There are a lot of incomplete art assets that use placeholders; but in the case of the buildings, it cannot be overlooked.

  8. Any idea when the wiki will be up and running?

    And will cinergy ever come back or rehost their servers elsewhere (e.g. here, since AFAIK that is also a w3d based game)?


    The wiki needs a few more plugins and a basic setup before we roll it out to the public. It will be epic though! (We've even plugged in a WYSIWYG editor for those who aren;t so familiar with wiki editing!)


    The second question would be one for Mauler or Roszek to answer.

  9. Is there still a rivalry between the 2 games?! Kushan sort of nudged me here otherwise I wouldn't even know this was still around. It's been over a decade, geez...


    No real beef as such now that the dust has settled, there was just a disagreement with how the community should be run.


    But yeah, we're still here and aiming to build up into something awesome again. :)



    Why is the biped top heavy walker leaning with the terrain? Does UDK not have the power to make proper mech physics? Or are you showing off that a normal tank can be animated like a mech like has been done in Renegade and many other games for years?


    I see little point moving to UDK if its going to have us make the same hacks Renegade already does. It might be prettier, but why move from one dated engine to another.


    Perhaps the servers won't be empty 90% of the time. That's a pretty good reason to move engines. :- )





    And so our point is proven.

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