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Posts posted by OWA

  1. In my opinion, switching to a modern engine would allow faster, more rewarding work (especially as it would give the team members marketable experience with modern tools), thereby giving the players a better game sooner. However the downside would be the loss of years of W3D work and the likely death of the engine completely.

    From an art perspect, changing the engine would make the art pipeline a lot slower. Currently what we do is model something, then texture it, but with a newer engine, we'd have to model a high polygon model before making a low polygon model to bake the details out into a normal map, then we've got to paint the diffuse and create the specular. It adds extra steps on that would undoubtably slow things down on the art side of things. The only saving grace is that we get to use newer versions of max. :p

  2. New server for Android version.


    A single person really isn't a market demand. If you get a lot of people to sign a petition or something, then we can think about looking at it if the demand is there.


    But I really don't see it happening, mainly because of the control issues.

  3. For me, a game engine facilitates game functionality. If Game Engine A has all of the functionality that a team needs to make it's game, but Game Engine B has none of the functionality, but features better graphics and physics, then Engine A is the clear winner, because it already has a large amount of the key pieces in place to make the game that the team wants to make.


    If you chalk it up to W3D vs UDK, W3D has all of the functionality there already, whereas UDK (even with the Renegade X SDK) does not.

  4. Perhaps the servers won't be empty 90% of the time. That's a pretty good reason to move engines. :- )

    The servers being empty has little to nothing to do with the engine imo. Exposure of the game as well as the balance of the game are way more important.

  5. No this strictly isn't C&C or W3D Hub news, but it's something legendary that occurs only once a year! Following a tradition that has occurred for a number of years now, June is end boss month. But what does this mean?


    Nobody knows how it started, but the celebration of End Boss month is actually over 10 years old. Started in a dark corner of the internet one day, this event aims to celebrate those dastardly foes that threaten the world with destruction, kidnap our princesses and just act plain evil!


    So how do you participate in end boss month? Well I'll tell you!


    Comment below and tell us who your favourite end boss is and why. Also change your avatar to that end boss to join in on the forum tomfoolery!


    My end boss this year is Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. Who's yours? Show your support for your favourite baddie below! :D

  6. All in all your making a lot of calls while properly having no experience with any of the stuff that you are talking about.

    Your assumption is actually really funny, because I've actually written a thesis for my Masters degree in Games Design (I can screenshot it to prove it if you don't believe me) about putting vehicles into UDK, which resulted in this video right here:



    Basically, I used uscript and hated it and then came to the conclusion that Renegade is much easier to do what I want to do in.


    Like what would this "incredibly complicated" logic in AR and TSR be ?


    The bottom line is that a UE4 version is either never happening or atleast quite a few years away. So a UDK version could be something for in between. There could very well be two different teams, one working on UE4 and one working on UDK.

    We've got rather a lot of different unique gameplay mechanics in both games, so I'll list a few.


    All Projects

    - Veterancy

    - The Purchase Sidebar

    - Flying infantry


    Tiberian Sun: Reborn

    - The Underground Logic

    - The Mobile Sensor Array logic

    - Deployable vehicles (like the tick tank, artillery and Juggernaut)

    - Replenishable aircraft that make use of helipads to resupply

    - Amphibious units


    Apocalypse Rising

    - Remote Controllable Vehicles

    - Terror Drones

    - Veterancy

    - Flying Infantry

    - Deployable Infantry (GI, Guardian GI)

    - Deployable Aircraft (Siege Chopper)

    - Minor and Major Weakpoints

    - Reinforcement Bays (once the war factory/barracks has been destroyed players can use the reinforcement bay to buy units to stay in the game, this building does not count towards base destruction)

    - Prism Towers focus ability

    - Tesla Coil charging up with Tesla weapons in low power situations

    - Mirage Tanks

    - Prism Beam refraction

    - Country-specific unit picker (Picks a random country at the start of each battle and grants units accordingly)


    All of these features would be a terrible amount of effort to reimplement for very little gain to us. We already have all of these things working in Renegade, so why switch? There is the lure of a better toolset and better graphics sure, but I don't think that moving to the RenXDK even for an interim version would benefit us. We'd lose more time that would be better spent either on Renegade or on UE4.


    However, if people want to come and adapt our games, then they are welcome to apply to join us. It's all about supplying the demand and if people demand it that much then they will come and make it happen.


    In all fairness, you guys are around 3 years too late for me to be excited about this.

  7. @OWA: Unreal Script is an OO Language like C++. It is 90% identical to C++. Any "self respecting" programmer should have no issues learning a slightly different language. Any "self respecting" programmer should learn more then just one language. The biggest challenge you would run into in either UDK or UE4 is getting to know the API and how things fit together (and the API is 90% identical in UDK and UE4 as Epic obviously didnt reinvent their whole API from UE3 to UE4).

    Any self respecting programmer should be smart enough to understand that learning a language that can't be applied to more than one thing is pretty useless in the real world. When you say that programmers should know more than one language, then yeah sure you're right there, but that language shouldn't be uscript. Javascript, C++, C#, Python and Lua are all infinitely more useful languages to know than uscript. Hell, even HTML is more practically useful than uscript.

    Whilst uscript is useful for UDK, times have changed and game engine technology has advanced. UDK is old and is slowly becoming very niche. Why should we move from one niche to another when the current Unreal Engine offers far better tools and a programming language that aligns with our own?


    Even though all the of the basic game-mode logic is in place, the fact of the matter is that Renegade is incredibly simple when compared to something like AR and TSR. The code that drives our units is better suited to an engine with better tools that uses the same language.


    Even if uscript is 90% like C++, that doesn't stop it from being completely obsolete thanks to UE4. You're not really selling this very well for me here.


    Pretty much all of the asset creators who worked on original Reborn are cool with a UDK port. None of them are active on the current team, besides DarkAngel i think.

    If you want to get a team together and apply to join us, then be my guest. I'd be all for accommodating this project if enough people want to work on it and the rest of us agree. It would be mutually beneficial if the two projects were to work alongside each other if such a thing were to happen because we have a good infrastructure that could be made use of.


    However, it's not really sporting or honourable of you to underhandedly start up a mod of the same name with the blessings of people who don't even work on the project anymore. At least have the decency to call it something different and make your own assets if you plan on going it alone.

  8. Im just putting salt in i know. But you kinda asked for it by saying this uninformed things about the Renegade X SDK. Thats all. Peace :)

    Whilst that does look great, none of us here really wish to invest the time in learning and finding others who know uScript. When Unreal 4 was release, uScript has now become a dead language because C++ and blueprint are simply better. The things that Wally said were not uninformed at all, we just don't wish to fight with a bad scripting language like uScript to reimplement complicated features that we already have working perfectly well.

    It would take a lot of time and effort to port over Reborn to the RenXDK for very little gain. Our programmers don't wish to learn uScript and since UE4 makes use of C++ (that every self respecting programmer should know), it's a much more viable development platform.


    Also for a free game like Reborn, there's not really all that much wrong with the Renegade Engine itself. Graphics can be made better and the vehicle physics are arguably better than Renegade X's (tank stacking anyone?).


    I'll leave you with this image as to what we're working on in the Renegade engine and you'll see how far we're pushing it. ;)



  9. There is absolutely no evidence to support that "C&C Arena" was "Chinese Based".


    Arena was an F2P multiplayer-only upgrade of Kane's Wrath for the asian market. That game later became C&C4.


    A "skunkworks project" as some developers would later go on to describe it as.

  10. Michael McNeil:

    M16 Mk. II - Standard issue GDI assault rifle, loaded with ionized ammunition to give the commander an edge in firefights

    Metal spike - Any Nod infantry foolish enough to get within melee range of McNeil can be impaled with this trusty weapon

    Plasma grenade - McNeil hates to lose. As a last resort, he can activate this device to destroy everything around him within a large radius


    Pretty interesting, although Plasma is a Nod technology. I'd be tempted to suggest a Sonic, Mini Firestorm or Ion grenade instead. :)



    I heard that Tiberium was cancelled because they focused all their budget on cool teasers, and not enough on the actual game. So of course it was cancelled because before they even worked on an actual game, they blew their budget.


    TeamWolf and I met Greg Black in London and he said that Tiberium didn't pass quality standards and was essentially a bad game. He'd played one of the last builds that they'd made and it wasn't looking good at all. I think C&C4 came out just because they had the tech already established, so it was easy to heavily mod RA3 and ship it out quickly for easy money. Too bad that the game sucked!



    So rather than attempt to fix it, they just scrapped it :unsure:


    No matter how bad a game is, you can pull it back if you put some effort into it. That's the problem these days with bigger game companies, it's all about the profits and if the game happens to be really good and innervation then that is just a happy coincidence.


    Whilst this is true in the modding and indie scene, it's not so true in the AAA scene. Game companies need to release games to be able to pay all of the staff that work on them. If they see a game that's not looking like it's going to be good, they are likely to cut their losses and work on something that will sell rather than take a needless risk.


    Companies generally don't work like that because they need to sustain themselves. Which is partly the reason why Tiberium got canned. Better that they cancel the game rather than fire the entire dev team for making a mess that didn't sell well.

  12. I heard that Tiberium was cancelled because they focused all their budget on cool teasers, and not enough on the actual game. So of course it was cancelled because before they even worked on an actual game, they blew their budget.


    TeamWolf and I met Greg Black in London and he said that Tiberium didn't pass quality standards and was essentially a bad game. He'd played one of the last builds that they'd made and it wasn't looking good at all. I think C&C4 came out just because they had the tech already established, so it was easy to heavily mod RA3 and ship it out quickly for easy money. Too bad that the game sucked!

  13. Well, hopefully we won't make a new renegade. What was done till now it's just amazing. I think every ideea is good and this won't stop in the next years. You made Tiberian Sun Reborn something that i couldn't imagine few yeas ago. This good job started from friendship and cooperation (I don't want to be like a star of a weird animation film). This knowledge shearing improved this game. I give a shit to what engine we use, to Renegade X and to what other people think about us. We are what we are and what we want and this community is great as it is. The game is cool. Players are friendly. What do we need? More players! Yea, probably. That's why I started this topic :) . Players are easy to found. All C&C fans should try a piece of us. If we will be loyal to this work everyhting will be good. Good night!


    Well said Andrew. We're all working together to create games that are unlike anything else that's out there. The w3d engine helps us to do this with it's unique quirks. The infrastructure that aim to build around our games should hopefully keep them alive and running for another good 10+ years. A website and wiki hub paired with a brand new stats system as well as a wealth of new maps and content for TS Reborn should help us to achieve this. Also when Apocalypse Rising hits it's first public release then we should bring in another wealth of new players.


    We're really on track to building a community that we can all be proud of. :)

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