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Posts posted by OWA

  1. Is that an old style rover 25 or the MG version? My old car was an 04 plate Rover 25, pretty nippy little car!

    It's a variant of the Rover 25 that's known as the Streetwise. It's got chunkier bumpers and stuff that make it look more like a 4x4, but essentially it's a Rover 25. I've also got the fixed head gasket on it, since that's a common problem with Rovers of this model. :p

  2. Please remove APB from the W3D Hub Launcher.



    The Launcher & Gameservers

    The BHP Launcher was also suddenly rebranded as the W3D Hub launcher, forcefully hijacking existing launcher builds and funneling players to the "new" site where they were "mysteriously" able to use their old login information. This was followed by a series of game update snafus, and client/server version mismatches.


    Going forward, to prevent confusion, we anticipate shipping the BHP Launcher in a familiar form for now and hope any development of the W3D Hub launcher will continue responsibly in such a way as to not interfere with the BHP Launcher. We also anticipate no longer seeing the W3D Hub launcher list RA:APB gameservers and push builds of our game as we explore our options


    Thanks for your Co-operation.


    Sure thing. Although this is pretty disappointing from a community point of view, we hope you guys will reconsider in the future. We're building up a pretty good amount of projects to feature on the launcher, so it may be something that you guys will want to opt back into in the future.


    Just know that the option is always there.

  3. I wish we could opt to keep the accounts..


    Anyway, try to find out how to join the mIRC server.


    We could have kept the accounts, but I don't think BHP would have approved very much.


    FYI this is also the reason why a lot of the permissions on the launcher are broken currently. danpaul88 is currently working on adapting it to support multiple permissions sets.

  4. BenBen's Burritos




    Right, to do this you will need:

    Giant Wraps

    Stewing Steak/Mince

    Kidney Beans


    Sour Cream


    Crushed Doritos

    Grated cheese



    Jalapeno Chillis

    Chilli Sauce


    How to make!


    Step 1: Make a Chilli using the Stewing Steak/Mince and Kidney Beans.

    Step 2: Boil the Rice

    Step 3: Once the Chilli and Rice are ready, heat up a wrap on a frying pan until it is warm (don't make it crispy!)

    Step 4: Lay the wrap out, then add the ingredients onto it in this order: Rice, Chilli, Cheese, Salsa, Sour Cream, Crushed Doritos (also Jalapenos and Chilli Sauce if you want an extra kick!)

    Step 5: Fold the burrito up like this: http://i.stack.imgur.com/VAnZp.jpg

    Setp 6: Nom!

  5. I guess because you've textured it in your 2D art program (like gimp) when you texture the unwrapped model, it'll fit like a glove. The exact way it should do.

    Exactly. all you do when you unwrap is map out coordinates on the 3D model in 2D form, like the nett of a box etc.

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