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Posts posted by OWA

  1. Awesome.


    Yah the attack dog is interesting... how to implement it, hmm.



    - weapon kinda like TSR's chameleon spy's knife, which is I think the only melee weapon I've ever seen in Renegade. Too bad it lacks a third person anim.


    - With scripts 5.0, is it possible to get the dog to actually "lunge"?


    Unit implementation:

    - AI controlled base guard unit? A few of them Patrolling around and thru your base, they respawn after some time if killed. Definitely useful for both teams, but more so for Soviets (against allied spies). With scripts 5.0, can some kind of game logic be made, then applied to the dog unit itself, or the dog's weapon, or the dog's AI behavior, to allow the unit to detect spies?


    - Purchasable AI units that follows your character and attacks incoming enemy infantry? Can it come with you inside the vehicle you enter? Or just follow the vehicle you enter?


    - Player controlled = lol. As the dog, (I figure) you can't use tanks.


    - Terminal purchase, like robot tank, so you control dog and when it dies, you are still standing at terminal. Buy another one!


    - Strap bombs to the dog. Suicide, doggy style.


    - Give the Dog model a dog body armor set, like the ones used in real life and shit. Makes the unit seem more able to resist damage, rather than "WTF its a DOG, why isn't it dead already? All my shots hit it!"


    - Bark. Seriously, have it bark when there are enemies, or spies spotted, somehow. When the dog unit engages a target, have it bark like a bossy muther fucking boss!

    It will probably be some sort of lunge animation tied to an attack, similar to what we're planning for the Terror Drone, but for an infantry.


    I'd personally like to look into having dogs purchase-able and playable but then also AI purchase-able as an extra layer of base defence. AI dogs can't be passengers because the AI isn't that good. They could follow the player around though So maybe we could have dogs as an add-on that follow you around and kill any infantry nearby!


    Dogs can't drive, but they run really fast!


    Crazy Ivan could strap bombs to dogs if he wanted to!


    Body armour is something that we could definitely look into and explore a bit.


    Ahh yes. Now, with the gates finally opened, the attack dolphin and giant squid could be made possible!


    What about A Path Beyond? Would you guys be willing to share the dog animations with them so that they can get in the Soviet attack dog at some point? Maybe ask Chronojam to do the Ice Bucket challenge or something in exchange? Or how 'bout get someone from APB staff to do a humiliation stunt like the ones performed on the show "Kenny vs. Spenny", then give BHP the animations?


    After the person does this on your guy's bidding, then the dog animations may be shared with them! Fair, no?

    I haven nothing against sharing, but with this kind of continuing attitude towards us (although sort of understandable) I don't see it happening anytime soon.

    <22:53:06> "moonsense715": AR blog is out :)
    <22:53:17> "Catalyst": AR is boycotted here.
    <22:53:52> "KingKickAss" disconnected (The King lives on)
    <22:54:08> "[SSG]-ChronOS": unless the game is out it still doesn't exist :p

    It is truly up to Jerad though, since he is the author of this new rig and animation set. All W3D Hub projects will be able to use this rig regardless, which means Tiberium Fiends for TSR! It would be awesome to work again with APB in the future to maybe help them fix up their Giant Ants though!


    Oh, and as for mind control, anything on that front?


    You guys aren't implementing Yuri's Army as a 3rd faction anytime soon, amirite? But the Psi-Corps soldier for Soviets - with scripts 5.0, is it possible for some kind of mind control weapon in Renegade?

    No Yuri as a third faction, but we'll be looking into Mind Control logic for the future!

  2. yKrP0xw.png

    Hey folks! After 2 years away, the CNCNZ.com roundtable has returned! For those of you who don't know what this is, it is basically a feature that is based on asking prominent members of the C&C Community several C&C-related questions! This time round they asked our very own OWA to weigh in on some questions surrounding C&C's future!

    After a 2 year absence, the Roundtable Discussion finally returns. In this new edition we talk about the current state of the franchise, has the interest level in the franchise and/or the community changed, the most interesting things happening in the community right now, and lastly, what does EA need to do to bring Command & Conquer back and when.

    To check out the full article head here!

  3. Nope, I don't share those worries. I make video game art for a living. I bike to work every day. It's a relatively stress-free life.

    I share the same sentiments as this guy. My work attire and casual attire are practically the same and I get free ice cream on Wednesdays. Although I may not get paid the most money, I'm happy with my job.


    That's $34k btw. But I'm only on the bottom rung of the programming ladder and Ben's in QA at Creative Assembly right now.


    It's about a 20%-30% paycut to work on games instead of software and software is easier to get into, so you either do it because you love it or you just don't do it.


    Yeah i'm from the UK :) so i'm working in GBP too.





    Thanks for the information, but even 40,000 USD would be too low to cover my bills etc...that's like 25K GBP


    I make 45,000 GBP and i still dont live as comfortably as i like...


    I live pretty close to London and the cost of living is ridiculous so it's all relative i suppose



    That's (your wage) near enough a senior artist/manager level wage in the industry, but I've heard that lead artists, producers and such make up to around £55k It takes a while to get there though!


    To be honest, even though the pay may be low, the fact that my job is to play video games and find bugs makes it not feel like a job at all. :)

  5. I've been through a few nicknames before I settled on this one. I started off on Westwood online as Leechimon, "Leech" being my surname and the "mon" part coming from a Hereford colloquialism for friend. A lot of people confused it with Digimon though. I was then Vanguard for a while, named after the Vanguard V-Twin engine that my dad wanted for a go-kart. Vanguard evolved into VanguardValentine, the "Valentine" bit referencing Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII. Then around 2006 I decided that it was time to get a permanent nickname. Sephiroth was my favourite character from Final Fantasy VII and One Winged Angel was the title of his theme tune, so I went with it. I also have an alternate nickname which is Ultimako; a fusion of Ultima (ultimate magic from the FF series) and mako (The energy that the Shinra reactors feed off of in FF7).


    Nowadays people call me OWA (pronounced oh-wah) or just simply Ben or BenBen.

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