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Posts posted by OWA

  1. I like the first one where a bot's made that can be switched to and from. I'm guessing the bot would die if the Yuri controller dies?


    Does that mean the Yuri unit is still work in progress, not abandoned? Conflicting sources make it unclear if the unit's still a planned addition.

    The bot would switch sides again and fight for the Allies if Yuri died.


    Yuri is still very much in our plans for AR.

  2. Me and cfehunter were talking about Yuri recently.


    Our original idea was to change the Chrono Legionnaire logic so that Yuri can hold his enemies in place with his primary attack. During this time he is vulnerable to any other enemies attacking them. Once he has held the enemy in place for long enough, the script would "kill" the player and spawn an identical bot in their place.


    The player could then hit Q or a similar key to switch control between the controlled unit and the Yuri character. This is so that the Yuri could go and hide, whilst the captured unit could fight in his place. If Yuri is to die, the unit switches sides again and the Allies get a bot to fight for them!


    Another idea we were having was the possibility of having Yuri simply have a side area attack that screws with player's controls and makes them shoot their allies within an area.


    There's a few possibilities to explore. :)


    zunnie started this because he was frustrated with the APB developers at the time. Now that he's friendly with APB again, there's no reason for the game to exist any more.

    Yet he denied its demise *to Chronojam* on the page's comments section a little over a year ago. Has anything changed?



    For instance, I know a lot of the content has been recycled into Ren MP maps.


    I heard rumblings that the game had ceased development. You could pretty much see it when zunnie started making co-op maps for APB again.

  4. *sigh* Yes, Ok Syn, I'll go ask Zunnie or something.


    If you read my original post, I asked one simple question, if anyone knew anything about it. It's a w3d mod, this is w3d hub... I'll go ask on another w3d based forum...


    zunnie started this because he was frustrated with the APB developers at the time. Now that he's friendly with APB again, there's no reason for the game to exist any more.


    At the time it was funny because this appeared on Renforums.


    NSFW by the way.








    ...In any case, I really think that some rebalancing is needed soon enough. GDI has been doing pretty well without these units, and with them gearing up to arrive this could spell doom for Nod if done incorrectly.

    I agree, adding new units should always be a carefully crafted process.


    We've been thinking about this one seriously for a few months now. The actual concept behind what role the unit would perform was thought up well over a year ago.

  6. Well it's shifting the focus because the game is normally meant to begin with infantry and work upward to vehicles.

    Infantry are still relevant in the lategame. For example, if a team loses their War Factory but still has an APC, infantry become pretty deadly. Their ability to attack structures from the inside makes them pretty powerful regardless of what stage the game is in. So if a team loses it's war factory, how do you propose that they make a comeback from that, if infantry aren't supposed to be as good as vehicles?

  7. It requires shifting the focus of the game because kill-whoring is nearly exclusive to C&C mode. No other game really has the same mechanics that can end in the same way. Kill-whoring isn't even really an issue at this point, as it was only a few guys doing it and they're gone now (thanks to moderators). If kill-whoring were really this unbelievably widespread epidemic that ruins the game for everyone then I would be more inclined to alter the game's mechanics. But as it stands it's only a minor issue because barely anyone is a part of it.

    Please elaborate on what you think needs to be changed to stop kill-whoring from happening in this game. We may be coming from completely different places here on how much exactly needs to be changed to eliminate it. What do you mean when you say "shifting the focus of the game"? I just want to be sure that we've got the same idea of what we both mean here.

  8. Well he should be made to be about as good as the Rocket Soldier if we're going by tiers.

    I've been lobbying for this for a while now.


    Where do you draw the line at "excessive?"

    When it is seen to be a legitimate problem.


    Because "eliminating" it involves shifting the focus of the game. Why not simply remove the people who are of a low enough character to kill-whore from the community entirely? It will clean up both the game and the forums, which is a win-win in my book.

    You don't have to shift the focus of the game to counter killwhoring. Extra game mechanics can be put in place to make sure that killwhoring doesn't happen. I'd be incline to agree with VERTi60 and Shnappz's sentiments on removing people because they take advantage of the flaws in the game design to exert an advantage. Obviously action is taken if it's excessive, but measures are being taken to alter the game so that these flaws aren't so exploitable.

  9. Well I was replying to when they said that the Disk Thrower was bad at anti-vehicle in general.

    The Disk Thrower isn't too bad, but he can't be too great either because he's a low tier unit that costs 200 credits. Giving GDI a higher tier anti-vehicle guy will help them compensate for the fact that Nod have both the Kerubim/Confessor and Rocket Soldier as dedicated anti-armour solutions.


    If kill-whoring can be achieved, then your game is badly designed.

    If kill-whoring occurs, it is the players who are at fault for taking advantage of a situation within the game. The game is not at fault for allowing the situation to occur, because in normal gameplay the match should end rather quickly after the point at which kill-whoring can occur is reached.


    If excessive killwhoring occurs then it is the game's fault for enabling it.


    The X-O Powersuit was not a Tiberian Dawn unit, it was a teaser within Tiberian Dawn for the game that would eventually become Tiberian Sun. C&C 3 was not created by Westwood, so you can't relate the two units as though they were planned together.

    They weren't planned together, but that doesn't stop them being part of the same universe and canon. C&C Renegade is also canon, meaning that the Mobius suit is also canon. The Enforcer is a bridge between that and the Zone Trooper from a lore perspective.


    Communities shouldn't have to modify their games to compensate for the few players who take advantage of a situation for either laughs or a higher score. They should moderate their games so that players who do kill-whore are unable to play the game at all. Actions have consequences, and they need to be made aware of that fact.

    So why not eliminate killwhoring and make the game better? It seems like a no brainer alternative to having people sitting around watching out for killwhoring. What you're basically saying is that you want the moderators to make up for the fact that the game has obvious flaws, yet you wouldn't be willing to do anything to eliminate these flaws.

  10. Well in the case of my game both teams have the Rocket Soldier, so anti-vehicle infantry is taken care of.


    I can see where you're coming from, but couldn't you just increase the speed of the disk? It's not like any of the infantry have a tracking projectile, so it's obvious that speed is a key factor in being able to hit a moving target.

    The issue here is that GDI don't have a high tier anti-vehicle infantry apart from Ghostalker.


    Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't that one of the things that administrators/moderators are supposed to prevent?

    If kill-whoring can be achieved, then your game is badly designed.


    We at TSR believe in healthy balance between Low,Mid, and High range units. Where each unit has a unique feel and purpose on the battlefield, and where we can expand past the RTS game that we are based off without becoming unrealistic to TS/FS universe.


    And I completely sympathize with that notion, but I fear you may be putting too much emphasis on allowing infantry to stand on their own. The infantry in the original game were meant to act alongside vehicles, not in the absence of them. It's your game, so you can do whatever you want, but I just feel that it's a better idea to use the units you already have and work on how they cooperate with the other components of their team.

    The Enforcer infantry isn't that unrealistic to TS/FS if you think about it. Between the X-O Powersuit from that one Tiberian Dawn cutscene and the Zone Troopers from C&C3, there's got to have been a missing link, the Enforcer is that missing link. Also bear in mind that Reborn actually takes place towards the end of and post Firestorm.


    You can't design an FPS to be exactly like an RTS. Doing so would be incredibly short-sighted because the two genres of game simply don't play the same way. Emphasis has to be put on the infantry a bit more because if they worked exactly like their RTS counterparts, they would be incredibly frustrating to play as. Also, infantry need to be able to stand on their own a bit, because if the War Factory gets taken out it would just become killwhore central. To reiterate what I said before, moderators shouldn't have to enforce rules that are based on bad game design.

  11. Ease of maintenance:

    Tiger II - Bad

    1 point


    T-34/85 - Easy

    2.5 points


    M4 Sherman - Really easy

    3 points

    I'm pretty sure the T-34 beats the Sherman in this category. There are stories of broken down T34s being repaired by nearby farm vehicles and the tank itself was so reliable that some armies today are still using it. The same can't be said for the Sherman.

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