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Everything posted by BigJoe

  1. Yes, there are other servers but the thing that made Nostalrius stick over others was quality. Other private servers emulate the vanilla WoW experience well, but not with the consistency or commitment that Nostalrius had. Even though I only lightly dabbled in WoW private servers (and played on Nost on more than a few occasions) it definitely is sad to see that Blizzard is shutting it down. While Blizzard is pretty adamant in their claims that launching their own legacy servers wouldn't be very worthwhile, hopefully, Nostalrious (or other quality private servers) will cause them to cave at some point and see that there is a decent market for it.
  2. I voted for the Captain cuz I ain't no commie scum.
  3. This is like the equivalent of someone who has never heard of ketchup...
  4. Sorry but this desperately needs it's own thread for this (don't judge me).
  5. The Dumpening Has Begun!!! Got a big batch of game keys to drop off here. Instead of doing what I usually do, I am going to just post 'em all right here and let you guys have at it. The only thing I request of you guys is that you make sure you post which game key you took and that you are considerate of other people getting the codes. You can take how ever many or few that you want to take, but don't be a huge jerk and take them all just because you can. Please be aware: Some of these keys might not work. I have had these keys for quite some time now and I'm fairly sure that some of these keys have been used by myself at some point, yet they are listed as "unredeemed" in my Humble Bundle account. Please be aware that you may get a key that does not work. If that is the case then post which one it is so I can delete it from the post. Steam keys: Company of Heroes: Complete Edition - GONE Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War: Game of the Year Edition - GONE Bioshock - GONE Bioshock 2 - GONE The Bureau: XCOM Declassified - GONE Serious Sam 3: BFE - GONE Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box - GONE C&C Red Alert 3: Uprising - GONE Dead Space - GONE Mirror's Edge - GONE GOG.com keys: Battle Realms - GONE Origin keys: Battlefield 3 - GONE
  6. Came here to post this. I helped SomeRhino beta test this. On the day he finally released it he basically washed his hands clean of the project and disappeared. It was a fairly well developed mod and I wish development had continued on it.
  7. *cough* *cough* on... oni-chan... my post count is s-so low... m-my strength is leaving me... fading quickly...
  8. yo do people even read these things because idk why it's even here in the first place why post on your profile when you can just poast on teh forums?!?!

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