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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Not sure how this happened. whups
  2. You want me to cry don't you? Granted. What they don't show in the games is that it also swaps your genatailia!
  3. Granted. - - - You lose all artistic ability. I wish my health problems would take a turn for the better.
  4. Granted but you must take 5 injections a day to prevent asthma from developing. Guys, quite honestly I wish I was better at time management.
  5. I would like to be involved in this if we did. I had a small one for a time but my connection speed wouldn't allow people from outside my town to play in a useable capacity. I'm familiar with mineOS though, its a good setup.
  6. Granted but each time you click is worth half the value of the previous click. Actually I already figured a way to click faster PM me for teh infoz I wish research wasn't a necessary part of my job.
  7. Granted but you lose the remote. I wish I made more than minimum wage :
  8. Granted! You piss yourself. I wish i didn't make minimum wage.
  9. Jeep fanboy here : Granted but you may only eat burgers for the rest of your life! I wish I had something better for lunch...
  10. Switching to UDK Pros: UDK is easier to use and newer, better looking engine It might attract a larger playerbase and devbase Cons: It would cause a rift in the community You would have to convince several devs who do know the "ins and outs" of gmax, 3dsmax8, and LE and have stable setups to abandon 10+ years worth of work and deal with #1 At the casual rate these folks develop (because they have lives outside this place), it would take another 10 years to get as far. This is simply my perspective. Now if you wanna give it a shot man, more power to ya and we'll support you all the way! I just don't think we could take it on as another project and it get off the ground....
  11. Granted but its the last game you will ever be allowed to play. I wish.....
  12. Granted but you fall into a deep sleep friday evening and don't wake up til monday I wish i could decompile any .exe *does evil laugh*
  13. Granted but you can't speak french or english. I'm really sorry to break the chain but this was brilliant. I laughed out loud... variables & comments in arabic!!! I wish i could read arabic
  14. Granted. You are the last man alive. I wish for better people skills.
  15. http://cnc2sw.ppmsite.com/?page=about I played this years ago and loved it but it had some broken stuff then. There was a ladder i remember that could not be climbed past half way
  16. granted but supercell removes shield from the game I wish for another monitor at work
  17. Yes, we see already what this place alone caused...i can't imagine the backlash if we went all "oh btw - UDK :D"....ugh lol
  18. This is precisely why we are here. We like C&C. We like the old familiar feel of the bluehelling laggerbating W3D engine. For me it brings back fond memories of my childhood. Sure, we could move to UDK, renegade X is a big thing now and it looks great! Because looking great was their aim..... But our aim is to feel good about what we do and draw the crowd that feels the same for the old games and what can be done with them. Anyone else chime in if i missed something, I think that sums up things on my end.
  19. Granted but you are never allowed to land I wish i had awoken on time this morning :/
  20. Is there a subforum for non-w3d sucky yet overly addicting games to hangout?
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