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Everything posted by Chaos_Knight

  1. Also derp. ChopBam had a note which Nodlied is holding atm. Missed him on my chart.
  2. You might be doing this all just for a giggle for all I know. It's not like we CAN do anything about you anyway.
  3. Also, dear FRAYDO, care to explain why you stole Orange's points last night? I am no expert but my math tells me that: 68 (your trust from yesterday) + 1497 (Orange's trust from yesterday) - 21 (your suspicion from yesterday) = 1544. Your exact current trust.
  4. Now hold on the damn train. From the looks of it, someone wrote in Voe's name in the Note and then gave it to him. Let's try and trace the previous owners of this item. Jeod claimed he gave that note to Cat5. Cat5 claimed he gave it to Voe. Jeod said he had 2 at the start. N1 he gave it to Nodlied. N2 I assume he just sat on his rear since Cat5 was in jail and then on N3 gave Note away. N4 Cat5 passed the Note to Voe. There was only 1 night when the Note in question wasn't passed around - N2. But, unless Jeod lies (wouldn't be the first time) he can't use it directly at night. So there's that. Question is, WHEN could it be used then? Another thing. 1st Note: Jeod >(N1)> Nodlied >(N2)> Me > Confiscated N3 > Missing??? 2nd Note: Jeod >(N3 claimed)> Cat5 >(N4)> Voe > Confiscated N5 - Present. 3rd Note: ??? > (Mojoman) > (N4) > Nodlied - Present.
  5. At this point I just let personal bias choose between who of the 2 note owners. I have more reasons to trust Nodlied over you, Voe, because he didn't behave all weird confusing everyone on D2 for example. I am just glad that it seems that my real name "is not known" according to the day post. Maybe it could keep me safe from the Note unless the person has Shinigami eyes.
  6. So I assume that Nodlied is still unwilling to open the Note?
  7. Yay it deleted my post. Anyway. As I was saying, I work alone but I am not anti-town, I am anti-Kira and my goal is to nail him/her/them? to prove myself the best. That said, we have several options. One is to investigate everyone but without knowledge of how Note works we might become sitting ducks. We could also try to confiscate all Notes but they don't seem to be researched or analyzed once taken away. I think we need to take a look at the Note and see what it does and what are the rules, mechanics and such. Then we could try and plan around that rather than stumbling around in the dark IMO.
  8. Well, Voe. You said I can't haz a Notebook. Neither can you ##vote Voe
  9. Yeah, I was also under the impression that we somehow broke the game, not going to lie. But then again. It's now unheard of for Vert to trick us into a false sense of security/close victory/whatever and then do a sudden twist after which half of us would be dead and half would have their win conditions changed.
  10. Alright, now that I am done with celebrating stuff as well as being sad about a broken fang, I am back. And yay. I am free now also which is nice. I would question why Police would like to keep my half-eaten chocolate bar but it's none of my concerns I guess. So there's a 3rd note floating around. That's a lot of notes for a small group of people if you ask me. Question is, if Cat5 got it yesterday (as in on the night after his release) who had it beforehand? Now of course there's the possibility of Cat5 denouncing Note ownership when he was captured, Note returning to Rem and then Rem returning it to Cat5 on the next night. Another probability is that Cat5's Note was given to Mojo (unless I messed up timelines) but then the 3rd note appeared out of the blue. Who could be the owner? And why was he compelled to give it to Cat5 then?
  11. Yep, if you just sit on it, it gets taken away from you. Was also the case on my end. Also Nodlied, I'd like to make a withdrawal of the trust points I deposited onto you yesterday
  12. Idk, I am still in a cell and have no idea where the Note went actually.
  13. I wonder why ask Voe tho? He sure doesn't seem to care much about my well-being He worries about Cat5. So, what do you have against M may I ask? Since your implications are pretty transparent. Agreed about voting FRAYDO. Would rather not leave unknowns as unknowns. ##vote FRAYDO
  14. Says you At least I share the same general goal of stopping Kira.
  15. So, what's next folks? My claim is proven true, how's stuff in the "orphanage", Jeod?
  16. Eh, why not ##vote FRAYDO indeed. Revealing my identity is something I'd rather avoid. And to annoy Voe also.
  17. I figured as much Also since I am gonna lose all my points anyway. ##propose trust Nodlied 226
  18. 1 note - 1 Shinigami. If we have 2 Notes, we have 2 Shinigamis in some form. Once again, at least by the source material.
  19. None. L, N and many others came in contact with it without killing anyone and nothing happened. IIRC. There was a rule about "No killing anyone for 30 days resulting in death of an owner" but it was a lie made up by Light to make Kira look more innocent. Aka a fake rule. It wasn't really in effect. I do believe, however, that opening the Note will let one know who's the affiliated Shinigami.
  20. Also true. It is said to give me access to the death note doc and to know more about it in general.
  21. I spied on Nodlied on N2, remember? I saw him pass it to me.
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