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Everything posted by Chaos_Knight

  1. Now you know 1 more reason why I think that Jeod is full of carp.
  2. Last night Nodlied gave me a Death Note. Plain and simple Well, I said it on D2 when reporting on Jeod lol.
  3. I was busy with a clan event in Warframe 1 slip meant fail so I couldn't alt-tab. Alright, let's see what we have. People want to investigate me which is more or less fine by me. I also know why Nodlied is specifically interested. Considering that I spied on him last night. Should I say it now or wait until the investigation tho?
  4. Indeed. But how can Jeod be N in the orphanage if I am fully active atm?
  5. Yea, I checked the wikia, the only connection is that Misa killed him in one of the adaptations.
  6. You see. I am Mello. This is why I knew Jeod was lying from the moment he claimed.
  7. Well, your choice. Supporting a Shinigami and a Misa helper At least it would make Jeod's lies a bit too apparent. Since, you see, I am one of the characters from "after the time skip" and thus you can't be "N in the orphanage". Let's put it that way.
  8. First Jeod tried something funny, and he's pretty fishy to put it lightly. As a matter of fact I have little doubt he's a Shinigami. Cat5 attacked me, and what do you know? He's Misa aka Kira Mk2 in the canon materials. Now you are trying to attack me. How should I react? In my eyes you are yet another potential scum or scum helper, and should be treated as such. For the matter of fact, you keep on talking how you are "forced" to do stuff. Isn't that curious, huh?
  9. And I would agree with you. This is why I never suggested voting him again and here even said that we should concentrate on finding Jeod's partner/master/etc: But it just kept on devolving into Jeod's debate over and over.
  10. Grasping at the straws. This is Nodlied exact quote: So he was visited. By someone. Stop playing dumb and "forgetting" that we have more than 1 type of visiting action in mafia/forum games Oh well, what else to expect from a Shinigami than to mislead people? Let's see. - You were investigated with a funny result. - My spy action on you failed completely. - You lie and lie and lie. Yep, TOTALLY not a single reason to push on you to at least make sure people don't trust you as we don't seem to be able to deal with you in any other way. - Claims N. - Seems to be completely safe from all and any actions against him so even if it all misfires, he loses nothing. - "I am not a power role, bruh! Just a "Tree Stump", ya know!". Yea, right. Nodlied and I have a long history of games, including several forum ones which put us through a pretty heavy trust check if you wish (see: THG RPG when we both had to perform the same action to win as a team, and if only one of us did it, the other would've won). We might be getting a bit too comfy yet we are also well-aware that the other one might be an enemy. But after all, if you don't attempt to get close and study, how are you gonna find out if someone is a friend or foe? You? Most likely not. ##propose suspicion Jeod 50 Your master/parthner/whatever on the other hand? We are yet to find out who it might be. Cat5 is a likely candidate but we don't have anything confirmed just yet.
  11. I have my own means, 1 time use tho. ##propose suspicion Voe 50 The thing about confiscating is, if someone is given access to L's stuff he can steal stuff or release a prisoner. That I found out last night (since there was stuff to steal and a prisoner to release). I spent my action to spy on Nodlied (confirmed by him) but yeah, stealing is a possibility.
  12. Trust and suspicioun mutually destroy each other. As for my proposal points, I used an item Also ##vote Voe let's see what your yesterday weirdness was all about.
  13. In more traditional mafia it depends on setup and other factors like player count (not unheard of to have 2 cops in game), janitors and etc. So it's not really a rare tactic AFAIK.
  14. You know, there's a very common and extremely obvious n00b trap scum can do in normal games. Claim cop/doc and wait for the fool to counterclaim so that you could kill them later. This might be a similar case. Bonus points: If Jeod is Shinigami he can do this trick safely, as even if actual N called him out and then died to Kira... what can WE do to a Shinigami? We can't even investigate or spy on him for that matter.
  15. Yeah, I decided to spy on you to check if I should be trusting you. Saw your meeting but obviously not what you 2 were doing there. I guess lack of result is also a result in a way, same with spying on Jeod. C'mon, it's going to be fun. (most likely not) But to be fair, if I was him I'd have opened it all risks considered as we need all the info on game mechanics we can get. It also never really hurt anyone to touch it in the source materials as long as they didn't actively use it. But yeah, it's all up to Mojo if he's curious or cautious. The previous questions remain. Who can take away the Note from the inactive player? The only force which comes to mind is a Shinigami.
  16. Alright, so stuff is developing. It's ok. I knew about this rule, this is why I asked for these 6 points earlier. But Cat5 was bent on not letting anyone meet up for reasons... Well, actually, considering that he was Misa, his reasons might be clear. Not exactly buying into his claim of insufficient reading comprehension Another thing. End of D2 post said "if any other evidence is found" which implied that searching for it was actually going on through N2. Now, if we look back at source material, Misa was in the exact same position there. But she got away because she denounced her ownership of the Note and thus lost her memories of it. Now he says that he only needs 1 other person to survive, and he doesn't oppose helping the police. Again, just like the source material where she joined the Task Force after being released. The thing is, the only person I could see Misa caring about is Light. And when she touched the Note again, her memories returned. So I guess, if we don't let Note into Cat5's hands he should be alright. How did your meeting with ChopBam go btw? Yes, Big Brother was watching. IMO open it and try to gather and relay as much information as you can. The real question is. You said that if you will do nothing, it will be taken away from you. But who would do it? And where will it be taken? Any clues? Then again "who" might be Shinigami.
  17. Thankfully no actual loses according to CVC, just some favor.
  18. I actually watched the whole thing about 5 years ago. Also google.com and the wikia work wonders. As for the rest of the points. 1. Seems like the most balanced solution there. 2. Seems highly unlikely. Not only Kira indeed cares only about his own ego (IIRC), we also have a "Confirmed role" graph in the CVC. This hints at 1 a lot. 3. Would actually prevent catching Kira D1 in a pretty smart way. And Shinigami can't be stopped because he can't be investigated or even tracked. *Cough* *Cough*
  19. Wouldn't be the first time him doing it. Esp. to completely dumb down everyone's attention towards whatever he's saying.
  20. Shinigami eyes AFAIK aren't given by default, they cost half of one's lifespan. And they work well. Way too well, since you only need to see person's upper half of the face to know their name. According to the lore at least. My best bet is that Kira either need an investigation on the target or something equally as "mod-confirming" to kill. Also by your logic, me looking into people's posts, looking for slips and trying to get stuff going is "scummy". Okay then. I guess I should return the favor. ##vote Cat5
  21. By the way, anyone got 6 trust points to spare? I think I am in negative again.
  22. Not only that, they'd be the only ones being able to talk to each other. You know what? Let the people talk! At least ones at 0/0 ##propose trust Killing_You 2 ##propose trust FRAYDO 2 ##propose trust Mojoman 2 ##propose trust Cat5 2 ##propose trust Orange 2
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