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Everything posted by Chaos_Knight

  1. Not sure if Vert is actually a jester, weird townie or a heavily gambling scum. Like no jokes now. I get that some fluff is fun every now and then. Esp. when the lower backside is still warm to say. But to intentionally spew out nonsense and calling it "fuel" for D2 discussions? What is this? Also owowowow, guys. That is 5/6 required for hammer. I don't care what War and Peace Jeod wrote, it's not worth the early (48h+) hammer. UPD: Wow, meganinja'd
  2. Mojo is next on my list. As we say here, "I am not vindictive, I am just evil and have a good memory." Fair enough but you can't really blame me for the last game loss. You had a chance to win on D3 together with everyone. And you had a chance to win on D5 if Mojo would have voted. Stop bringing your logic and common sense into my revenge-driven fanatical and completely uncalled butthurt-fueled crusade! The next thing you are going to say is that my paranoia caused us to lose. Which may or may not be true. Urgh. Fine. ##unvote But I'll be keeping a close eye on you
  3. Mojo is next on my list. As we say here, "I am not vindictive, I am just evil and have a good memory."
  4. You are curious about my vote? Let's just say that I am not exactly happy with how ChopBam won the last game through RNG so extreme, I am having my doubts about it being a setup. I see that my vote in particular had sure triggered Vert though. How curious.
  5. Last time I decided NOT to go with a revenge-driven crusade against Vert, he turned out to be a scum (see Nomination Mafia). #NeverForget ##vote Vert (On a serious note... I am serious. Might as well get some revenge while I can )
  6. Yeah, this is a lot closer to other flavored mafia games I played back in BHP. Looks pretty fun so far.
  7. So here is how things can go from here: 1. Mojoman still has a bit of time before "else" happens. If he concedes, well, GG. 2. Mojoman doesn't show up and Plan B goes in effect. Plan B unfortunately implies that I have responsibility for the whole game. Totally no pressure at all. 3. I fall asleep because of flu and hell if I know what may or may not happen (unlikely). You live!And honestly, it's all I just wanted to hear. Your numbers matched, your role makes sense with MRJ in play. ##shoot ChopBam Good thing I made him waste his AA shot, eh? Don't forget to vote if he lives through. If you are scum, Mojo. Well
  8. Alright Here's the thing. Mojoman, you either confirm that you are Allied and surrender in 4h or less Or else.
  9. Mojo, I need you to spill the beans. What is your role and function? For reals now. Then again, if you are Allied, I'd accept your surrender
  10. Yea, I'd like to see if you are still a def. structure before making my decision.
  11. Well, at least on the event you are scum, ChopBam, you aren't a spy yet. ##vote Mojo
  12. ChopBam, why don't you fire at Mojo to prove that you are still a defense building?
  13. The plot thickens. Who's the last scum? I guess we'll find out today. So, we have 2 options: 1. Mojoman is a scum RD. Would be a bit silly to have scum RD paired with a scum MRJ now, wouldn't it? He's certainly not a hpad, otherwise we would've had a NK last night and allies would've won. If he dismantled on N2 he would've also won already. Not to mention. Airfield + Radar + Planes. Airbase anyone? 2. Chopbam is a scum AA Gun. Makes sense in a lot of ways. Esp. since we had a ton of sov aircraft present. He also was the one to hammer Voe yesterday. So far I am leaning towards him being scum.
  14. Dat bandwagon. I leave for bed, I come back, and what the actual fuck. Like Every. Single. Player. voted for Voe. Also RNGesus somehow spared me this time. Too bad it didn't hit the remaining scum >_>
  15. If he's a building, we won't be finishing anything. It is also highly unlikely to have AA trucks in the game because they only exist in OpenRA. That said, Voe might get upset at this, but he and Sovs are still different factions. I may appreciate your help in removing Molotovs and Allies but, you likely helped yourself just as much as you've helped us. You know, this one line, dropped in a pretty obvious impatience is actually very interesting. The only way the game would end before weekend is out is if it would end N3. For it to happen: - ChopBam is scum and would be flipped to neutral. - Voe is a cult leader, and we'll be at 3C/1A/2S tomorrow. Even if I'll land a hit on either cult or scum, Sovs would lose. So here's the thing. ##vote Voe - If ChopBam is scum, he's still a building as he fired for 2 days in a row. Scum defenses can't NK so we should be ok. - If Mojo is scum, he'll NK someone. Tomorrow would be 1 scum, 1 cultist and 2 sovs. Orphaned cultists are either harmless or outright eliminated normally. Unless they are viceroids >_> This way we are covered reliably from most "unexpected" twists of the current situation. Now there's one more detail which caught my attention. Ask MIG (50% stuck/50% miss) to attack an AA gun? Seriously? What kind of idea is that? Unless it was either an attempt to trick me into doing something stupid or just an excuse to end the day ASAP. Which is further reinforced by this curious slip: Voe the converter aka the friendship cult leader. Lynching a cultist is a waste of time really.
  16. I wasn't disagreeing about the AA gun theory. I was expanding and explaining it
  17. My 2 cents about your battle plan, Jeod. Em you DO realize that he can only shoot me down when I am in the sky? So taking off means literally exposing myself to a the AA gun. I'd rather see FRAYDO parabomb him from a safe distance if anything. Also I am still not 100% sold on you 2 neutrals being harmless BUT if I was to believe Mojo for a bit or just use common sense, there has to be Allied person somewhere. And if there's Allied person somewhere, the probability of 2 hostile TPs in addition to scum is an overkill. Now another thing. Let's take these facts into consideration: - GenCamo never said he was attacked. - BP in Vert's games only saves from day shooting from non-vehicle buster weapon types (see HT being NKed by a spy Jeod last game). Now let's sprinkle it with a couple more facts: - We had no allied NK happen. - Allied defenses can't NK. - HPad can NK. - Mojo never fired at day. - ChopBam did like twice in 2 days. Sure, only SAMs can do that from the official sheet but I am having serious issues finding roles in this game which ARE on that sheet (whole Molotov faction, MRJ, Spy Plane, Forklift(?), RDome(?)). I can only assume that AA gun would follow the same rule as SAM site. PBox does this with FT after all.
  18. 2nd scan report happened right after KY died. Also add Cat5 who was looking for an Airfield. Well, why did we have a pillbox named Jeod in a soviet outpost last time?
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