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Everything posted by Enduar

  1. Well. Not to nitpick, but traditionally the cyborgs were more machine than man. Other than the vital organs left over that weren't replaced with mechanical versions, and parts of the brain, their limbs and everything else are entirely robotic. So an EMP effect would pretty generally shut down everything.
  2. Damn. I hope there's a way to work that in, somehow, since it is one of the big reasons why Cyborgs could be so damn tough.
  3. Oh, right- Will EMP be able to shut down cyborgs? I hadn't thought about that.
  4. How will the big EMP cannon function? If it's a global effect I'd imagine it might be easier to tie it into powering down buildings- And it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to simply say "Vehicles and personnel EMP bursts aren't enough to effect buildings."
  5. Well, to be fair it hasn't been on my mind so far and it's no surprise I'd forget something that is literally fresh off the presses. Am I to assume that EMP might also have an effect on hacking, then, too? Assuming it's able to shut down buildings. A good strategy might end up being a mobile EMP and an APC full of engineers rushing in and and quickly hacking things while buildings/defenses are out of power.
  6. That sounds pretty good. Hadn't thought to consider the new hacking strategies.
  7. Well, I think the PP getting destroyed could sensibly effect the tech level. Like I suggested before, slowing down advancement or reverting it to an earlier state would make it plenty important. If the rebuilding mechanics are still in the foreseeable future, then it could have an effect on that instead.
  8. I haven't heard anything about rebuilding for a long while. Is that even still a feature?
  9. Which is why I've said that if it becomes a problem (such as people beginning to think we all have selective reading/are idiots/only want the game to perform to our own whim) I would be more than happy to just ignore striking up discussion in the blogs and instead make more organized debates in General Discussion. Where people who don't like the topic can simply not participate. There's a lot of psychology in gaming. Most of the suggestions I make are subtle ways to make people not simply need, but want to work together in the gaming environment. In a game so heavily based on teamwork like this, to encourage a play style that doesn't support the game's own core design element is something that causes things most people brush off as "Noobs and bad teamwork". A lot of the time, the reason why there's noobs and bad teamwork is because the gameplay allows it. If you don't have to think about what you're doing, why would you? Culling these options by limiting gameplay is one way to do it, but I prefer to introduce more tactical options if I'm ever going to suggest limiting something, which is what I've suggested here. As for the Power Plant discussion, I think the general consensus here is that people don't like it's only purpose to be base defenses- and it sounds as though the cost increase would clash with the mentioned ability to pay extra to sustain veterancy or however that was going to work.. If I were to suggest something I would say perhaps it would have some serious implications on the advancement of tech levels (Slowing them down, even though Reborn is supposed to have less of them) or perhaps causing problems with the Radar or remote controlled things (Someone mentioned hunter killers, right?). I think slowing production time just wouldn't be noticeable enough since the game pretty much entirely lacks that mechanic from the RTS.
  10. Funny part about that is even some of the most "Realistic" games I've played... Essentially no game has ammunition limits on their vehicles unless it's a game based almost entirely on said vehicles. As for the Limited/Unlimited ammo deal... All of these are eliminated or made negligible by my suggestion to turn the APCs into supply points. My motivation here isn't to base it on any game, but instead to encourage real thought and strategy behind actions and teamwork through fluid sensible game mechanics. Infact one of the primary driving forces for even arguing this point is because it's clear to me that unlimited ammo allows lone-wolf and selfish players to manifest in a team too easily. Limited ammo, while not eliminating anything lone wolf, still allows it but encourages players to operate as a team if they hope to accomplish something. I thought it was the health gained through refills that made this an issue? All I've been suggesting is ammunition. The last part of this I can actually understand, considering it's your own development time and I have no idea how possible it is to even implement. Let me just make this clear, though- The reason I am suggesting anything about this at all (Specifically the APC acting as a supply point) is because I see an opportunity to encourage more thought behind actions, more team work among players, and more reason to keep playing after the war factory has been destroyed especially on larger maps. Now... All that aside, I'm not really all that pleased with the reaction I'm seeing here. I've been logical, calm, and respectful and have only asked a few questions- Hell, I've only ever made 28 posts here. But so far it's been like pulling teeth just talking to you about this. On top of that I'm not even making suggestions to implement a very drastic change- It's focused on encouraging teamwork! Of all things to be suggested, I'm feeling the heat for suggesting something as neutral and mutually beneficial to the health and longevity of the game as this. I understand I am a guest here. I understand you do not know me, and likewise I do not know most of the people here. I also understand that I should make a good impression. But what doesn't seem to make sense is that what appears to me as one of the least inflammatory gameplay choice debates here is being met with a degree of hostility- especially odd to me is that you're so adamant even to the consideration of change in your plan. (Also, I agree with R3 who agrees with ICE about the Power Plants) Anyway, I've said all I can about this and regardless of how you react to this post I doubt you'd want to hear more about it anyway. So. That's all ...Until next blog...
  11. The Reborn maps we tested before things shifted here are all very, very high quality. I'll say it the same as R3 did earlier- It's my impression that most of the Reborn maps do legitimately surpass APB's maps in a few ways- detail in design, cover, and not having empty space in general being the greatest. I don't mean that in an insulting way in the least, it's just my own experience with the matter. We've had some excellent mappers who spent a lot of time and effort on them. Also, back on the discussion with Wally, didn't APB have a thing for a while where supply trucks could be bought even if the War Factory was dead? I could have sworn something like that was introduced at some point, though maybe I just saw it discussed somewhere.
  12. "No" is fine, but I'd still like to know why. I'm not here to make demands, but I know I'd feel better if I knew what I was missing that makes your way the better way, or maybe find out if it's you who's missing the details. Or if it's simply a matter of work involved, you could just say so- that's definitely something I've heard before, haha. I'm not here to fuck with Devs, I swear- Debating mechanics is just my thing. I like understanding these things, since I can't just DO them myself. Also, if me striking up debate in the blogs gets tedious I could easily just take it to general discussion where things could stay more concise. I'm new, here, but on the Reborn forums I have about 1500 posts to my name, a forum much less active than this one here. Most of the posts which were spent doing exactly this- Sparking debate, making suggestions, and trying hurl little idea lightbulbs at a wall to see what sticks.
  13. Which is why I've suggested that in the event of a destroyed war factory it would be possible for players to order in a subterranean APC or an AAPC (via carryall) at higher cost, or possibly as a one-time-per-purchase ability of the Commander units (GDI Commander, or the Elite Cadre). Edit: Now that I think about it, having the Commanders being able to call in APCs like that would make for a nice final-tier bonus for when they unlock it.
  14. "The only good thing they would be good for is camping." Exactly the opposite, actually. They would be unable to camp at all, at least for long, and with the mechanics I suggested they would require support if a defensive (camping) position were to be made anywhere but their own base. And if given a suitable amount of ammo, infantry units would only feel the sting of that limit if they were careless/wasteful, or if they lack proper support to begin with. I suppose I support this because it's the more realistic of the two options- Admittedly infinite ammo and limited ammo both are about equal in terms of what they deliver content-wise and what drawbacks they may impose. But if APCs were able to replenish ammo like I suggested I could see a decent teamwork-based gameplay mechanic that would actually improve the game, whereas with unlimited ammo things would simply stay the way they are.
  15. The Cyborg, as stated by Wally, will be more like a walking tank- and if you remember explosives killed Cyborgs quicker than infantry did. Their anti-tank role as a slow moving, weaker, more vulnerable counter won't be nearly enough to overshadow the rocket infantry, and will probably only be better in the sense that they cannot be run over. I doubt Cyborgs of any kind will be able to drive vehicles, either. The Cyborg, Cyborg Reaper, and Cyborg Commando will likely perform more like a pseudo class between vehicle and infantry- sharing qualities of both but exceeding as neither. As for the Confessor, if the weapon doesn't change too drastically it should perform similarly to the Cyborg Commando minus the cyborg part, I believe, just on a much more toned down level (Especially once we figure out exactly how much the Commando is getting buffed). On another note- A long time ago I won a contest held on the old forums to decide a replacement for Lilith- Is there still any thought in using my Nod Acolyte design as another infantry class?
  16. How would limited ammo be a pain for large maps? On large maps, the only time infantry combat happens anyway is if there's a specific portion of the map dedicated to infantry combat that leads directly to the enemy base (and can get past base defences), if you do some sort of transport rush, or if your vehicle dies and you're stranded. In which case, the only time ammo matters is if you want to remain a continuous thorn in the enemy's side by doing miniscule amounts of damage to their buildings until they kill you. Honestly, it just makes you chose your engagements more carefully, which is something I do not see a problem with in the least. An idea I've been toying with is that all transports (Subterranean, AAPC, and GDI's air transport) have the ability to replenish ammo. I've also been thinking it would be neat to make the Officer and Elite Cadre (assuming they still fulfill similar roles) be a little more expensive, but also come with a one-time use beacon that allows them to call in an AAPC via carryall, or a Subterranean APC. This would be an interesting way to prolong combat in matches where a war factory has been destroyed, and also make the unit fulfill a much more useful support/command position on the team, as well as providing some interesting and fun game dynamics.
  17. You're forgetting that the Toxin Trooper is going to be the closest thing to a sniper Reborn will have, so coupled with a defensive device like mines, he's going to be quite useful actually. There's nothing wrong with having to re-buy a powerful secondary munition. Also, I was wondering if it would be reasonable to ask for a discussion on the Infinite Ammo topic sometime? I know Wally seems to have some strong opinions on it, but I'd also like to get down to the details as to why and propose possible changes/solutions that would provide a functional middle ground to the problems we see with either side of the mechanic.
  18. I'm for having limited ammo. Troop movement in Reborn is arguably much easier, and much more important than it is in APB considering the unique and varied kinds of transport vehicles. At any rate, I'd like the option to at least remain flexible to see what works best as the game becomes more concrete. A question, though: I believe decoy mines were something myself and others were very recently discussing/suggesting back on the old forums. How will they function? I had suggested that aside from being a distraction, they would also explode when engineers attempt to disarm them, killing the player but being relatively useless against the building as an additional way to hamper things. Will this be true, or did you have some other use in mind?
  19. We thought Sniper87 was a girl for a while But now we just subtly tease him about it every now and then. Anyway, Blackwolf needs to go make all my map concepts. All of them.
  20. Other than the roster of maps currently in Reborn (All of which, I must say, are very detailed, beautiful, and fitting of Tiberian Sun) what are some future plans for maps in Reborn, as well as the structure upon which they will be designed and implemented? Will there be any major differences between design concepts of Reborn maps when compared to the other two mods? What are some specific goals you hope to accomplish in the design of future maps? It was mentioned before that you don't enjoy wasting assets, and that there may be much use of extra assets to create mission maps and the like. What are some examples/plans for these, and in what ways do you hope make them unique and fun?
  21. Suffice to say, though many of us might have participated over at Reborn for years, some of us had little to nothing to do with APB and AR. When applying for a testing position here there's a lot more at stake than just Reborn, so I guess they want to be just as sure, eh?
  22. 1. Will capture-able tech buildings of sorts be included, the likes of which may allow one side to wield mutant infantry for their team? (This would play well into hacking and the like, and could function well to make maps more dynamic- almost by including a third, mutant-style dilapidated outpost/base) 2. Will there really be no flamethrower infantry? While I can understand removing him for the sake of TS-Realism, I personally enjoyed the unit greatly for it's ability to blanket an area in flames and turn close quarters combat into a nightmare for GDI. Perhaps in concert with the substantial buff to the hero-commando units, the Cyborg Commando's flamethrower could be returned? 3. True to TS you have said one random encounter will be Ion Storms, but would it be possible to also include mutations on certain maps, or perhaps make it so infantry who die in Tiberium turn into visceroids? 4. How do you plan on having stealth interact with the Mobile Sensor Arrays and Radar? Will an active Radar Array function like a Sensor Array for the base locality, or will players still need to deploy a sensor array in addition to this? Essentially, what are the details of a Sensor Array's detection field and are there any special ways you might reveal cloaked and subterranean units to a player? How will these same things function in relation to a team's actual radar building? 5. Would it be possible to allow hacking to provide a team with a selection of units based upon the building hacked? For example, could Nod hack GDI's war factory and, for the duration of the hack, be able to construct some GDI units? 6. If a veinhole monster were to be created/included, would it be possible to allow it to grow for certain game modes, such as a sort of "Time limit" to a match (having to fight off an enemy before the monster consumes the base). 7. What new weapons might we be seeing to compliment the re-designing of the infantry line up for each team?
  23. One thing that would make reborn pretty "TS" like that I didn't see. Any thoughts on producing a veinhole monster as a map prop? I doubt it'd be necessary to make it able to be harvested, but it would be nice as an additional obstacle or an alternative method of making an infantry/light vehicle only area to a map. That said, looking forward to seeing things to come, and though I may apply for testing sometime in the future, I'd really rather make an effort to be brought in as a consultant/concept artist to help the team roll ideas around. A few of you have seen my stuff on the Reborn forums and I'm sure as I get more active around here the rest of you will see what I have to offer as well.
  24. The grizzly looks awesome, but I should mention that the front of the main Chassis looks a little plain and smooth (Right under the barrel). Granted, I doubt people will be paying attention to it when they're staring down the barrel of a tank, but you might want to add some sort of visible armor plating, or something. Just so there isn't a smooth featureless piece there.
  25. Should totally throw in some puffs of smoke that come out of a chimney somewhere. Looks great!
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