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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Players will need to open the debtnote before it can be used to kill. And I suspect that there won't be any kills until somebody opens the bloody thing. And considering nobody has opened it yet, there haven't been any kills. Also, ##Propose Trust Chaos_Knight 234 Almost forgot about that.
  2. Ok, will contact Frau Merkel and sir Putin to send help.
  3. Agreed. I'm also convinced that somebody opening the debtnote will change the dynamic of the game. And while, according to people, the lore states that a debtnote doesn't corrupt, I'm pretty sure it will, or at least its master (Jeod the Shimiscam) will be able to corrupt said player. So no, we shouldn't even think about opening the note. @Chaos_Knight You want to have some return points, you want met to trust you up again? Also, don't fall for Jeod's proposal to help, no matter how he words his proposals. He claims to need the notebook (or maybe he can talk to people once they open the debtnote, who knows!? I'm not willing to find out) which is in direct conflict with our own objective, which is to arrest the killer and to confiscate the debtnote.
  4. You don't. Also people, I'm still somewhat busy. (Choppy knows) I'll be back somewhere tomorrow eve, should be at least six hours before hammer. So plenty of time to find out who we're going to investigate next. Also, I tracked KY tonight. And in true KY fashion, he didn't go anywhere.
  5. Awww yeah! We did it again! I'm happy with your result. I knew it. You filthy liar. Also, I don't believe that you want your notebook back again. My current theorie is that you gave your notebook to me on N1. As that would explain how you were so certain about me having the thing. Sooo...... Yeah no. I guess it's safe to say that Jeod should be contained as much as possible, so don't let him anywhere near any kind of trust and don't let him get an oppertunity to get his hands on one of these notebooks in case he's speaking the truth now. Our objective is to confiscate all of the little books and find the killer. So don't listen to that pumpkinhead. Also, @OrangeP47 and @Mojoman, I'd suggest you two meet up and exchange information. Tell us what you guys can find out during the night and if you two feel like you can trust one another after that conversation. I'm staying with Choppy at the moment. I have access to the L tools. So I will use those. On who and what else I might do? Well, be sure to tune in tomorrow for another exiting investigation with Police Squad!
  6. No, I'd rather have you uncovered right now. The information we can get out of that is very important.
  7. Yeah. I think that we would gain more from a Chris investigation. There's too much at stake at the moment.
  8. Thing is, you appear to have known more than you could/should have. As I said, those things were unrelated to one another. And I consider you to be good enough of a player to consider the explanations I had outlined or even look at the posts and deduct that they were unrelated. Yet you are/were so sure about your case, which in many respects was true, I did have a debtnote, that you kept the train rolling. So yes, something's rotten in the state of Denmark.
  9. And yet the only two that were related to one another were my night action, detailing that I could do something to other players (if possible), which basically told me that there were non-humans in the game and my suspicion of you being a Shinygamer. And even with the explanations I gave you, you kept the train going.
  10. Perks like that come with the job. But I kept it hidden for as long as I thought it needed to be. And as I said before, I fear that the killer(s) may have a steal action.
  11. Well, we're confiscating his anyway. So he can't have it.
  12. This is a verti game though, it is advised to stay away from any outlandish object.
  13. Also, what are the odds that opening the debtnote will force you to kill somebody?
  14. One of the hints to him that he'd receive the note was hidden in the post explaining why I tend to do well in a Chris-Dan team. It mentioned the LotR mafia and also warned him not to do such a thing again. (In this case, entering the debtnote)
  15. Not really. We secure the debtnote by confiscating it. The OP tells us that it will be confiscated if found on a person during an investigation. However, it will only be permanently confiscated if found on a killer.
  16. I actually changed my avatar for a different joke I had and still have planned. But the occasion lends me to pull another one into the discussion.
  17. So that rules out me being bussed and the thing ending up in Mojoman's hand from me.
  18. You could spill the beans. It will also allow me to explain today's events and uncover some of the things I've been wanting to say. Also, KY, I'm already in contact with Choppy.
  19. I still agree with him with regards to Jeod being a likely Shimacoroni. As for the vote on you, considering that you too seemed to be one for a moment I was interested to see the result to either prove or disprove my idea on Jeod. As for what happened in between, nothing really, just moving along with the day and having contact with Choppy.
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