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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Thanks, that was somewhat helpful, but by the Emperor was that place filled with weeaboo heresy, I had to resort to comissar mode to protect myself from that aweful sight. Also, I'd still like Jeod to give me the info on my question, as that is about the danger of the individual characters. (Although the fact that these shimishimishimis use these booklets as a way of sustaining their own life tells me that they are inherently evil.)
  2. Didn't Chris just give pretty much everyone the ability to talk? As for piling trust on a single player, that wouldn't have been necessary if people didn't pile suspicion on him. Also, tell me more about the Shimispaghetti's and the ownership of the debtnote. Who all owned the debtnote in the china cartoon, how dangerous are these characters, and what objectives did they have (excluding the M3 Light, as that guy isn't in the game)?
  3. I'm well aware of the posibilities and potential risks. That said, it is time for bed.
  4. I'm not convinced he's clean. It's too early to say. But I don't get the bad guy vibes from him, and most of the times, these seem to be correct in RPG games (Also keep in mind his proven ability to pick up on potential holes in people's posts, as proven by the KY posts). As for your final question: I've played many games with him before and I see the potential to get a strong team game going. He's been the strongest masson ally I've had during all RPG games, including the ones where we didn't share the same team. And before you ask, yes, I am cautious when it comes to these things, as both of us know that either of us can use the old relationship to one or the other's advantage. The entire giving one another trust thing is based on this relationship. So is he part of the good guys? Part of scum? Part of whatever faction there may be out there? Only time will tell.
  5. You are still implying that I want people to vote on you. Hell, I've even stated that voting on somebody else would be the correct course of action, yet you seem dead set on playing the ''Nodlied + Chaos_Knight want to keep voting me!'' card while this is simply not the case.
  6. Where the living shit do I say that I want to keep voting you? As for the alliance thing that you ''haven't seen during the past 4 mafia games'', you might realise that non of those games are Verti RPG games and that the only game where massoning up (town only) was possible, was the Staplerfahrer game where I was murdered on N1. We haven't had a game with independent objectives where massoning up between all people is possible in years. You're trying far to hard.
  7. Read the post above yours. If that doesn't explain enough, then I don't know what else you want to know.
  8. I suggested it as a possibility, as it was an actual thing in one of the earlier games never did I follow up on this proposal for the specific reason you just posted.
  9. The fact that Chris and I tend to work well together and generally have good trust in each other bothers you? õ_o And this post makes you sound like Voe when he feels he's invincible and can get away with anything. We call that overconfident. That behaviour doesn't do you any good. Alright, story time with uncle Mike. Back in 2011, during the first Death Space mafia, there was a scum team that consisted out of me and Voe. Voe was the actual bad guy that wanted to create Necromorphs to kill everyone. I was a guy who merely wanted to escape with the Marker. I didn't need to kill anyone nor did my character want to kill anyone. Voe and I had two completely different objectives. Yet both of our characters were scum. Moral of the story is that you do not need to have an inherently evil objective in order to be scum.
  10. Even then, the posession of the debtnote and knowing their faces still apply.
  11. I return the favour because Chaos_Knight and I tend to make for good teams. The hobbit team refers back to the LotR mafia where Voe, Chaos_Knight and I were the three hobbits who had to keep the one ring safe. Chaos almost blew it when he put it on his finger, despite everyone telling him not to. Don't expect him to do such a thing this game though. As for the entire names thing, the killer would also need faces according to the OP. Besides, he'd need to have the debtnote before he could even start murdering people.
  12. Not to mention that you being nothing should also mean that you wouldn't be able to participate in this entire thing until you actually show up.
  13. Even then, I'd suspect that some information would have been given instead of zippo nadda nothing.
  14. Well, I tend to look at my night actions. So I obviously dungoofed. Too bad, could have started with forming an alliance again.
  15. IIRC, I didn't have any during N1. And my night actions didn't specify that I could visit people.
  16. As before, I shall return the favour. ##Propose trust Chaos_Knight 50. Would you be up for reforming the hobbit team? It tends to win games. You're in luck, for I'm not the droid you're looking for.
  17. IIRC, I couldn't do that this night, and I had trust.
  18. Japanese, Chinese, whatever. Also, I don't care if it's a great show or not. I'm not going to watch a Chipanese cartoon. Also, why should I stop being a man? Beyond the fact that I'm fine with being a guy it would literally be impossible to stop being a lad.
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