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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. And thus we got the Verti claims all post. There's a thing with the claim though, I consider it bizarre that a hider role has such a large chance of killing himself. It is possible that you claim the truth though, and I see potential in such a role if true. But I guess we will find out over the following days. You're bad at mafia when you get a bad role? That shouldn't matter... Also, what's up with the no-lynch crowd? Without lynching, we can't get certain results, and without results, we cannot put the puzzle together as efficient as possible. I can understand it from Alstar's point of view, but Choppy should know better by now. I wonder why. Hmmm, maybe because a doctor wouldn't be able to get to a hider, now would he? So would I.
  2. Holy mother of Emperor Trump. The Lord of Essays has arrived! Did you just mod confirmed my alignment? That's so baaaaaaad. Take note of this, everyone. He issues the command for a modkill. The next post says that a modkill of a scum member continues the game. VERTi60 asks a minute later if GeneralCamo just confirmed his alignment. The only way VERTi60 could see this as a confirmation of his alignment is if VERTi60 is scum and GeneralCamo didn't end the day, which could be mistaken as a confirmation. GeneralCamo didn't confirm the alignment as he was just stating what would happen, but VERTi60's reaction did. So now all that's left to do is hammer this motherfu-- I actually read that as if Verti thought himself to be confirmed as town. However, I didn't put much thought into it after that. It is certainly interesting, but what if you read it wrong? The thing is, I haven't got a clue as to whom is the more suspicious one. Verti is the one being cornered and aparantly willing to suicide. And that apparant suicide is what's bugging me the most. If he was town, he'd waste a lot of time to hunt more scum, which is a terrible move. If he was scum, he'd essentially waste himself while there are still chances to turn the tide, he'd also screw over his team. I'm, however, leaning more and more to a potential third party. A single player third party would simply screw himself over, being that's it. However, the absence of a third party could be argued due to GenCamo not mentioning it in his modpost. Yet, I expected more from Verti as an experienced player. Simply giving up shouldn't ever be a thing. At the same time, Jeod's tunnel on Verti may very well allow more quiet players to go about unnoticed. This, compared with the lack of action during the almost hammer makes his behaviour appear more like somebody who doesn't know what he's doing rather than the turbo ''I know what I'm doing and imma gonna win no matter the odds or measures'' mindset he usually has raises suspicion from my side. I mean, how hard is it to understand to not hammer early to make use of all the time. And is it really such a good idea to leave the more quiet people out and tunnelvision on one single player? Always question everybody, always look out for everyone. Can you expand on this a bit? Who is being baited? I think that Alstar implies that a Verti lynch will result in something quiet bad. And I'd have to agree with him that things seem a bit fishy for how everything is coming down.
  3. I already found everything. Took me a while to locate everything. But I got through.
  4. To be fair, a lot of testers were missing yesterday. (Blame me for that one.)
  5. Your accusations don't make much sense. Mojoman voted first as a joke phase and then votes piled up thanks to Jeod, KY and Chopbam. Mojoman was also one of those who unvoted in time when he came back. Him telling you that you will screw us just refer to the joke phase rule where if you're not lynched on D1 you will turn as allied or TP. (which works more than 60% of the time anyway) I'm not sure why you have abandon your vote against Jeod where he fits more to your accusations, or vote me if you called me scummy. Your voting pattern starts to make me wonder. Precisely. Btw, Verti, why did you want to surrender? As I've asked in my bigger post, why would you want to give yourself away if you're town? Because that's a rather untowny thing to do. Also, does anybody know what happened to Cat5? I'm suprised that we haven't seen more of him with what is going on.
  6. It's more about you not acting on your opinion of Verti that grabs my attention. I'm fully aware that voting for Verti could mean a slide towards a hammer, but you didn't do jack other than simply raising that you considered him scummy as fuck. And him not being your #1 target is no reason not to question him. Him being scummy also doesn't clear Jeod. The thing is, going after one of them shouldn't mean we should ignore the other. Because that's what your current answer seems to imply.
  7. Mafia edit: Forgot a the part where I say that I'm confused as to what's going on anymore. We have three people that stand out and all of them seem to act suspiciously with different agendas. So I do not yet know who to vote for, but I'm probably going to stay with Voe for now for tradition's sake. Also, I'd like to see what the people who haven't been able to post (as much) have to say about the situation. Mafia edit edit: Got ninja'd by a tiny Cat5 post.
  8. Are you implying that you can use this argument to lynch Jeod in case Verti flips town, which by the sound of the sentence and the smiley, indicates that you know he is. So, what are we looking at here? Jeod He's taking the lead as he always tends to do, yet he's been very agressive in his manners - which is nothing special - and while he did explain why he's been asking for a roleclaim, I too believe that it's a bit early for this. (D1, seriously?) Besides.... ... I've also pointed out that KY was the only one to unvote Verti when he was that close to being hammered. Yet you haven't said anything about that? As I've said before, taking our time is what will get us places, which you should know. So why didn't you, as an experienced player, say anything about that or even unvote when we were one vote away from hammer? At the moment, he's leading an undergroud train through the tunnel towards Verti Street Station. Verti Yeah... Ehm... What. You seem to have given up on things. While Jeod is acting rather interesting for what we've seen so far, you too act really peculiar. Especially now that you appear to be willing to surrender. What. You don't like your role while being willing to just give up and lynch yourself. If you are indeed town, you are basically handing away a free death and far too much time that can be used to further the discussion. Why would a town aligned player want such a thing? Unless you are not town of course. At the moment, he's willing to simply say fuck you all, I'mma going home and potentially throw D1. At the same time, he's after Jeod. Voe As I've said above, you seem to be fishing for a reason to lynch Jeod by asking Verti how certain he is about Jeod being scum if Verti flips town. However, later posts seem to indicate that Voe is simply trying to get rid of God Emperor Jeod for being a cocky arsehole. Which is somewhat odd after... ... this piece of info. So Voe, what is your game? You call Verti scummy as fuck but immediately go after Jeod for his, admittedly, hyper aggressive behaviour while not going back to the Verti = Scum opinon. In contrary, you try to fish for reasons to lynch Jeod from a potential Verti town flip. At the moment, Voe seems to be going for a Jeod lynch or kill or death by whatever means necessary. Thanks. Got my hands on the tier V TD without spending a single credit. (Also, derping people in the face for 350 damage is fun.) Plus collecting boxes to decorate my christmas tree and my snowitzer is a lot of fun.
  9. Holy mother of Batman, what the living shit happened here. For some reason we've decided to completely forgo the jokephase and start a crusade against Verti. And all this during the short amount of time it has taken me to have dinner and to suffer through a bunch of Swedish tanks that aren't worth jack. Fishing for a role so early are we? There are certain attributes I wish to remain secret (I'm pulling cat5 here). Anyway I think I told you enough, a person with your intelligence should be able to figure it out on your own since we play with classic roles. My flip will tell you the rest if you won't guess it before. Just making a point. I can do my own research, but do be warned that Cat5 ultimately got killed because of what he did. So you're trying to silently enforce a roleclaim by ''warning'' him of what Cat5 did? Sure, you taking up the lead role is a normal thing, but seriously? The game started a few hours ago, we've almost had a bloody hammer two hours into the game, and now we're trying to enforce roleclaims when we've not even had everyone post? We have two days before the eventual hammer and only KY decided to unvote to prevent a hammer. Yet you seemed to keep your vote on Verti while we were this close to hammer. We have almost two days ahead of us, so let's take that time before we end up starting N1 before the game was even supposed to start. You're a good player Jeod, but the manner in which you are handling D1 at the moment is really peculiar. Anyway, I'm going to ignore the lack of jokephase and ##Vote Voe anyway, because fuck the funvampires. In any case, I'm going to suffer through the Swedish tier IV TD in order to make use of the 100% discount on the tier V TD.
  10. Hmm, interesting. I've been wondering how the story would have carried on, and the playthrough of Sov13 makes it all the more interesting.
  11. I have to admit, despite being crushed on N1, I really liked the game and liked the manner in which it was balanced (although the Allies may have been slightly underpowered, but that's the price of being experimental), especially with the idea that town becomes far stronger the longer the game drags on. Too bad I couldn't participate more (and murder the living fuck out of Jeod on D2, yes that was my plan). It still pisses me off how this went down, but ok. Also, Mojoman, what kept you from voting? D: (Also, Voe's role was the most amazing thing I've seen in recent times.)
  12. You guys have no idea how much of an unnecessary and stupid move this was.
  13. Too bad I died. I wanted to use the following song if I had to roleclaim. But now that I'm dead, I'm going to post it anyway. Best of luck with the game!
  14. You've been acting cocky since before the game even started.
  15. At the same time however, why would anybody come to his rescue if we didn't even know who he is alligned to? People generally don't come to the rescue of suspects when they don't know jack about them. As for the him not defending himself; he posted the reason why. (And meta wise, I know, meta, he's always been terrible at defending himself and he's always been amazing at making himself look suspicious.) Agreed.
  16. You complain about Voe not reading the thread, yet if you had read the thread yourself, you would have known that I'm very busy at the moment. Today two, I left early only to return now. Is it really neccessary to open an investigation when you can simply read what is going on? No lynch is pretty much the worst option other than lynching confirmed town. As Voe said, it's more or less giving mafia a free nightkill and with a D1, we wouldn't gain any useful information either. In any case, ##Unvote Voe (The staplerfahrer gets away this time.)
  17. Still have to explain where you left all the forklifts though. My thoughts exactly (although i didn't read the whole thread yet and im unsure where this post came from) Agreed. A bit too much digging into unknown territory on D1, especially if it is as detailed as that. Anyway, I should have more time later today and tomorrow. But other than that, I'll be having a tight schedule until Thursday evening.
  18. Nah, shady deals sounds more like the Molotov brothers. http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Brothers_In_Arms
  19. And thus the first day begins. ##Vote Voe Staplerfahrer Voekov, how many forklifts have you stolen over the past few games?
  20. There is a very good reason as to why I'm going to say no to a stealth transport.
  21. A good old tree in the snow. Why? I don't know. But it is christmassy.
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