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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. You seem to be excessively eager to know what I am. I've already given all overnight activities.
  2. How about no. You're trying too hard. But as you seem to nudge people into believing people are scum, first Cat5 and Choppy and now me, I can't help but mention a pretty interesting error on your part. For you see sir, you've been working your ass off trying to throw scumspicion onto Cat5 and later Choppy. You've even outed them as a scum team with such certainty from your point of view that you are now suddenly focussing on me. And if I were scum, Cat5 cannot be my partner due to the lack of tank delivery, nor can Choppy be it due to clearing suspicious as fuck Cat5. So who would I be scumbuddying up with? Especially after all that Cat5 and Choppy tryhard. Granted, I do not fully believe Cat5's claim. But you sir are trying too hard, and having this many buildings in the game is something I do not wish to believe. So either Cat5 isn't what he tells us he is or you are the railroading scum of the game.
  3. Pluk damnit guys, the good stuff always happens when I'm off doing other stuff (like sleeping, or in this case, going out for dinner). A Flame Tower? Really? Well that's just interesting. Because, you know... ... I had to autodecline the training ticked.
  4. Why do the cool discusions always happen while I'm gone? D: I'm not fully buying such a gimmick, as I cannot connect it to the warfactory fluff in any way or form, but this is a Verti game, everything is possible. Thank you for stealing the credit on Mojoman. Especially considering you buddied up with him on D2. To be fair, the entire digging for information ended up in favour of town. However, I have another theory. Well, this is where a new theory comes in. The visceroid team that was converting everyone left and right would quickly win the game if not for our early work against them. Considering the power of such a team, balanced measures would have to be put into place. One of them would be another third party instead of scum. Alternatively, scum cannot kill. But as you've pointed out, there's somebody who seems to be really annoyed by ''town being OP'', which is really interesting since we have two suspected structures in the game. Guess who that person is. *Insert imaginary vote on Jeod here*
  5. A changing gimmick? Interesting. Please explain. Well, I guess we'll find out, but I cannot think of a building with gimmicks to be honest.
  6. Btw, Verti, will I still get penalised for not voting?
  7. I never received anything to suggest I was investigated on N1. However, I did get something else, more on that later down the line. This is what I'm worried about. If we'd be working soly on lynches, then we'd always have at least one visceroid. However, since most people tend to be able to shoot during day time, there may be a sollution to this all. Well, I do not suspect #1 to be the case. If that was actually the case, people would have come out telling everyone who they blocked/protected/jailed, etc. IIRC, Isaac did that on D2, yet he turned out to be a Visceroid and nobody else did such a thing today. Also, whatever happened to your gimmick? I understand your point, don't worry, it was clear enough. Visceroids can apparently convert people really quickly. If we didn't catch Isaac on D1, we might have ended up with two conversions last night, which would have pretty much been GG. However, I have two theories that may work in favour of town. 1. Visceroids are made up of mutated humans/dogs/flesh/whatever, so fluff wise, they wouldn't be able to convert buildings. This would slow the conversion process to a more balanced level. 2. I received an invitation for Rifle Training on N1. I don't know what it does, but it is most likely a boost to our shooting capabilities, be it with increased accuracy or an additional shot.
  8. Oh boohoohoo, I've been blocked. You tried.
  9. And it's time for take three. ##Vote Mojoman
  10. I've considered the same, but I won't actually consider it to be the reality if Mojoman flips town. Then again, Mojoman has been scummy as hell, and his buddy buddy with Isaac on D2 doesn't help.
  11. Lolwut. Guess my suspicion was somewhat right after all! Score non the less!
  12. How many times do I have to say I voted on Fraydo to break a tie, someone voted on Mojo and brought it back. I only had one vote on me anyways and they had two. I've looked it up. You're right that you broke the tie and only had one vote. My mistake. This does clear a bunch of my rambling. If Isaac turns up town, why would we lynch Mojo the next day? As it stands and silly as it was, Isaac was the only person who gave a direct explanation for why there were no night kills. What are the alternative explanations? Cat5's crazy land? The lack of an explanation from other people on what happened during the night is what's holding me back from voting Isaac. As an extension of that, it's also keeping me from voting Mojoman, since Isaac claims to have protected him. Cat5 is being suspected by several vets as a fool with a possible lynch-to-win condition, so it probably wouldn't be wise to lynch him. Wallywood is being most useless right now, and I would vote for him for funsies if Nodlied wasn't focusing so suspiciously much on D1 lynch votes by a potential KY 2.0. ##vote Nodlied As for the Isaac railroad, I cleared that one up above. As for Mojo, I just don't buy his lack of contributions and unwillingness to actually state what had to be stated, wishing to stay about for some time before saying something. This combined with the effort to include Jeod (and only Jeod) as town in a post for no apparent reason while both of them are buddying up hard only furthers my belief that he (and Jeod) are scum. As Jeod already pointed out, a classic fool role's goal is to get lynched. The classic version of this role would instantly win the game and end it. Versions of this role used on the APB forum just guaranteed victory for the fool and continued the game without him. I've always hated this role. I don't think I ever clarified this point, but my role is not a fool. I won't win on lynch and it won't end the game. However, something will happen that makes getting lynched something I legitimately might want to have happen at some point. I'm a little suspect on this sudden claim of Issac's that he stopped the kill when he said nothing of the sort until after I pointed out that nobody had said anything. I also don't believe he would choose his stated target to defend. I also want to state here as I'm late to return to work, that I do not want to see a Mojoman lynch at this point. If his claim is true, we'll know it soon enough. While I've seen roles that somehow benifit from being lynched (I've had one in the past, but I turned into a cult leader), I'm interested in how this would unpack. By the way, what happened to your gimmick? And there we go. ¬_¬ Again, provide reasons and arguments when voting, give reasons as to why your think I'm scum besides ''trying to confuse us into thinking otherwise''.
  13. I'm hiding something? Would you enlighten me as to what I'd be hiding? Where's your case? Oh, and when will you defend yourself against that last minute hide saving vote? Really, you're not out of my spotlights yet. Just an FYI, don't vote for ties. Either vote on who you think is most likely scum or don't vote at all (not an option anymore, I know). Ties are only benifactory to scum. This can't be universally true, because if it wasn't a tie, FRAYDO would have been decisively lynched anyway, and he turned over as town. If Mojo is scum as you suspect, then my vote for a tie in this case really wasn't baseless. I was refering to rules on mafia in general. There are always exceptions of course, but overal, ties help scum more than town. Also, the thing that, for me, caused the most worry with the Tie was Isaac's vote on Fraydo to tie the game to try and save his hide. As outlined in that second post, his specifics didn't quite match with the situation. Why would he guard a scum suspect night 1, and why would scum go after someone under the microscope when we have heavyweights in play that could cause more of an issue for scum? It's possible he's an erratic townsperson like yourself. Is it possible there are three scum? Or only two? If two, and Mojo and Jeod are teamed up (as Nodlied suspects), then Isaac is off the hook and just basically KY 2.0. Can someone enlighten me on what exactly a Fool is/does? A third party who scatters confusion and wants to get lynched? It is always possible if there are three scum. It all depends on how Verti balanced the game. Meta can work to figure it out every now and then, but it can also horribly backfire. Try to look for all possible scenarios and work from there. As for a fool, his/her win condition is to get lynched. Usually, this ends the game immediately. It's also a bastard role that usually ruins games. MAFIA EDIT: Ninja'd by Jeod.
  14. My obsession with him is his behaviour, his strange way of acting and most certainly his ''meh'' attitude to being lynched, which is almost an invitation. Among that, he claims to have a gimmick but that ''gimmick'' only appears every so often. Besides that, the only reason (other than the entire Mojoman and Isaac thing) why I'm not voting on him is precisely because of that idea that he's inviting us to lynch him while being somewhat helpful. To put it shortly: I'm afraid that he's a fool. Oh, and the following picture should remind you as to why I'm so hesistant to trust people who act like that. I did think Mojo was acting scummier. I didn't have a townread on FRAYDO, but I figured it wasn't important to have a decisive lynch on D1, so I tied it up last minute to let the dice choose. Just an FYI, don't vote for ties. Either vote on who you think is most likely scum or don't vote at all (not an option anymore, I know). Ties are only benifactory to scum. About time you put down that roleplay mantle. 1. You still didn't answer my questions or explained your accusations. 2. You seem awefully sure that you will somehow get nightkilled while you are scumlead #1. Then again, should you be town, scum may just as well murder you to cause confusion. 3. Jeod is scummy as hell for loading all the saves he can get to protect your sorry ass. I'm starting to believe that Mojoman and Jeod are a team. Especially since Jeod is trying to save Mojoman while, as you said, Mojoman posts a small post that only contains an analisis about Jeod for no apparent reason. Besides that, I'm still waiting for an explanation on that ''saving my hide on the last second'' vote on D1. Anyway, that's one post, time to move on with another.
  15. Alright, I've got a bit of time to post, don't expect me to be back until Wednesday evening. Happy to see that stuff went right during the night. ''Fraydo died, who was Cat5's biggest target.'' ''This must have been part of scums plan to put some blame on Cat5.'' How the living crap lad, I don't even understand what you're trying to achieve with this when Fraydo was part of a TIED lynch. Cat5 is suspicious as hell but I don't see how a Fraydo lynch would make Cat5 scum. Flavour posting or not, why ''doesn't anything concern'' you? I did not try to jump on the bandwagon when you were up for a lynch, what? I voted on you to get answers out of you due to your suspicious behaviour combined with your utter lack of contributions and I kept my vote until I got answers. And for your information, I still think that Isaac is really suspicious. Thing is, I consider both you and Isaac to be tied for suspect Nr.1, yet you have barely contributed anything and are acting more suspicious than Isaac. So please explain the reasons behind your behaviour and accusations before my vote on you will stay there as permanent. ##Vote Mojoman Well, I have more, but I'm out of time. Don't shoot anyone while I'm gone ok? (Note, don't hammer while I'm gone either. Still have about 22 hours before I'm done with internship for this week.)
  16. Just a heads-up people. I'm off to internship for the entirety of Tuesday and the majority of Wednesday. This means that I won't be back home until Wednesday evening. However, I may peek in every now and then.
  17. Welp, not the result I wanted. But it does yield a lot of potential information. @Verti, I was always in favour of 48hour day phases. Agreed. I have to spend a lot of time on my internship on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and I have a full day of uni on Mondays. So this would be great.
  18. Are you trying to desperately save your own hide? Explain please.
  19. If you are in fact unlynchable, and with no benefits otherwise of the attempt, then no harm done. The lynch will pass and everyone will have gained information. We would then enter Day 2 with a lot more to go off of. Would you mind explaining what you mean with that?
  20. As I said before, I have good reasons to suspect people who attract attention to themselves with gimmicky like behaviour. I see the reason behind your ''tactical move''. But props to you for getting the discussion going. To be fair, I always have a neutral read on Chaos_Knight on D1. He usually doesn't say shit until day 2. So until then, I've got nothing on him. (Yes, I know, meta gaming.) I can agree with the statement on thinking you are a building while, at the same time, being afraid to lynch you. The one-minute after ''not actually hammer'' one, however, feels a bit meh, as that one becomes void if Fraydo actually read the rules and opening posts. However, he does seem to be a bit too afraid of lynching you. I'll read up on him before deciding on what to do with him. To be fair, it's the entire Isaac vs Mojoman bullshit that has my senses tingling with both of them. However, I'm more suspicious of Mojoman in that regard. Wasn't it Jeod who was known as the scummiest scumfuck in the history of scum back at BHP? But yes, calling for people to shoot you while not shooting you himself does appear scummy, especially when we know that Spy shots always fail. Definately somebody to look out for tomorrow. I think that Killing_You is generally more afraid of results than actions. I'm really concerned about his apparant lack of concern, his lack of actual contribution and his lack of interest of answering questions really tingles my scumdar. He doesn't appear to be interested in contributing anything, which feels scummy when there are lynch targets up and about. His lack of concern of being lynched also makes it seem as if he's unlynchable, which would be ok, if it wasn't for his lack of serious contribution. Yes, I asked for information. You've given me some and have confirmed that something is ''wrong'' with you. However, I'm still extremely sceptical of such plays. I'm happy with the post you've written up, but you're definatly still on my look-out list, for your gimmick may very well be a ruse. ##Unvote Cat5 ##Vote Mojoman Explain your behaviour.
  21. I haven't seen that anime for the exact reason that it's an anime. I don't like the amount of attention you're getting, I've seem something similiar before with all the little quirks. We let that person get away with it and that ended up costing us the game. While I agree that Mojoman has been suspicious, I do not believe he's worth my time as much as you are. Is this a soft claim for fool? Agreed. ##Vote Cat5 For now. Give us satisfactory answers. Mojoman, you're not yet out of my suspicion sphere.
  22. Just to remind you, Voe lost the ''Earthgov'' team the game because he thought that the Marines were his enemies. He never read his role pm which stated that the Marines were his allies. Hmm, that is quite interesting. Willing to elaborate on that? Mafia doublepost EDIT: To clarify, the ''Earthgov'' game I was refering to was Death Space 2.
  23. Lolnope. I always read the rules and intro posts. Scum sometimes froget about some of the rules and realities, which make them easier to spot. Question: Are you forced to vote on somebody in every post? Responding to a serious vote that was mistakenly made because said person forgot about the joke phase by making another joke post when the joke phase is over may not be the best of ideas.
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