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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Agreed. Considering that he claims that he came back due to the conyard not being killed of all things, I think that we can safely assume that he's lying, as there isn't any construction yard around here. Oh, and considering that Verti of all people said the following: I think we can safely assume that there isn't any cult present. But yeah, I believe that they're just trying to sow some chaos among our ranks. Stay together comrades, let us get rid of these imaginary foes.
  2. Why hurry? Because the game was supposed to end at the end of D4 but because of some stupid reason, it has been dragged on. I just want to get it over with and finish the game as it should have yesterday. But if you don't want to hurt anyone, then I suppose that's alright. Derp, your doublepostedit came in after I posted.
  3. Well then, shoot him instead. A fat engi can't take an RPG to the face, so why should a fat ghost engi be able to resist a ghost RPG to the face?
  4. Also, I've noticed that GenCamo is also among the undead. Which shouldn't even be a thing, since he was a tape computer. (Besides, a wack of the golden wrench will just make him function again.) Oh, as for all other ''Soviet ghosts'', just shoot the Allied ghosts. As for the actual soviets with a flamethrower, MURDER THE FUCK OUT OF THE ALLIED CORPSES. Chris, would you mind shooting OWA? Maybe ghost RPG soldiers can murder ghost APCs.
  5. So I can't even vote either?
  6. Just burn his body, that's all.
  7. How could would we even know if we could trust an undead?. How do we know you're not a deamon? Do you even have any good intentions? DO YOU EVEN EXIST?
  8. And so the ghosts are uppon us. But let's not worry! Everybody who's got a flamethrower, find their corpses and burn them to ashes! We can not fail comrades, we can not lose, we shall hold the line and shall be victorious! To war!
  9. To be fair, I should have seen this coming from a kilometer away. (For those too young to remember, Killer Minelayer KeKekeKeKe.) There are no 4 scum. We started the game with ten players. If we had four scum, then we would have had six town. Considering that Chris died on N1, we would have been stuck with 5 town vs 4 scum. Snipe then shot our MCT, meaning we would have been left with 4 town and 4 scum. However, the scum objective states that the Allies must be equal to the Soviets in number before the night. Guess what, the game didn't end. So no, three scum and a potential third party. Of course, we could also be stuck with a bullshit dead vs alive minigame due to town's well oiled scum wrecking machine. (As you, Cat5, have mentioned yourself.)
  10. >Blood red moon >Also known as blood moon >Blood moon is also known as harvest moon >The antagonists of the DS3 game (and DS4 forum game) were moons that harvested civilizations for feeding pusposes. We're so screwed. But in all seriousness, we're still not done? õ_o
  11. So I actually had a huge case ready, which I may just as well post. But nah.... Conformation is on its way. ##Shoot Mojoman ##Vote Mojoman The required reasons have already been given to others. *given by others
  12. Btw, as with other days, I will be awol until I finish work/internship/fun (it's the same, really) tomorrow. So I will likely miss most of the day.
  13. Allies are pissed. They can't lynch me and Voe due to townyness. Voe will likely get bodyguarded again. Time to fortify myself. Good luck killing us two you allied suckers! Next day: the final suspects.
  14. Huehue. I'm assuming that you've realised thine mistakes? Going for a last ditch effort shot and vote won't solve any of that. Oh, and in case the final scum tries to murder me tonight, good luck with that. I dare you.
  15. Gee, who would have thought.
  16. Alright, going to war are we? Very well, but do know what you're up against. Especially since I've anticipated a manoeuvre like this, albeit not from you. Allow me to explain. The thing is, I haven't felt the need to do so. If I feel like such a thing would further the town's cause, I would have done so. I may also very well be withholding information in order to checkmate scum attempts at spreading dissinformation (or to prove a town claim). It is not necessary to provide all your information in one go. Playing games with scum and luring them into a trap is all part of the great game. I'm not manipulating anyone. ... Well, maybe except for scum. And yes, I did expect myself to die this night due to precisely the reason you just gave. Due to Voe being the best target to bodyguard during the night, scum would have had to come up with another target. And who else other than Voe (and perhaps Cat5) is the biggest threat to scum? Yes, me. And yes, I do believe that Voe blocked the nightkill by locking OWA away in a filthy storage locker. Was he under any real expressed suspicion at the end of D2? I don't remember him being under that much expressed suspicion at the time. Maybe some, but certainly not enough for a new player to realise the dangers of undertaking a nightkill himself. Especially when the most experienced team member just got lynched. Why would I have made a possible claim to self-protect? Or if I had been targeted for that matter? As I said before, I will make such information known when necessary. And as for your reasoning why I'm scum, haven't you noticed how I've only drawn info from people when I consider it necessary? When I have a chance to verify or counter claims? Haven't you noticed how I've voted on all suspects and have been involved in getting the SuspectOfTheDay suspects lynched? Sure, GenCamo was town, but he was really suspicious. Also notice how I dropped him after Fraydo came up with the ''buildings cannot be lynched'' bit? And, lo and behold, I've been working on the iLTS lynch from pretty much the beginning of D2. And guess what? I'm once again working on putting the next suspect to sleep for good. A good attempt. But perhaps you should check the facts a bit more before you tie loose ends together. Do note that this sudden vote has been completely uncalled for. Perhaps I shall look into your own history. As I've pretty much discarded most of your more scummy looking posts for new player syndrome. No problem.
  17. Protection works as follows: A player is protected by a bodyguard. Said player will survive a kill attempt. Said bodyguard may or may not kill the killer, depending on the game. A player is protected by a doctor. Said player will survive a kill attempt. A player is bulletproof. Said player will survive a first kill attempt, both night or day. One time use. A player has been given body armour. A one-trick pony that provides one time protection against a kill attempt. The killer is being blocked during the night. These are the most common cases where players can protect/be protected. Keep in mind that there are more flavours, but these are the most common ones. Also, some Mafia games have a role which allows the mafia to bypass protection. (Although, this is usually a one-time go.) And no, I didn't claim that I could protect. Just putting a theory out there.
  18. Would you like to elaborate on that? I'm not really following you here.
  19. Alright, time for a case. This time, the honour goes to OWA! Give him an applause! Certainly a good concern as to Voe's sudden shift in targets, nothing scummy to see here. Last second vote on iLTS, which wouldn't have been such a problem if he was suddenly convinced about the entire issue, even while being away for the remainder of the day. However, such a vote was no longer necessary. iLTS was about to get lynched and nothing would have stopped that short of iLTS being killed on the spot by a gun. Other than that, he's somewhat still throwing suspicion on Voe, who has pretty much been the main anti-snipe force during D2. Was such a post really necessary? I think not. It more seems like an indecive last-ditch post to both try and save his own hide to avoid suspicion and to try and throw some unneeded suspicion on Voe (and Camo). Things are getting scummier. A bit of a strange post. While it is certainly good that nobody died. It's a bit strange to post such a thing and such a thing only. As if one is trying to post ''aww yeah!'' for the sake of fitting in. (Besides, and this is besides the point, not everything went swimmingly for OWA due to Voe locking him up.) But yet, things get scummier still. I came in a bit late with the vote to lynch, granted. But I don't see how that immediately implicates me as scum. You're assuming with no solid evidence to back up what you are claiming which does seem kind of fishy to me. Your only saving grace is that you claim to be able to check roles, meaning that you have the potential to be the Starshina. But this could be a bluff to deflect suspicion from yourself. I supported the lynch because Cat5 and Nodlied put forward some good arguments against iLTS and I'm pretty sure that they are both town at this stage. Fraydo comes up with my earlier explanation of the ''scum saving hide'' suspicion. Once again, the good man was late to the lynch party, but it was a completely unecessary vote that really felt like a last ditch effort. He then attacks Fraydo on his claim while at the same time claiming that his claimed role is his only saving grace. Ehm.. what? He then continues with calling a bluff on that. (Ignoring the final Cat5 and I are town part. Nothing scummy about that.) I myself did call Fraydo out on his claim and, to me, it seems to be a legitimate one. Granted, we did not know that at the time of the OWA post. I'm still getting to grips with how this works. I was indeed locked up last night. Although I didn't make any actions myself because I got busy and then forgot to send Vertigo a PM. :\ There wasn't any nightkill this night. This could be an indication of somebody being bodyguarded or a riflesoldier fortifying himself. (Both of which would nullify a nightkill attempt.) However, OWA convienently mentions being busy and forgetting to send Vertigo a PM for a night action. Hmmm, no nightkill this night, but also locked up inside Voe's filthy locker which blocks night actions. Now isn't that just coïncidential? Too many ties end up in the same place and the suspicious behaviour doesn't make it any better. Time to load HEAT. ##Vote One Winged Angel Please note that I have another case stashed away. And I'm pretty sure that that's a scummy scum scum as well. *coïncidential should be corrected into coincidental
  20. Excelent. This is all I needed. I'll post a case after I'm done with dinner.
  21. In case people wonder, I have some cases ready against potential scum which I may or may not bring up depending on Fraydo's answers. (And some additional posting in general.) I have a pretty good idea who the remaining scum are, let's just put it at that.
  22. Why are you so eager to know if players get a notification if they were targeted but not killed (due to protection)? Granted, it could help us find out why nobody was murdered during this night, but at the same time, your question can also be seen a scum wishing to know why they didn't manage to achieve his nightkill. No ill thoughts towards you, just decided to put it out there. I too wonder why we have such a sudden claim after only a tiny bit of pressure. So Fraydo, please tell me, when did you scan me?
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