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Category 5 Hurricane

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Everything posted by Category 5 Hurricane

  1. That wouldn't explain a Coolrock target. That would require some logical gymnastics, given that Coolrock can't be a Silo. Would suggest that the TP goal isn't related to the Silos, or that what happened to Coolrock isn't from a TP.
  2. I was about to suggest Coolrock was the Mirage Tank, but that doesn't work. He's already fired, so disguise would be gone.
  3. Not that any of that matters much, since as you said, he's already claimed Conscript. He can't fail that test.
  4. There are a couple tanks that could be ruled out as well. But that's it. You can try to play math games beyond that, but you anything other than stuck rules out Radar and Silo, and stuck rules out Rhino or Mirage.
  5. The conscript can get any result, so no matter what he can't fail that test. Infact I think it's only possible for two roles to be eliminated.
  6. HOWEVER, one question I have is "Does the flavor of the roleblock really get revealed to the target?", and if such a strategy could work IF the NK was supposed to happen some other way. So, maybe the plan was to fake it but they failed to bail out of that strat. But that problem would resolve itself the next time Shade blocks someone...so...not much risk in leaving that thought to the side.
  7. It is different, because the claim as it stands would lead directly to a FRAYDO lynch. Not really a good plan as a Shade/FRAYDO scum team. Orange pretending he was targeted by an ability that didn't exist was supposed to make Orange look like he wasn't mafia.
  8. Right, I think it would be totally possible that it's just a coincidence that the NK didn't happen while FRAYDO was roleblocked, but the way FRAYDO explained it doesn't match what I think he should have said in this situation. I'm mostly withholding the vote at this point on the off chance that something else comes up that might be another explanation.
  10. Yeah, unfortunately I don't have much to add. And if Orange has any questions, about half of us have played, so it's kinda a natural group chat.
  11. Eh, I got TheIrishman in to playing the game, and by the time he got about 2/3rds of the way through he stopped playing because it was too easy. Another friend of mine is sitting two chapters from the end, and he's played plenty of Fire Emblem before and been basically unchallenged sine the fourth chapter. Normal is the most fair difficulty, but an efficient, smart player will outgrow the enemy very quickly.
  12. Though I guess it means we could have potentially four reasons for the NK not happening, now. 1) They just sat there 2) FRAYDO was the intended killer and was blocked 3) Coolrock was actually stopped by whatever hit him. 4) Whatever happened to Coolrock was the NK attempt. Perhaps something like making Coolrock do the kill.
  13. I guess I didn't take that literally, thought he was saying that someone was trying to ruffle his feathers by targeting him. Still, depending on when in the RA2 timeline this takes place, Yuri could still be a Soviet role.
  14. So when moving a character to attack, I recommend picking the spot you want them to stand on first, then then choosing to attack from that spot, rather than highlighting the enemy straight away.
  15. All attacks have a range. Most weapons must attack directly. Bows must attack from a space away. Magic usually can be direct attack or one space away. The "Rng" stat on whatever weapon they use tells you what range it can attack at. 1 meaning direct, 2 one space away. 1-2 can do both. There are also some weapons, magic or combat arts that can do more than 2.
  16. For ranged attacks, move the character 1 space away from the enemy you want to attack. Your attack options will be limited to the ones that can hit from that spot.
  17. Yeah. Normal is a good place to start if you've never played a game of this type before, but if you're already melting the enemies, the game is going to be a bit of a snooze fest later. You've got a couple hundred hours ahead of you.
  18. This is a really weird claim to make. Why would you think scum would guess that Shade would roleblock you specifically? Why would they be scared of being caught doing a NK, that's kinda how the game works? Why do you make the jump that the person you targeted has to be hostile? If they didn't NK, then your target could be anything. Why are you making the jump that whatever happened to Coolrock is a TP thing? It's the only thing that anybody has talked about, so why aren't you thinking it's a mafia ability?
  19. Orange, before you get to far, I'd suggest playing the game on hard. If you play with any skill at all, playing on normal is way too easy, and only gets easier the longer you go.
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