Worst case scenarios with 2 scum (as long as only one person dies per phase, and ignoring other alignments which probably exist)
D1 T9 M2
N2 T8 M2
D2 T7 M2
N2 T6 M2
D3 T5 M2
N3 T4 M2
D4 T3 M2 - LYLO
N4 T2 M2
D1 T9 M2 - NoLynch
N2 T9 M2
D2 T8 M2
N2 T7 M2
D3 T6 M2
N3 T5 M2
D4 T4 M2 - MYLO
N4 T3 M2
D5 T2 M2
WIth 2 scum, doing a nolynch now will not change much. As long as there is a kill every phase, the effective game deciding phase is Day 4. Given that there are probably both Third Party and Neutral roles in this game, in my opinion, 2 scum is likely. At the same time, CYOR games tend to be very chaotic and will not likely go smoothly like in this example. But at the most basic level, nolynch doesn't give us a potential extra phase like it has in the past during 10 player games.