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Posts posted by Killing_You

  1. Well, that's interesting.

    Anyway, back to my decision, I guess. The way I figure, there's three possible scenarios; Orange is being truthful, Orange is scum trying to set up why he won't get targeted for the NK, or Orange is town trying to scare scum away.

    In scenario #1, I only have a 33% chance of hitting the lamppost, which is less useful with it being out in the open.

    In scenario #2, taking him down a peg will be useful.

    In scenario #3... well, I don't see any direct advatages, but I don't see any disadvantages either. Plus, Orange doesn't appear to be too worried about getting shot, so... In for a penney, in for a pounding. Besides, I'd prefer the cooldown to take all of D2 over D3.


    ##atomic breath OrangeP47

  2. Orange, this isn't a good look for you. You're pushing too hard, your reasoning is faulty, and you seem to be hoping Shade can back you up. I'm starting to reconsider holding  back on my shot, especially since you only seem to have one character that you want alive, and I'd prefer to have it ready by D3 instead of D4.

  3. That's fair. In my defense, however, D1 is usually quiet, so I wanted to use that bit of action to try and learn as much as possible. What I've learned is this; You're trying to keep Shade under control as much as possible, but also trying to help town. Shade is letting his character loss get to him, perhaps a little too much. Orange feels just a tad bit off, but he supposedly has a way to clear himself if a certain one of his characters dies.

  4. Just now, Jeod said:

    I'll be blunt, ladies and germs--daykills and nightkills eliminate characters, but lynches eliminate players. Scum are going to want to get as many lynches as they can. Hence my above post.

    ##vote nolynch

    I was about to ask when you posted that... Given that lynches are party wipes, is it possible that we have a higher than average scrum count?

    I do agree with your reasoning, though. 

    ##vote NoLynch

  5. 4 minutes ago, Jeod said:

    1. His pregame banter and gloating of "infinite daykills".

    2. Because I didn't think they would actually do anything. I wanted to reserve my dayblock for when it would truly be needed, and I figured Shade's reaction to my tossing peanuts at him would tell me if I still needed to keep him down.

    Valid answers...

    20 hours ago, Jeod said:


    ##peanuts Shade939


    20 hours ago, Shade939 said:

    Explain why you're attempting to kill one of my characters?


    20 hours ago, Jeod said:

    Do you have a peanut allergy?


    20 hours ago, Shade939 said:



    19 hours ago, Jeod said:

    Sucks to be you.

    ...and this bit of banter sort of matches up with that. 

    Yeah, after taking a second look, it does appear that Jeod being unaware of Shade's peanut allergy was genuine. I don't think there's much more we can learn from this angle.

  6. Gonna build on my earlier comment here. Even if I disregard Shade's assumption that Jeod caught onto his "hint," Jeod's actions haven't exactly sat right with me. So, @Jeod, I'd like you to answer a couple of questions.

    1. Why did you open the day by attempting to roleblock Shade? ("Because it's Shade" is a invalid response, please be specific.)

    2.  Why did you decide to use the peanuts action once actions were unlocked?

  7. I'm going to give Shade the benefit of the doubt here, and assume that his comment would be interpretable as a softclaimed peanut allergy, and Jeod could've picked up on this.

    If this is the case, I find it very interesting that Jeod switched from attempting to roleblock Shade to an action that, based on these circumstances, would be reasonably more damaging. I don't necessarily think Jeod would do such a thing as town, but he doesn't stick out as scummy right now, either. I'll keep my eye on the sotuation, but I'm starting to think that Shade might have a point here, and Jeod might not be that trustworthy this time around.

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