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Posts posted by Killing_You

  1. 2 minutes ago, Jeod said:

    Welp. Shade broke the game for the day. This silence sucks.


    By the way, you mentioned ISO'ing Chop's posts from D1. Were you still going to do that? I was very interested in seeing what you came up with, as I was slightly scumreading him that day.

  2. 8 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    I mean, how do you feel about the active players? Because we have 3 inactives basically, and if we think all the actives are town, if we just pick an inactive we have a 66% chance of getting a mafia, which are pretty good odds.

    Let's go down the list, shall we?

    OrangeP47- I really, really don't agree with how you've handled your role, but I thoroughly doubt you're a Mafia Dayvig. You're naughty town, but town nonetheless, in my eyes.

    Jeod- Solid town read. His questioning definitely felt like he was coming from a town angle, and I agree with his decision to go for nolynch given the circumstances.

    Shade939- Being shade. Focusing on mechanics and balance from an alternate universe perspective, assuming what people are thinking, etc...

    Mojoman- Inactive, need to see more.

    NodFan- Inactive, need to see more.

    ChopBam- I don't like his responses so far. His reasoning for voting you was just "I don't like your vibes," without the substance of Jeod. He's also pushing hard on you under the assumption that you're a Mafia Dayvig, which I've already explained why I don't agree with. It feels like he's pushing too much on an "easy lynch" as opposed to putting some thought into whether or not the risk to town is worth it.

  3. 39 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    I mean, I've said my piece, it's not changing. It's not convincing you. It's not convincing Shade. Jeod can *maybe* be convinced not to no lynch, but then we're 2 v 2. KY is probably at D&D today so not here. Everyone else is asleep at the wheel. Game is dead.

    No, I'm here, don't worry. I was just playing Zero Hour.

    So, where do we go from Orange daykilling a townie? Worst case scenario, we mislynch a townie, leaving us down 2 town at the end of D1. Assuming 2 scum (following the usual logic of 25% of players = scum), that puts us at 4v2, and then if the NK isn't stopped, we're at 3v2 at the start of D2. AKA: Instant MYLO, Just Add Water.

    Now, is there a possibility that Orange is a Mafia "signaling" his partner? Maybe, but it's very slim. I don't think Mafia would lash out like that, because there's too much risk involved. Risk of hitting your partner. Risk of gaining unwanted attention of town.

    Based on all of that, I don't think Orange is a scum dayvig, and I don't feel comfortable risking a mislynch at this juncture.

    ##vote nolynch

  4. 1 minute ago, Shade939 said:

    Do you really have no problems with Orange using a day kill at the earliest opportunity he thought he might be able to without being lynched? 

    I thought I made my distaste at the whole affair clear.

    1 minute ago, Shade939 said:

    And if you don't find Orange as the most suspicious player at the moment who would you suggest instead? You kinda just unvoted and stated you'd rather go after a different Scum suspect on day one, because Orange is a "Townie who did a naughty"...

    I don't know who else to suggest. Thing is, though, Orange claimed vig, and he backed it up. Again, I don't like it, but unless you're going to try and argue that he's a Mafia Dayvig in an 8-player non-CYOR setup (which is an argument that skirts dangerously close to WIFOM territory, and I really don't have the energy to argue against that right now), the only thing that makes sense is that he's a town day vig that opened fire, and hit a townie. It sucks, but we have to move on, because I'd really like to try and avoid a retribution lynch, which will put us at two dead town on D1 and barely anything to go on.

  5. 1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

    So I take it when I actually shoot someone you'll unvote me then?

    Maybe. It's also possible that a better argument for lynching someone else will show itself.

    Either way, I don't think making that claim was a good idea. You're either a target for town (if you're lying) or a target for scum (if you're being truthful).

  6. I've been keeping an eye on this thread between housework and other things. For the most part, it's just seemed like banter to me (I'm not good at D1 reading).

    But a D1 vig claim? I don't buy it, personally.

    ##vote OrangeP47

    I will be keeping an eye on this thread and I'll be here for hammer, though, so I'm open to arguments.

  7. 1 hour ago, Einstein said:

    I gotta be honest, I have no idea what you're referring to. A description of this "glitch" would be most helpful.

    Even then, this version of TSR is not in active development, as indicated by my "life support" reference. The devs are focused on TSR 2.0 primarily, as well as BfD and AR.

    This update is nothing more than the product of me discovering that updating the engine yielded a huge improvement, and then jonwil said "oh hey, while you're at it, send this sludge fix too since we never released that". So I slapped all together and we sent it out :)

    Describe this "glitch" and if I am able then I will take a look, but odds are that whatever it is will just be fixed/included when TSR 2.0 is released. I need to re-focus on releasing APB Beta ;)

    I think he's referring to the RADAR dish on the helipad being duplicated and only one model animating, which is already fixed in 2.0.

  8. On 11/24/2019 at 12:59 AM, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    I can't believe that got put together in 48 hours. That just looks like so much work! Quite impressive.

    Believe it or not, even though this had the most practical effects, this was probably the easiest of our 48 hour films to make. Trust me, trying to choreograph, film, and edit even a 30 second fight scene is incredibly difficult to do in a short time span. Either way, thanks for the compliment!

  9. Ah, shoot, sorry man! The 48 was this weekend, and I've been really busy with that and other things. I'll have to get back to you tomorrow after work.

    To be honest, though, I don't think it'll be a December game. The stuff we're tossing around would put it on the level of a Nodlied game (I actually made a comparison to July Crisis in the original PM I sent), so it'll take some time to get it right. If anyone else wants to run something else, go right ahead. If not, I've been tossing around the idea of a TSR Mafia that would be in the same vein as Verti's APB mafias (but no buildings at the moment).

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