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Posts posted by Killing_You

  1. I don't like this. Information surrounding Louis is dubious at best. She was on the suspect list yesterday, and today isn't helping her case.

    I'll be AFK on and off over the weekend, but suspect Alpha for me is Louis. Also please examine Mojo's posts in my absence, and see if he said anything that would draw the kill to him.

  2. 3 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    I will not confirm or deny to preserve the WIFOM shield, but I've told KY the reason and he can confirm if I have a good reason or not, at the very least. I'm basically waiting for Louis to speak first though, and then I'll elaborate more, so I'm not gonna keep it undercover forever.

    It's a good reason, and frankly I see no need to hide it.

  3. 17 hours ago, Bayonetta said:

    People i've noticed have been shitting on it, and asking questions like "Why isn't it 3D if it's a remaster?" etc 

    People forget it's a remaster, not a remake.A remaster is like the PS3 version of Shadow of Colossus same style of graphics, but updated to a higher resolution, usually new UI too sometimes maybe a few bug fixes and tweaks.. a Remake Version would be like the PS4 version, built brand new engine, and all new assets. Dark Souls Remastered this into the category of also being a remaster not a remake. A remake would be if the made it from scratch but using the engine of Dark Souls III.

    I Dunno what people were expecting, this game so far is exactly how i pictured it would look.




    I agree. It looks on par with Age of Empires 2 HD Edition and especially Definitive Edition, both of which fall in the "Remaster" category.

  4. Votes piling up on NoLynch, so I don't feel the need to keep up my vote anymore. However, I don't like how iLTS has been dancing around the question of reads, so he's high on my list. And if I cross-reference the list of possible suspects based on claimed actions with the list of people whose actions can be linked to their items and are therefore not clear, Louis shows up on both. I can't quite prove that those two are on a team, but there's no real evidence in the opposite direction, either. I'm putting my vote on Louis, but I'm open to switching to iLikeToSnipe.

    ##vote Louis

  5. 6 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

    I suppose you're right, and if I want a leg to stand on, I need to be forthcoming. It was an item. I have a "party profiler" that only works one time for each person (have to pass it next night... well.... I could just hold onto it and render it useless...)

    With an item thief you can see why I'd be hesitant to share that though, but maybe pass works first, and I feel as if FRAYDO being known is more important.  Sorry for not speaking up last night but I was busy and under the weather again.


    6 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

    I mean, for added info, FRAYDO is Willy Wonka.


    5 hours ago, FRAYDO said:



    There we go, plus proof.

  6. 1 minute ago, ChopBam said:

    Hey I'm cool with lynching Orange today. He's been wishy washy, here and there. Didn't respond directly to iLTS's bluff initially.

    ##vote OrangeP47

    Chop, can you answer the following question:

    1 hour ago, Killing_You said:

    Why would scum rolecop the person that they're trying to kill? That makes no sense.


  7. 1 minute ago, Jeod said:

    Do you have any thoughts on the matter? As I said to Nodlied in the masonry, I scumread him but I don't feel enough info to really push to lynch him over a nolynch. My beef with him the past few posts is poking-with-a-stick.

    Both of you are possible candidates as I outlined in my item action post, but I like how direct you're being. Conversely, iLikeToSnipe is being wishy-washy, as if he's trying to drum up suspicion, but doesn't want to commit to a case until he has backup. I don't like it.

  8. With that in mind, let's go down the list.

    Cat5 claims to have hidden behind Louis, which would be a really weird thing to stick on an item. I don't think this works.

    ChopBam claims to have visited me. No further information given, so it's possible.

    FRAYDO is the victim in question, but even he was tied up in actions to try sudoku.

    iLikeToSnipe basically cast a spell on FRAYDO. I could see this tied to an item, but it's unlikely.

    Jeod entered a masonry with Nodlied. I've seen masonry items before, although the battle of wits clause makes it slightly less likely.

    I gave Nodlied a ride on a crazy forklift. :v I don't have any items, but for the sake of argument, it's possible.

    Louis passed an item to Cat5, which was confirmed. Interestingly, no regular action, apparently.

    Nodlied gimmicked Mojo in an attempt to (I assume) roleblock him. (Well, not him, but rather, his target.) The flavor and conditions make me think "no."

    Orange masoned with me and used an item on FRAYDO to uncover his identity. He's not responsible.

    Sunflower saved FRAYDO's life. This could be tied to an action, but I don't believe for a second that anyone in their right mind would kill and doctor the same target.

    So if we eliminate the impossibles, that removes FRAYDO, Orange, and Sunflower. Out of who's left, I don't think Cat5 and Nodlied would have their claimed actions tied to items. That leaves ChopBam, iLikeToSnipe, Jeod, myself, and Louis. 

    As a side note, given some thought, I don't think Orange is scum. Why would scum rolecop the person that they're trying to kill? That makes no sense.

  9. 1 minute ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

    I think we need to decide if we want to play it safe or if we want more info. A no lynch won't really give us more info, it really gives more control of information to mafia.

    Looking at the actions, we have three "islands of confirmation":

    • Orange/KY
    • FRAYDO/Sunflower
    • Cat5/Louis

    Each of these pairs vouch for each other during N1 but they're the only ones who can vouch for each other. For example, Nodlied claims a masonry with Jeod and FRAYDO tracked Jeod to Nodlied with a bonus action; but only Orange and KY can verify Orange's claim of a masonry. There isn't a "third party" to their claims.

    We can at least confirm a little bit of the other actions Orange and KY have claimed. I can vouch for FRAYDO giving me a golden ticket and nobody has counter-claimed Sunflower for doctor.

    If we're going to lynch anybody it should be from one of these pairs. I'm leaning towards Orange or Cat5 personally. But I'm still not sure if that's a better option than a no lynch, just that it's the second best option at least.

    Out of those pairs, I want to know the most from the Cat5/Louis area. I don't like the lack of real information (aside from an item).

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