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Posts posted by Killing_You

  1. 3 minutes ago, FRAYDO said:

    While I did like my plan on Louis, I’m starting to think the votes need to be on iLTS. My N3 NK case is too strong to let him slide on that. The CVC is still good as it stands, I believe.

    Fair enough, although I'm probably leaving my vote on Louis. Like I said, out of the two scum teams I can see logically working, both of them include her. For what it's worth, though, your plan appears to have worked.

  2. 10 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

    I was going to propose a no lynch, cause I really would like more time to actually read through and make cases. I have been pretty busy and would prefer the extra time. Still, Louis is one of my top scum reads, so I'd be okay with a lynch on her.

    ##vote Louis


    6 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

    ##vote no lynch

    I have to step out and will be on mobile. @ChopBam Any ideas as to what happened with the warp star?

    Friendly reminder that iLikeToSnipe quietly backed out of voting Louis for basically no reason.

  3. Nice list. I'm gonna go ahead and give my thoughts on each of those scum team possibilities.

    6 hours ago, iLikeToSnipe said:
    • iLikeToSnipe/Louis
      • Possible. Neither of them have been completely cleared, and there's not a whole lot linking them together. Coincidence or good scum play? It's 50/50 on this one.
    • iLikeToSnipe/MojoMan
      • I don't think so. Mojo tried using an action on D2 that had the potential to kill iLikeToSnipe. He might have been lying, but it's doubtful. And I don't think scum would risk killing scum, even to gain town points. Any time I've seen scum use what looked like a daykill on a fellow scum, there's always been something in place that guaranteed a 100% failure.
    • iLikeToSnipe/FRAYDO
      • Doubt it. We know FRAYDO's masonry exists thanks to Chop and iLikeToSnipe, the two people he scumread the hardest in my masonry with him. With how hard FRAYDO has been pushing on iLTS the past few days, I don't think this is the case.
    • ChopBam/Louis
      • While they're supposedly "cleared", we don't have any way to verify this outside of themselves. ChopBam was acting pretty scummy at the beginning of D4 and then got into "serious town" mode as the day went on. I am still suspicious of him due to his interaction with Orange and just how much he's claimed that we can't verify. I don't think we should be quick to write them off as a scum team.
      • They've both seemed to be in-step with each other a few times. This is actually one of the only instances I can find of a potential scum team seeming to work together. They both pushed MojoMan on D4.
      • My only issue with this is that it would mean that the scum roleblocker has either been busy blocking fellow scum (which doesn't explain N3) or lying. We know Chop has the night block thanks to the Mask, so why would he never use it against town? Scum never using such a powerful ability doesn't make sense. The more I think about it, the less likely that this is the case.
    • KillingYou/FRAYDO
      • The only person who can verify anything that KY has done is FRAYDO. If FRAYDO is town, then I think we can safely confirm KY as town. I am getting town reads from FRAYDO, but I have been trying to revisit this assumption. KY's role does sound like a town role, but it feels wishy-washy to me, "boosting hidden potential" doesn't sit right with me. That and the fact that town supposedly has two masonry abilities. I don't think this is the likeliest possibility, but it's still something I need to followup on.
      • The other thing that's made me suspicious of this is the fact that scum didn't perform a night kill. The two explanations for that are that scum knew what was going to happen or that scum figured that making a kill would expose them. The only two people who knew what was going to happen were myself and FRAYDO. KY also could have guessed at what was going to happen, but if FRAYDO is town then KY must be town.
      • I can't comment on this, except that FRAYDO has been my strongest town read this whole game. Make of that what you will.
    • MojoMan/Louis
      • Just like the other pairings, we only have their own word to go off of what they've done the past few nights. The back and forth between Mojo and Louis doesn't seem that serious and neither have actually put the other in any real danger.
      • On D1 Mojo did place a vote on KY once it seemed like a few votes could land on Orange. In hindsight, that's definitely scummy.
      • Also, we have no confirmation for most of Mojo's ability claims. I wouldn't be surprised if he was vanilla after surviving that lynch, but that doesn't mean he isn't vanilla mafia.
      • This makes a lot of sense, actually. They haven't stuck out to me as being connected, but there's not a whole lot that prevents them from being a team, either.

    So out of the provided list, it's either iLTS/Louis or Mojo/Louis. Common factor is Louis. I want to prevent a MYLO so I want to hit the common factor first.

    17 minutes ago, FRAYDO said:

    Reviewing my own case against yours, I concede I have nothing on scum team possibilities. 

    However, I do have an idea. In order for you and ChopBam to clear yourselves of the suspicions today, I would think there’s no objections from the three of us putting Louis on the lynch table. If she is scum, this means I’m placing the burden of lynching your own teammate on one of you.

    Also, this is a pretty decent plan. Mind if I hop aboard?

    ##vote Louis

  4. I can feel the dead doc laughing at us because there's something super obvious we missed. Urgh...

    Right now, my gut is telling me iLikeToSnipe is likely scum. Why? I don't know. He's on third and I don't care. All I have right now is a gut feeling, and I don't think I'm comfortable with a gut feeling. If anyone else has some ideas, now's the time.

  5. 6 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

    I had completely missed that honestly. I had no idea he had it until he used it.


    I feel like I could easily explain this as you feigning ignorance to cover up you two putting some distance between each other. After all, you were arguing hard yesterday, but Chop was both the #1 scum suspect and off of the lynch table. It's a weak case, but it's all I have at the moment.

    3 minutes ago, Jeod said:

    You guys aren't talking much anymore. :[

    We're stumped :v

  6. 5 minutes ago, Mojoman said:

    Seems like kind of a dead end though. So far everyone who's voted on someone else has had good enough reason, we all have our little essays we've put out this game.

    Same could be said for just about everything, really. Nothing has stuck out to me so far...

    On 9/22/2019 at 5:21 PM, iLikeToSnipe said:

    Does anybody have a day block?


    On 9/22/2019 at 5:39 PM, ChopBam said:


    I'm not putting up with bullshit for today. Louis went nowhere last night. Tried to pass the mask to Fraydo, but it didn't work.


    On 9/22/2019 at 5:41 PM, iLikeToSnipe said:

    ##inhale ChopBam


    On 9/22/2019 at 5:47 PM, iLikeToSnipe said:

    I forced ChopBam to pass it to himself. My plan was to steal the 1-UP from him so we could lynch him today (assuming it acts as an extra life). Looks like he had more than that up his sleeve.

    ...except this. @iLikeToSnipe why didn't you open the day with the inhale option, before Chop had a chance to use the warp star? We already knew what it does.


    On 9/20/2019 at 3:10 PM, ChopBam said:

    You guys all talk too much it's very hard to catch up. Work starts in just a few minutes here so I'll list my items as Majora's mask and warp star @Nodlied I can escape daytime shenanigans with the warp star. What should I vote?


  7. 1 minute ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

    Also, what pairings aren't you sure of? I might have missed something, but the only pairing that seems actually impossible is FRAYDO with ChopBam. Like, do you just mean you can't find a scum team that you aren't highly confident in?

    More or less. I'm moving forward with the mindset that there has to have been some bussing in a deliberate attempt to put some distance between the scum team.

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