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Posts posted by Killing_You

  1. 2 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

    That's fine. As it looks now, Voe is going to bite the dust anyway.




    Reference to this:

    On 2/27/2016 at 10:45 AM, Voe said:

    Oh God. Urge to shoot Isaac intensifies



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    #charge electroharpoon



    That was a joke, yet I may still not manage to get back before the lynch. Thus, ##unvote ##vote iLTS



    Have fun, minions.

    Sometimes I like to look at old Mafia games for the fun of it. Especially ones when Voe gets into shenanigans.

  2. Lightbulb: While working on some stuff internally, the idea was tossed around for target boxes to be disabled on a team basis. That conversation was completely unrelated to APB, but part of me wonders; what if that could be applied to the hypothetical camo pillbox? That would certainly make it a touch more difficult to track down and destroy. Sure, you'd know where it is, but it'd change the encounter from "I just have to stay back and scan with my reticle" to "There's a camo pillbox around here, I need to be careful." There's also the fact that people will tend to let things slip their mind, and the fact that this same argument doesn't really apply to the Gap Gen... I think it could work.

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