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Posts posted by Killing_You

  1. 2 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

    I'm not gonna reveal my sources, but I do have info on FRAYDO. Also KY hasn't been entirely truthful because I gave him evidence that FRAYDO has been lying and he didn't share that with the class.

    FRAYDO has an item thief ability which he didn't claim, as well as the possibility to perhaps change people's alignments.

    I was hiding that for a few reasons.

    1. I trust FRAYDO, and I don't think he should be on the lynch table today.

    2. I wanted to reveal that info as it became relevant to test the validity of this claim. Not his role, per se, but the information you obtained.

    2 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

    I suppose you're right, and if I want a leg to stand on, I need to be forthcoming. It was an item. I have a "party profiler" that only works one time for each person (have to pass it next night... well.... I could just hold onto it and render it useless...)

    With an item thief you can see why I'd be hesitant to share that though, but maybe pass works first, and I feel as if FRAYDO being known is more important.  Sorry for not speaking up last night but I was busy and under the weather again.

    Interesting that you neglected to tell me this information in the doc, and instead let me continue on with the theory that you had a rolecop partner. I even asked you if the rolecop had anything to do with his attempted murder, and you responded with a vague answer along the lines of "Yes, but actually no."

    12 minutes ago, FRAYDO said:

    You see, there's fishy and then there's annoyance at Killing You and Orange collaborating to out all of my information.

    In all fairness, I wanted to get the idea of Sunflower and you pulling a scum gambit out of people's heads, since it's clearly the wrong track.

    Interesting that Cat5 mentioned the possibility, even after I brought that nugget of info up.

    10 minutes ago, Nodlied said:


    I got it after you posted the popular picture that I've been posting of him for a while now. :v 

    Le ding ding ding! I knew you'd figure it out :v 

    Just now, Jeod said:

    Still waiting for that chart. I feel bad having to ask @Killing_You what he did and what he's all about again.

    I hit Nodlied out of tradition. :v I can randomize someone's target at night. I've also got an extra life (excluding daykills).

    1 minute ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

    Looks like Cat5, Louis, and ChopBam don't have a confirmed alibi for N1.


    Right now, Cat5's looking the most scummy to me.

  2. You know, it's funny. Being neutral means people are a little more forthcoming with info in private settings than usual. My role flavor would call me to be a bit more revealing than I've been, but I still feel that this info is necessary to put town on the right track.

    1 hour ago, Jeod said:

    Excellent. This means FRAYDO and Sunflower aren’t yet in the clear. The way they went about doing it was a bit suspect so I figured there might be an alternative.

    Well, here's the problem; A little birdie told me that FRAYDO is neutral, and even managed to mention something about his role that was basically confirmed when it was revealed that the item FRAYDO passed was a ticket. Orange wasn't responsive as to how he got this information, but my working theory is that he has a partner, and that partner is either Cat5 or Louis.

    39 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    The impossible thing that happened is that I received an item. Because of my action, I thought it impossible for me to receive any item, but given that it came from my target, that makes sense now.

    And what was your action? Also, what was this item?

    7 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

    Is this all about accurate?

      D1 Vote N1 Claim
    Category 5  
    Visited Louis, received item from Louis
    ChopBam OrangeP47 Visited KY
    Passed a ticket to iLTS; Redirected <from no action> to follow Jeod, tracked to Nodlied
    iLikeToSnipe Voe
    Received ticket from FRAYDO; Gave FRAYDO bonus action to track Jeod
    Jeod Spare Voe
    Masonry w/ Nodlied
    Killing_You Spare Voe
    BUS DRIVER Nodlied
    Louis Spare Voe
    Passed an item to Cat5; no other action
    Mojoman Jeod Visited Nodlied
    Nodlied Voe
    Redirected->Mojoman, gimmick
    OrangeP47 Voe Masonry w/ KY
    Sunflower Voe
    Visited FRAYDO, saving him
    Result Voe, doppelganger
    No deaths, FRAYDO saved

    Looks right to me, except for the fact that I don't drive a bus. :v 

    (Yeah, I'm being pedantic for the sake of humor. My night action is very similar to a bus driver.)

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