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Posts posted by Killing_You

  1. 1 minute ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

    I just had this idea and I'm going to try thinking it through some more, but what do you think about this? Nobody self investigates N1, but everybody self investigates N2? I think that would maximize information, but I'm not sure yet.

    Maybe...? I don't see the need now, but when we get there, I might be open to my mind being changed.

  2. 7 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

    That just doesn't seem like it's worth it. There's only two ways this goes, we get insanely lucky and Voe is mafia (which is less likely now, I think). Or he flips town and then what? I'm just having a very hard time thinking of anything positive we get out of this that we don't already get from making charts and analyzing posts.

    I was going to type out the way it plays out and how it would result in us getting more information, but while doing so, I realized that it honestly wouldn't change that much. So, I do concede to your point.

    ##vote NoLynch

    Just now, ChopBam said:

    I didn't consider the possibility of nolynching two days in a row. This would be the only path forward if we were to nolynch today. Let me think about this more.


    Actually, I didn't either.

  3. Just now, iLikeToSnipe said:

    Well, that's interesting. Here's what I've been thinking about the pros/cons of a nolynch.


    • One more cop report D2
    • No MYLO D2
    • Mafia can't use the flip to avoid making a slip


    • One less confirmed cop D2
    • Confirm D1 cop report of player lynched (assuming they gave their actual report...)


    Unless there's something I'm missing, a nolynch seems like the best D1 option for town 9 times out of 10 in this setup. Just thinking as a mafia player (which I'm at least a little good at), I would 100% want to lynch a player D1. Time is the most important thing in this setup, give town enough of it and they will win. Ergo, time is the enemy of the mafia player. They need a lynch D1 to maximize their chance at winning.

    So, I do find it very interesting that a vote on Voe gets proposed and a bandwagon immediately forms on him.

    Generally, I agree, but I think what makes Voe's circumstance unique is that 3/5ths of the players have their N0 cop reports tied to him (Voe, you, and Orange). This feels like the 1 time out of 10.

  4. Hold on, I forgot something.

    ##vote Killing_You

    That's better. Now, on to business.

    2 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

    There is additional information that each of us who was "reported on" has but we can't prove and can't put in the chart. We know our own alignments, so we can, in our own minds, narrow down further the people that got reports on us.

    For example, since I'm town, I can personally determine that KY (if he's a cop) is not insane. This means he's either sane, naive, or mafia.

    By the same token, I can tell that you're not sane. You're either insane, paranoid, or mafia.

    This is pretty much why we went for NoLynch last time. Not to kill discussion, but to give us the maximum number of cop reports possible on D2, which was the critical day. It also made Mafia have a harder time lying about their reports and faking who they were. We lost last time mostly because our naive cop lied about their report.

    That being said, the fact that there's 3 cop reports tied to Voe is interesting to say the least. I'm going to put my money where my mouth is, but I might be swayed into a Voe lynch.

    ##vote NoLynch

  5. Just now, Shade939 said:

    I already know what the optimal strategy for Town is, which takes a bit of the fun out of the setup since you know exactly what you need to do before anythings even happened, it's too predictable so there's not really room for discussion.

    I could outline what the meta is, but that would take some of the fun out of the game for everyone who is playing.

    I'd be interested in hearing what this strategy is when the game is over, because there's very likely a way around it.

  6. I mean, everything worked out just fine the first time we played. It was a really fun puzzle to put together, and Mafia managed to win by presenting a strong argument. I don't see what's wrong with it.

    Although I am happy to see how close we are to getting this one started. it was a great setup, and I can't wait to see how it pans out this time around.

  7. It's alright. It made for a fun mystery while it lasted. And the setup seems like a good one for a larger/more active player group.

    Since we have so few active players, I kind of want to run/play in the 5-person setup Jeod had a while ago (that got eaten by forum updates literally the day after it ended). Gonna eat dinner now, though, so apologies for late responses.

  8. I can't say that I'm comfortable enough with the idea of a Mafia Dayvig, but it's the only option that makes sense (other than me lying and playing the long con, but I'm not going to push that for obvious reasons). Frankly, though, I think our fate might be sealed unless something miraculous happens.

    Honestly, though, Mojo being AFK shouldn't really be a deciding factor. There has to be something we're missing.

  9. Just now, Jeod said:

    Yeah sorry I got distracted and then forgot about it. I’ll get that done before hammer. Little man had his first daycare visit today. Luckily it’s family, but it’s still a big deal.

    Hey, big step! I hope everything is going well for you and your family!

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