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Posts posted by Killing_You

  1. 32 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    Is anyone else here allergic to peanuts?

    As far as I'm aware, none of my characters are allergic (although that would be hilarious, and make no sense).

    2 minutes ago, Shade939 said:

    I'm still debating how mad at Jeod I should be, because he would actually choose to purposefully kill my character with a joke action, thinking he could try to play it off that he didn't know what it would do.

    I guess it depends on his intent.

    @Jeod out of curiosity, what would the airbending action have done?

  2. Just now, OrangeP47 said:

    If you only kill ONE character, I won't hold it against you. That said, given I'd be at basically 2 HP instead of 3 HP, it might not be the smartest idea ever, but basically, it's not the worst thing in the world either.

    Well... I can help you out there. I'll see what others have to say first.

  3. 2 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    Well I mean, after it's progressed to a certain point, it's like trying to treat a broken arm with drugs. If your lungs are destroyed, there's no magic pill that can be taken to repair physical damage. Obviously you want the virus to go away, but that's not really the problem at that point.

    Pretty much. Best you can do is try to alleviate the symptoms.

    From what I've been told, acetaminophen will help, but aspirin might make the problems worse. Not sure about naproxen sodium, though.

  4. I'll give my two cents here, but I'll leave the bulk of answering to the project heads. First off, I want to thank you for approaching this with the level of respect and friendliness that you did. I'm more than happy to have a discussion about this with you.

    Simply put, while it can feel like the game has been stagnant as far as developing goes, this isn't quite true. AR has gone through quite a number of changes just in the time that W3D Hub has existed, much less the length of time that I've been with the team, or even the full life of the project. These aren't small changes either; the unit roster has been tweaked several times, and there's been quite a few mechanics implemented, toyed with, and proposed throughout the years.

    There's also the unspoken fact that APB Delta was quite a game changer. No longer does it feel right to release a game that is more-or-less a reskinned version of Renegade. It has to know what it is, show a lot of polish, and truly feel like a legitimate game in it's own right. We really want these games to knock your socks off when they come out- and trust me, they will.

  5. Thinking quickly, I hop into a Chinook with some friends, and the race is on! Just barely lowering the crane in time, we grab OWA's truck, lift it off of the ground, and set it down gently. Our teams work to de-slip the truck and get OWA some medical help. We then fly off into the sunset, the ducks happy that they are safe.

    Just then, a nearby mountain explodes, and something crawls out- the monstrous pterosaur, Rodan! The hungry kaiju apparently has decided that he wants me and my helicopter as a snack, and we can't out run him! Help!

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