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Posts posted by Killing_You

  1. Day start, and no death. Excellent! Now I can get to FRAYDO's questions, since I no longer have a post count to worry about.

    1 hour ago, FRAYDO said:

    I do hope it's your first time visiting me. The last person I found inside my factory scared me to death! (the N1 NK)

    Hoping this person would not try again, but hey!


    First off, it's a very nice factory. I'm glad you trusted me with the ticket.


    Let's say I don't make it through the night. I'll lay out some questions now should you wish to answer since you seem to have bypassed one important one to instead point fingers at others. This important one being question 1.

    1) Why did you bus our claimed Tracker, ChopBam? Would you not be only hindering Town efforts in doing so?

    I don't remember Chop claiming tracker. The quote you referenced seems closer to "If I was a tracker" than "I am a tracker." Let's also not forget that Mojo also claimed Tracker, technically giving us three. So I don't have any idea what Chop is, and that worried me at the time.


    2) I can understand Nodlied being N1 for the sake of randomly choosing, but at what point was it determined ChopBam may be scum and should be bussed? Did you not like when he claimed to have tracked you N1?

    See above. Him also saying that he's "85% sure I'm neutral" doesn't quite sound like he tracked me.

    @ChopBam can we get a little bit of clarification? Just a yes or no on you being a tracker would do.


    3) You have been very helpful and contributing well, but what have your actions really even done to help Town?

    Honestly, not much. I guess it helped put the pieces from N1 together, but eh.


    4) What do you think of that bandwagon that took out iLTS D2? As I recall, Jeod started the wagon on the reasoning of iLTS' actions not sounding like a town role. I voted iLTS believing he was responsible for my N1 death. Following those posts, you immediately changed up your vote from Louis to iLTS making it three votes. Orange added yet another vote on iLTS. ChopBam stated he was "tempted to vote iLTS" but chose to leave it be at NoLynch. Nodlied seemed to have missed the vote. Following up on Cat5's argument, who do you suppose is most suspicious from the voting (or perhaps lack thereof)?

    For reference:

    Cat5 Orange
    Chopbam No Lynch
    FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe
    iLikeToSnipe No Lynch
    Jeod iLikeToSnipe
    Killing You iLikeToSnipe
    OrangeP47 iLikeToSnipe
    Sunflower No Lynch


    I'd have to reread the arguments, but at the time it seemed slightly accidental. Jeod pretty much had control of the conversation that day, and was making good points. I was swayed by his arguments. Can't speak for everyone else, though.

    As for those who didn't vote iLTS, Chop's the only one that stuck out to me at the time. It felt like he was trying to be on the train just enough to appear town-y, but not enough to be implicated when iLTS flipped.

  2. 7 hours ago, Killing_You said:

    So yeah, Nodlied targeted iLikeToSnipe, and caught a ride on my forklift. Let's also not forget that Mojo was gimmicked rather than blocked, which supports Nodlied's claim that if two or more people visit him, the gimmick triggers rather than the roleblock. If you remove me from the equation, only Jeod visited him.

    ...and I just realized that I somehow forgot that Mojo tracked Nodlied, which counts as a visit, so I guess that eliminates that point from my argument. This is why you need coffee before doing any Mafia, kids!

  3. 2 hours ago, FRAYDO said:

    So I am examining this now at the beginning of the day to see what I can determine from it.





    Supposedly, Nodlied took out a roleblock on you, ChopBam. The pumpkin that Nodlied was in was stated to have given him a bonus action, allowing him to place you in a painting and additionally placed another random target into a painting which happened to be Jeod.

    If I am viewing Killing_You as scum, I see this as a good opportunity to claim a visit on ChopBam to clear himself of being available to do the NK. Before moving on, we should review his claimed ability and effect.

    He has claimed a driver, and he also has claimed that his target's destination is random.

    N1 we have the claim that he bussed Nodlied, which incidentally led to Mojoman learning a new language. Interesting enough, I don't believe we ever did hear a claim of who Nodlied's original target was. @Nodlied may I trouble you to fill in that missing piece of information?

    N2 we have the claim that KY bussed ChopBam, which directed him to Nodlied's roleblock. It's odd for ChopBam's action to simply fail, but considering who he attempted to track and being placed inside a painting by his target, you could say that is confirmation in itself.

    The question I have then is why? I suppose this is more directed to Nodlied. Was it Nodlied's decision to roleblock ChopBam, our claimed tracker? Were that so, it's not a very good move when ChopBam was the least suspicious player at the time as opposed to when our previous thinking was either Louis or Cat5 for the N1 murder.

    I think it's very important to note here: We don't know if any bussing actions actually took place. Both nights can only be taken at KY's word. N1 it is possible he lied about his bus and aimed to kill me, and N2 he again took the opportunity to claim a bus action when he instead followed up with Mojo's N2 NK.

    You really need to work on your swamp german :P

    On 10/30/2019 at 10:17 AM, Nodlied said:

    Oh wow. Sorry man, jij was niet mijn doelwit. Dat zou de man zijn die graag een scherpschutter is. Erg bizar dat ik uiteindelijk bij jou uit kwam. Lijkt er op dat er een bus chauffeur bezig is. Het feit dat jij nu die schrijf restrictie hebt geeft ook aan dat ik door twee of meer mensen bezocht ben.

    Translation: Oh wow. Sorry man, you were not my target. That would be the man who likes being a sniper. Very bizarre that I ended up with you. Looks like a bus driver is busy. The fact that you now have that write restriction also indicates that I have been visited by two or more people.

    So yeah, Nodlied targeted iLikeToSnipe, and caught a ride on my forklift. Let's also not forget that Mojo was gimmicked rather than blocked, which supports Nodlied's claim that if two or more people visit him, the gimmick triggers rather than the roleblock. If you remove me from the equation, only Jeod visited him.

    2 hours ago, FRAYDO said:
      D1 Vote N1 Claim
    Category 5   Something "weird that should have been impossible." Not verified
    ChopBam OrangeP47 Visited KY Not verified
    Passed a ticket to iLTS; Redirected <from no action> to follow Jeod, tracked to Nodlied Verified by iLikeToSnipe
    iLikeToSnipe Voe
    Received ticket from FRAYDO Receipt verified, but no claimed action
    Jeod Spare Voe
    Masonry w/ Nodlied Verified by Nodlied
    Killing_You Spare Voe
    BUS DRIVER Nodlied Verified by Nodlied
    Louis Spare Voe <nothing> Not verified
    Mojoman Jeod Visited Nodlied Verified by his accurate claim before Nodlied confirmed it
    Nodlied Voe
    Redirected->Mojoman, gimmick Verified
    OrangeP47 Voe Masonry w/ KY Verified
    Sunflower Voe
    <did not visit Nodlied> No claimed action, unverifiable
    Result Voe, doppelganger
    No deaths, FRAYDO saved

    Right, so back to Killing_You.

    Page 24. Seems KY has been gunning for these two quite early.

    Why, if I were KY and seeing how the day's vote was tied up between the two of them, I would say this:

    'course, you would be a cheeky bastard had you did. :v

    As a matter of fact, I do. She was hostile third party who lashed out with a daykill, eliminating Town. Getting rid of her was good. We started the day with (est.) 4 town, 2 scum, 2 neutral, 1 TP. We're now down to 3 town, 2 scum, and 2 neutral. We need to be careful moving forward.

    But, ehh that chart of yours is a touch outdated (which is funny, since I was considering a case on ChopBam when I made that particular chart). Let me fetch you an updated chart.


      D1 N1 D2 N2
    Category 5 <No Vote>

    Hid behind Louis
    Received item from Louis
    Unverified, FRAYDO kill suspect


    Hid behind Louis
    Unverified, Mojo kill suspect

    ChopBam OrangeP47 Visited KY
    Unverified, FRAYDO kill suspect
    No Lynch Attempted to visit Nodlied
    Verified, clear in Mojo case

    Passed ticket to iLTS
    Forced to follow Jeod to Nodlied
    Verified, sudoku attempt implausible

    iLikeToSnipe Passed ticket to KY
    Verified, clear in Mojo case
    Jeod Spare Voe Masonry w/ Nodlied
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    iLikeToSnipe Roleblocked
    Verified, clear in Mojo case
    Killing_You Spare Voe BUS DRIVER / Nodlied
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    iLikeToSnipe BUS DRIVER / ChopBam
    Unverified, Mojo kill suspect
    Louis Spare Voe Passed item to Cat5
    No action claim
    Unverified, FRAYDO kill suspect
    <No Vote> Item thief/Jeod
    Unverified, Mojo kill suspect
    Nodlied Voe Redirected to Mojoman,
    Forcing Dutch gimmick
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    <No Vote> Was put into a pumpkin
    Roleblocked ChopBam and Jeod
    Verified, clear in Mojo case
    OrangeP47 Voe Masonry w/ KY
    Used rolecop item on FRAYDO
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    iLikeToSnipe RNG Tracker/Louis
    Pass Profiler/Unknown
    Unverified, Mojo kill suspect
    Sunflower Voe Doctored FRAYDO
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    No Lynch

    Doctored Orange
    Unverified, Mojo kill suspect

    iLikeToSnipe Voe Received ticket from FRAYDO
    Gave FRAYDO bonus action
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    No Lynch / Dead -
    Mojoman Jeod Visited Nodlied
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    <No Vote> Dead
    [RESULT] Effectively No Lynch NK failed, FRAYDO was saved iLTS died town Mojoman died town

    (I don't know how to add columns to copy/paste charts and I don't feel like doing it right now since I just woke up)

    As you can see, in the Mojo case, we have Cat5 and ChopBam left, and in the Mojo case we have Cat5, myself, and OrangeP47. Cat5 is still a common factor, and I don't think that's coincidence.

    Either way, I'll be more than happy to answer your questions during my visit to the factory, Mr Wonka. I've read the book rules quite thoroughly, and I promise not to be a bother.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Jeod said:

    I can go either way, that’s why I’ve been asking for other input. I do feel a case for Cat5 is stronger than a case for Louis. There’s so far been nothing to tell us that the party profiler is an item. Doesn’t match flavor for Montresor either.

    I'll tell you where I'm at right now, and I'll let you do with the info as you please.

    Right now, I have two possible scum teams in my head: Cat5 and Louis or you and Louis. The case on Cat5 and Louis is mainly due to them both being unconfirmed both nights and the apparent night interactions between the two (Cat5 choosing to hide behind her). You and Louis, however, is mainly due to how as soon as votes started piling up on Louis, you started making a case for Cat5. I also can't ignore the fact that Louis was Suspect Alpha for a lot of yesterday, until your spat with iLTS steered the lynch onto him. \

    Either way, Louis is on both teams I can think of, and therefore will probably get my vote today.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Jeod said:

    @Louis I don't think you should "go down" for this lynch. Recall this quote from D2.

    1) Cat5 points out you're the only one who could have performed the attempted kill. That early in the game, I can't see Cat5 willing to bus his partner.

    2) Interestingly, Cat5 brought up the same point I made that the attempted kill could have been staged. This is one of the reasons I gained scrutiny the previous day, because it seems ridiculous.

    He hasn't continued to press either of these points, leading me to believe he's comfortable with us getting our hands dirty for him. I'm especially concerned about Point #2--since I gained scrutiny for it, why didn't he make further posts about it? If he considers it an impossible thing now, then why didn't he join in scrutinizing me?

    That... makes a lot of sense, actually. Good catch. And since Cat5 is equally as high on my list...

    ##vote Category 5

  6. 49 minutes ago, Jeod said:

    I was thinking about an angle where Cat5 and Louis are a scumteam. When Cat5 claimed Hider and said Louis wouldn't recognize it, Louis didn't ask more about the role. In combination with inability to verify, I think one if not both of them are scum.

    Not only does this make a lot of sense, but it explains a few things that have been bothering me. Specifically; the fact that neither Louis nor Cat5 had verifiable claims either night, the fact that both of them were the only ones to be unverifiable both nights, the fact that Orange got a different result from Louis' claim, and the fact that Cat5 has continuously hid behind Louis. The only other thing that bothers me at the moment is the fact that we don't know anything about ChopBam's role, but let's set that aside for now.

    Instead, let's look at the discrepancy with the N2 result. Personally, I don't think it's an accident that the reports are different (especially since, in my experience at least, failing to steal someone's items still counts as "visiting" them) and that Cat5 has chosen the same person to hide behind. I have a theory: Category 5 is hiding the investigation results. Pretty much everything falls into place. Them being a scum team would explain the first two, but him having to actively hide the results explains why Orange's result was not what Louis' report was, and it would explain why Cat5 has continuously "hid behind" her.

    50 minutes ago, Jeod said:

    Do we have a compiling of N2 actions yet? What if Mojoman wasn't the intended kill target?

    Here's a copy/pasta from earlier. Should've done this sooner to keep it updated. (Don't mind my added commentary regarding night actions, it's about whether they were verified or not)

      D1 N1 D2 N2
    Category 5 <No Vote>

    Hid behind Louis
    Received item from Louis
    Unverified, FRAYDO kill suspect


    Hid behind Louis
    Unverified, Mojo kill suspect

    ChopBam OrangeP47 Visited KY
    Unverified, FRAYDO kill suspect
    No Lynch Attempted to visit Nodlied
    Verified, clear in Mojo case

    Passed ticket to iLTS
    Forced to follow Jeod to Nodlied
    Verified, sudoku attempt implausible

    iLikeToSnipe Passed ticket to KY
    Verified, clear in Mojo case
    Jeod Spare Voe Masonry w/ Nodlied
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    iLikeToSnipe Roleblocked
    Verified, clear in Mojo case
    Killing_You Spare Voe BUS DRIVER / Nodlied
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    iLikeToSnipe BUS DRIVER / ChopBam
    Unverified, Mojo kill suspect
    Louis Spare Voe Passed item to Cat5
    No action claim
    Unverified, FRAYDO kill suspect
    <No Vote> Item thief/Jeod
    Unverified, Mojo kill suspect
    Nodlied Voe Redirected to Mojoman,
    Forcing Dutch gimmick
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    <No Vote> Was put into a pumpkin
    Roleblocked ChopBam and Jeod
    Verified, clear in Mojo case
    OrangeP47 Voe Masonry w/ KY
    Used rolecop item on FRAYDO
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    iLikeToSnipe RNG Tracker/Louis
    Pass Profiler/Unknown
    Unverified, Mojo kill suspect
    Sunflower Voe Doctored FRAYDO
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    No Lynch

    Doctored Orange
    Unverified, Mojo kill suspect

    iLikeToSnipe Voe Received ticket from FRAYDO
    Gave FRAYDO bonus action
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    No Lynch / Dead -
    Mojoman Jeod Visited Nodlied
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    <No Vote> Dead
    [RESULT] Effectively No Lynch NK failed, FRAYDO was saved iLTS died town Mojoman died town
  7. And ChopBam to the rescue as I'm rereading. I'll have my own commentary as well. Also disclaimer, just because you may be listed as a suspect on a certain night does not mean I am calling you scum. Conversely, just because you may be listed as clear does not mean I am calling you town.

    17 hours ago, ChopBam said:


      D1 N1 D2 N2
    Category 5 <No Vote>

    Hid behind Louis
    Received item from Louis
    Unverified, FRAYDO kill suspect


    Hid behind Louis
    Unverified, Mojo kill suspect

    ChopBam OrangeP47 Visited KY
    Unverified, FRAYDO kill suspect
    No Lynch Attempted to visit Nodlied
    Verified, clear in Mojo case

    Passed ticket to iLTS
    Forced to follow Jeod to Nodlied
    Verified, sudoku attempt implausible

    iLikeToSnipe Passed ticked to KY
    Verified, clear in Mojo case
    Jeod Spare Voe Masonry w/ Nodlied
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    iLikeToSnipe Roleblocked
    Verified, clear in Mojo case
    Killing_You Spare Voe BUS DRIVER / Nodlied
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    iLikeToSnipe BUS DRIVER / ChopBam
    Unverified, Mojo kill suspect
    Louis Spare Voe Passed item to Cat5
    No action claim
    Unverified, FRAYDO kill suspect
    <No Vote> Item thief/Jeod
    Unverified, Mojo kill suspect
    Nodlied Voe Redirected to Mojoman,
    Forcing Dutch gimmick
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    <No Vote> Was put into a pumpkin
    Roleblocked ChopBam and Jeod
    Verified, clear in Mojo case
    OrangeP47 Voe Masonry w/ KY
    Used rolecop item on FRAYDO
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    iLikeToSnipe RNG Tracker/Louis
    Pass Profiler/Unknown
    Unverified, Mojo kill suspect
    Sunflower Voe Doctored FRAYDO
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    No Lynch

    Doctored Orange
    Unverified, Mojo kill suspect

    iLikeToSnipe Voe Received ticket from FRAYDO
    Gave FRAYDO bonus action
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    No Lynch / Dead -
    Mojoman Jeod Visited Nodlied
    Verified, clear in FRAYDO case
    <No Vote> Dead
    [RESULT] Effectively No Lynch NK failed, FRAYDO was saved iLTS died town Mojoman died town


    Alright, let's knock a couple of people off of the suspect list due to indisputable facts.

    Sunflower is in the clear for doctoring FRAYDO night one, and unless you want to make an argument that scum doctored their own kill to put one of their members in the clear (which is stupidly unlikely), I'd say she's confirmed town. FRAYDO was rolecopped, alignment and all. He's off the table. Also, he was the target N1.

    In the FRAYDO case, this leaves Cat5, ChopBam, and Louis. In the Mojo case, this leaves Cat5, myself, Louis, and Orange. Common suspects are Cat5 and Louis. I'm not sure if they're both scum, but it's one or the other.

    7 minutes ago, Louis said:

    Edit: This is the first time I actually have an ability I can use to my advantage. So how is being an item thief worrying you? I take stuff I don't kill people. How am I a threat to you?

    Item thieves are very rarely, if ever, town aligned. They're almost always either hostile third party or scum. And the one time I remember us having a town-aligned thief was July Crisis, and not only was that technically due to an item, I'm sure everyone who played in that game can tell you just how annoying it was (though that's arguably more due to the player than the role).

  8. 13 hours ago, Jeod said:


    Pencil me in as Voe. :v 

    12 hours ago, Sunflower said:

    If she is scum, Jeod is almost definitely her partner.

    I disagree. There's been a bit too much hostility between the two. Plus, I'm getting a town read on Jeod.

    12 hours ago, Jeod said:

    Very true. However I think Mojo passed the pumpkin. KY could also have roleblocked me. See, thing is, we have multiple roleblocking abilities and items, which need to be balanced out by an item that can allow two nightkills if given to scum, and an item that may curse the holder if there are no consecutive kills.

    Do I know too much?

    Why would I have roleblocked you when I don't have a blocking action? 

    The discrepancy with Louis' action resolution bothers me, especially since she's still on the suspect list for FRAYDO's attempted murder. I don't think she's responsible for Mojo, but her being an item thief worries me.

    ##vote Louis


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