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Posts posted by Killing_You

  1. Just now, ChopBam said:

    KY you're saying you can't find any pairs that makes sense in your head, so you conclude there's one scum left. But then you go through each person and conclude you can't find any lone scum that make sense in your head either. So... nobody's guilty? Somebody had to NK Shade on N3, unless there was some delayed kill. I know it wasn't Louis.

    I haven't reached any conclusions yet. I'm more or less laying my thoughts out as I go, hoping that I can get some assistance from town.

  2. I've been re-reading the thread, and try as I might, I can't come up with any pairings that make sense in my head. I'm also thinking that, much like the bomb, the 1UP was simply handed out via RNG from the GM. Sorta like items just dropping into play in Smash Bros. Looking at ChopBam from that perspective, and with no logical partner, the case on him being scum more or less crumbles to dust. So then, I start thinking, if it's a lone scum, who could it be?

    FRAYDO? No, because he's opened masonries with iLikeToSnipe and ChopBam. Most important was his N3 masonry, which means he couldn't have done the nightkill.
    ChopBam? No, because he roleblocked Louis on N3.
    iLikeToSnipe? Possible, but highly unlikely. You could make an argument based on the idea that his Mask action is technically an item action rather than a regular action (which would allow him to use the Mask and kill at the same time), but then you consider the fact that he used the Wind Waker. Why would he do this and not try to make a kill? Unless the kill was redirected to him (where I definitely don't think it would land), and he anticipated ChopBam destroying the mask, so he could use that as an excuse as to why there was no Mask activity... I'll have to think on this one a little bit more.
    Myself? No, because I masoned with FRAYDO N2 and boosted him N3.
    Mojoman? No, because he roleblocked Shade N1.
    Louis? No, because she was roleblocked N3.

    This is, of course, assuming that there's only one scum left. There is a possibility for a team, but I don't think we'll find evidence of them colluding in the thread. If a team does exist, then there's been some bussing here and there.

  3. Well, I'm out of ideas. Part of me is beginning to wonder if there's only 1 scum left, but it's little more than a gut feeling. I was also going to try and see if there was an iLTS/Chop connection, but with the mask destroyed I'm tossing that out of the window. With that, I'm back to square one.

  4. 1 minute ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

    I don't think that's a possibility. I've never seen that as a case, outside of angry scum trying to purposely kill each other...

    I disagree.

    3 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

    @FRAYDO There is one thing I'm thinking right now. Have you told anybody before today about what the Wind Waker does?

    He told me when he was in the gym, which is what led me to think of that third possibility.

  5. 1 minute ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

    Since nobody has claimed it, I'm going to assume that nobody did a roleblock. That leaves us with two options. Scum didn't perform a night kill or scum got somebody who had some kind of kill protection. Since nobody else has claimed that, I'm going to assume it's the first option.

    Figuring out why will help us nail down scum today.

    Third possibility, but it assumes we have 2 scum left: Scum hit fellow scum thanks to the storm, and perhaps scum cannot kill scum in this game.

  6. I was going to wait until day start to clear this up, but I see no harm in doing so now. Since the boost is tied to my masonry, everything's lumped into the one description, and it took me a few reads to fully get it.

    Basically, since it lasts the entire following day and night phase, it's technically an every other night thing if it works and if I decide not to give them a boost. If I don't mason with anyone on the night that I try (like N1), I can try again the next night. Boosting someone takes hold on the night that the masonry ends, and that tacks on an extra night that I have to wait. So, yes, boosting FRAYDO was my N3 action.

    So, in a nutshell:

    N1-Masonry Begins
    N2-Masonry Ends, No Boost
    N3-New Masonry


    N1-Masonry Begins
    N2-Masonry Ends, Boost Applied
    N4-New Masonry

  7. Just now, iLikeToSnipe said:

    Crazy thought...

    @Killing_You What do you think about a FRAYDO/ChopBam team? Not sure I'll have time before hammer to look back at their interactions, but I'm seriously puzzled right now. In our masonry FRAYDO has done nothing but vouch for you, so I'm really confused right now.

    That's an odd thought, and one that I honestly doubt. In our masonry yesterday, we started off suspecting you and him, but then moved to just seeing him as scum.

  8. Something's not right here. I can't tell if this is the scum team giving up, or what. It feels way too close to hammer for it to be a ploy. It's not enough to move my vote, though.

    If Cat5 flips town, my sights are going onto iLikeToSnipe. I'm pretty sure everyone will turn on me in that instance. And honestly... part of me is wondering if we only started with 2 scum. That being said, there's not enough time or evidence for me to try to go into a different direction. 

  9. Just now, FRAYDO said:

    If I'm thinking of you as Town, you trusted me and I thank you for it.

    If I'm thinking of you as Scum, you gained Townie points and we are certain to vouch for each other.

    The real gamble here is this: who is going to jump on my vote here? I'm only one vote, after all, and it can be left at that.

    I did trust you, and frankly I still do. I'm just having a hard time understanding this lapse in judgement.

  10. Just now, ChopBam said:

    Here's a possibility for N1: what if Louis unroleblocked OrangeP47's kill?

    Aaand thanks for locking in my suspicions. You're doing your best to sow doubt on everyone with the exception of yourself, Cat5, and FRAYDO. FRAYDO's my strongest townread right now, so that leaves Cat5.

    Here's a question; if you're town, then what has you so worried? The majority is on your suspicions, and you're lynchproof, so what's the harm in patiently waiting to see what happens? After all, perhaps you're right, and perhaps you're wrong. You're looking like someone who's desperate to keep their partner off of the lynch table (Cat5 in this case). Do you know something we don't?

  11. 5 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

    Either iLTS woke up on the wrong side of the bed today or his desperation level skyrocketed soon as he saw a possibility of himself getting lynched.

    I don't see the desperation you're seeing. If anything you seem desperate because you have a scum buddy on the lynch table.

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