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Everything posted by Killing_You

  1. Something just came to mind: If Town loses the airfield, we'll lose not only the Spy Plane (I assume), but the lynches as well. If this is the case, then we'd have to rely on blind fire and claimed positions to find scum, while scum would still have their scouting abilities. What would you suggest Town do in that situation?
  2. There's a few problems with this line of reasoning. First, it requires somebody to claim their coordinates. If you'll notice, very few of us have. If you use it only to confirm player's locations, and nobody has any location claims for you to confirm, what do you do? Sit on your hands? Second, even if you do get claims out of people, you can only check them one person per night. That's extraordinarily ineffective. Third, let's say that it was indeed a scum ability. Why would it show up for all of town to see? Looking at the role sheet in the OP... ...both the Gunboat and the Destroyer have scouting abilities. Yet, aside from Jeod's report of being pinged by the Sonar Pulse, we haven't seen evidence of either of those actions. Even then, Jeod's position was not revealed on the main map; he had to tell us that he was pinged. (And if I haven't said so yet, yes, I do believe that scum have a more complete map than us). Why, then, would the Spy Plane show up if it was a scum ability, yet the other actions wouldn't? I think Shade's throwing us off the trail. Perhaps purposefully.
  3. What is it supposed to do? Not scout as to keep the Airfield hidden? Also, I'll go ahead and mention that I was notified when the Spy Plane scouted my position.
  4. I have a sneaking suspicion that Jack might be teamed with Shade. More on that later (as in, if Jack flips scum, I'll look into it more)
  5. While we're here... @Alstar @FRAYDO Haven't heard from you two for a solid while. Any input?
  6. I'm not sure I buy this, tbh. It's not the flimsiest claim per se, but combined with the other evidence I doubt it's the truth. ##vote JackoDerp On the subject of that second part, where did you fire?
  7. Decent enough rebuttal, though I still wonder why it took so long for you to say so. Eh, not particularly vote worthy at this point anyway. ##unvote I agree that Voe would likely be notified if it was the sub pen's doing. I wish I had more leads to present, but alas, none come to mind.
  8. I want to take a closer look at this Cat5 thing. To me, this looks like Category 5 knew what happened, and tried to set up a case on whoever moved (in this case, Voe). Then, he seemed to realize that his setup was flimsy at best, and tried to backtrack in order to distance himself from the situation. These are all of the posts he made following his initial report. Trying to focus on the JackODerp situation while avoiding a pertinent question: How did he get the info? He hasn't even said something along the lines of "It's best if I keep it secret for the sake of Town," he's just avoided the question altogether. Currently, I think that Category 5 teleported Voe, tried to setup a scenario where moving is a scum ability, realized that it would be difficult to press such a case, and decided to backtrack before he got caught. If he's a tracker/watcher/similar, he wouldn't have avoided the question of how he got that info, nor would he have been so vague in his second post. If he's town and responsible for the teleport, he wouldn't have opened in a semi-accusatory way. ##vote Category 5 Hurricane
  9. Yeah, I'm not contesting that. It just seems suspicious to me that Cat 5 reported that someone "has the ability to move," only to be followed by Voe reporting that he was teleported. He also hasn't stated how he knows this, which leads me to wonder if Cat5 is responsible.
  10. I'm not so sure. His reaction combined with Cat5's report seems too genuine to be made-up. However, given how Cat5 phrased his report, I wonder if he chronoshifted Voe and tried setting him up for something?
  11. Checking in, though don't expect much of me. Lots of grocery shopping today, working on film stuff afterward, and then Tuesday I actually have a job interview, so I might miss hammer. Good thing it's D1! (I say that, even though Jeod has wasted no time in stirring up a storm. Never change, man.)
  12. Funny thing is, I actually got buffed My kill wasn't originally unstoppable. Then again, I didn't get my first request. That one will be save for a future CYOR, though!
  13. In all seriousness, I am considering letting you get rid of me in whatever the next few games are. You did do a lot to help town, I was just being shitty and selfish in the end.
  14. In all fairness, you did push me as Suspect #1 the entire time, so forgive me for not wanting to reward you for that.
  15. This was probably the most fun I've had in a long time. Without the ability to establish a proper alibi for myself, I was on the edge of my seat the entire game, with nothing concrete to go off of. This game really put me to the test, and I had a great time. Also, Sunflower did super good for her first time. She gets a medal, too.
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