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Posts posted by ChopBam

  1. 4 minutes ago, 1000MammothTanks said:

    I like the points change but why not award the full 1875 points to the players? And ironically Chopbam got less points for destroying the War Factory after the change.

    Points distribution isn't really a simple thing.

    1. If we awarded the full 1875 through damage hits alone, we'd have to counterbalance that massive 5x points boost with a points boost for repairing and doing other things in the game. If we only boosted building damage points, players could seriously pointwhore by simply shooting at enemy buildings all game. So if we boosted repairing points also by 5x, that would skew the rewards for killing infantry, destroying vehicles, disarming things, and small objectives like harvesting. A player who sat in the base repairing would have an undue amount of points compared to someone fighting in the field who doesn't happen to hit enemy base buildings.
    2. We're not aiming to eliminate the team score boost, because up to this point the current points balance system between how teams should win has been working out pretty well. A team score should be rewarded substantially for destroying a main base building.
  2. I missed that one, apologies. Unfortunately my networking knowledge is limited. I'm only using one adapter (wired rather than wireless) so my personal network is pretty simple in comparison to what appears for your case. I don't know if this is the difference that makes it work or not, or whether it's something in all the plugins and extra files that are part of this server hosting package, files that I'm not using. Or whether it could be some hidden firewall thing.

  3. By the way, you don't need to worry about port forwarding at all if you're connecting on the same machine that's running it. So if you're trying to connect from the same machine, you can eliminate this as a cause for the issue.

    As long as the port you are trying to direct connect in Asterisk matches GameSpyGamePort in server.ini it should be okay. You are 100% sure that is your current local IPv4 address? This is the one that appears in the IPv4 Address field when you type ipconfig into cmd.

  4. I got ninja'd a bit there by Tank_Killer. I guess if you're using Asterisk it will pass the correct params to the game. You have verified that you are trying to connect to the correct Server IP? On my local LAN, for me that would be on port 9016.

    For myself I don't bother with brenbot or the plugins (as I don't need them for launcher display or anything else) so I haven't been able to help you out with those due to complete lack of experience. But I run a local FDS all the time with the bare minimum of files.

  5. 16 minutes ago, LeonardMT said:

    How do you do that? I went into abp to the LAN list and didn't see anything

    The big blue "Renegade Master Server" window looked okay to me. This is what you run as the FDS, then you connect the players (i.e. the actual game clients) to it. You can use a desktop shortcut or the run command to put in the proper params, but I recommend using the Asterisk tool. You'll want to input your game's path as a game/mod profile, then use your computer's LAN IP and the server port to connect. If your port's open on the router, people on the internet can connect to it by using your WAN IP and the listed port. If you put +multi in the "additional commands" line, you can connect multiple players to your server from the same computer. Nifty!


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