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Everything posted by Wallywood

  1. We have got a nice hotfix out to fix a few issue we had with last weeks patch. Can't wait to hear your feed back and to see you in game. More details and full change log here https://secure.w3dhub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=414950
  2. Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon...No matter how good you are, The bird is going to shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway.

    1. Isaac The Madd

      Isaac The Madd

      Indeed Great Wallywood.

    2. Justas_Prime


      Indeed a great way to express it and that's absolutely true. Saw dozens of buffoons in real life and games who neither gives a proper argument neither what but stays ignorant and blind to the obvious point. Even a worse if he is so dumb that starts to insult your parents and kinda that and course no way to shut him up so best if not ''argue'' and ignore :D

  3. Actually I know it's not listed but this hot fix already helps that a lot. I'm not saying it's impossible to flip or spin out but it is a lot better. I might even play a bit with the buggy before we ship.
  4. and done thanks! that bike engine sound was quite annoying I should make this a "Request your fix" thread. Within reason of course...Since some of us work at the speed of snail.
  5. If it were up to me, it would have been out two days ago. I've been just taking advantage of this time annd making small changes here and there.
  6. Front page edit Spy can steal vehicles straight out the WF
  7. That was an older texture pack that we no longer have access to. And if you were to use any texture pack you shouldn't have any issues.
  8. He's referring to your constant trolling in public and flame war baiting on the server due to your disagreement with the balance changes. Actually the patch was tested but to due to FDS access issues we had to host on home PCs as servers. But this going around telling everyone that the patch wasn't tested is false and as of late your actions have been more than childish so Timeaua's response isn't wrong Slightly yes...can we please move this to a PM? Thanks! Actually he's right and I don't see how him expressing his concerns are out of line. Fun fact the Cyborg only got a slight speed increase from the last patch to this one. So if it was OP it's been that way for awhile.
  9. Hey everyone, Well as you all may know we released a rather large patch this weekend that included a lot of new content. It was a bit ruff at the start but we managed to clean up the main issues fairly quickly, BUT because of this speedy fix a lot of things didn't make it in or weren't balanced correctly. So we jumped right back into LE and hashed out a hot fix patch that will be correcting the issues and it should be going live very soon. Here are a few of the changes... Patch Notes Global Implemented the rest of Fabian's Effects Reimplemented broken deploy/undeploy sounds Implemented missing unit sounds Fixed Silos on TS_Field, TS_Shallows, and TS_GrandCanyon (Infantry maps are set up differently, no need for fixing) Updated scripts build from b6921 to b6928 Fixed bug where Hijackers lost their crowbar when attempting to hijack a deploying/undeploying unit Fixed missing sounds Slightly nerfed hack time for engineers GDI Juggernaut: Rate of fire decreased from 5.0 to 3.0 Reload time increased from 2.4 to 3.0 Damage increased from 55.0 to 85.0 (Pre-nerf) Damage radius increased from 5.0 to 12.5 Speed increased 25% Added new firing sound Riot Trooper: Non-Elite Bullet Count increased from 6 to 24 Elite Bullet Count increased from 8 to 30 Non-Elite Damage per-bullet decreased from 20 to 5 Elite Damage per-bullet decreased from 20 to 6.15 Slug range increased from 30 to 50 Slug spray angle decreased from .5 to .2 (elite from .5 to .1) Disk Thrower Disk explosion now has a new warhead: Disk Elite explosion now has a new warhead: Disk_Ion Warheads are same as Explosion warhead, but with an added bonus against cyborgs Non-Elite explosion radius increased from 3 to 4.5 (elite (5.5) untouched) Nod Cyborg Speed decreased from 6.5 to 6 Elite range decreased from 85 to 75 (normalized with normal range) Health decreased from 300 to 250 Stealth Tank: Range decreased from 95 to 80 Health/Armor changed from 400/200 to 300/300 MSG's are now much faster Chameleon Spy: Can steal vehicles again New Stealth Tank physics- Stanks can no longer get on top of War Factorys, but can still climb the rocks on Shallows...But now you'll have to work for it. Also GDI never fear...a few EMP mines can fix them *New Aircraft Heavy Damaged Alarms* *New Content* NEW Hands for Riot and Toxin Troopers Old New Old New Bonus Video because I love ya
  10. Ok so we are trying to fix a small networking issue so if you play on the servers and things go wonky, please bear with us
  11. Patch Changes Ion storm- are now off Engineers have Hackcases now Engineers can only hack at MCTs MRV has a secondary that damages enemy Vehicles Buff for health armor for Ocra Trans,Devils Tongue,Stealth Tanks DT's flames do more damage to buildings Random Unit sounds added for all inf. for Purchased, hurt, death Added Juggernaut Spy gets new Pistol, Speed increase, and can steal freshly made units from GDI but now cost 500 Toxin trooper got his toxin nade model New Ranking Icons New falling aircraft animation Hero units can now refill again Cyborg Reaper- fires one web instead of two before reload Hero units slightly nerfed Ghoststalker (Damage: 170/60->150/40, Velocity: 350->399, Proj.Extent: 0.180^3->0.150^3) CyCom (Damage: 110/60->100/50, Velocity: 120->180, Proj.Extent: 0.200^3 >0.180^3, TurnRate: 200->225, SplashRadius: 4->3, ReloadTime: 1.7->1.40) Mutant Hijacker - Speed increase from 7.5 ->-> 8.5 C.Spy - Speed increase from 6.5 ->-> 7.5 Added Spy Pistol-Damage 8.5 (Reg.Pistol 4.5) ROF - from 6->->3 Can steal vehicles fresh out of GDI WF Now cost 500 Rename spy pistol from .pist to spis Riot Trooper- add slug alt. fire Standard 110 2 per 1 shot Promoted 140 1 per 1 shot Cyborg Speed increase from 5.5 ->-> 6.5 Added Devils Tongue Warhead Set twice as effective as old flamethrower against buildings Change silos into Simple objects rather than Vehicles Increased drop speed for Orca Bomber bombs (Gravity: 1.750->3.0) Increased durability of Orca Transport (health: 150/150->300/300) Orca Transport now has a horn GDI Base Defenses health reduced (750->500) Nod Base Defenses (except obelisk) health reduced (500->400) Tweaked GDI mammoth suspension spring strength Increase Nod SAPC speed (Engine Torque: 28000->->35000) Techie and Engineers no longer heal Vehicles on default Confessor is back New MSA, MSG, Tick tank arty deploy sounds Cycle physics changes (harder to spin out, but will still spin out if you turn while hitting bumps) Elite changes GDI Techie Repair gun for Vehicles Engineers Beam upgrade that repairs both Vehicles and buildings Standard Ion tipped ammo Disk thrower Ion tipped ammo officer Ion tipped ammo JJ Ion tipped ammo Riot Ion tipped ammo Nod Techie Repair gun for Vehicles Engineers Beam upgrade that repairs both Vehicles and buildings Standard Toxin tipped ammo Rocket Sol. Toxin tipped ammo Hijacker Toxin tipped ammo Elite Carde Toxin tipped ammo Confessor Beam Plasma ammo ****We have run into some major issues with scripts, we are going to be running inf. only maps until we fix these issues****
  12. The balance is going to be getting a complete overhaul once the Armor.ini is completed, and since that is going to take alot of work, we are only doing minor balance fixes. Thanks for the good feed back
  13. When one door closes...Another will open.
  14. Sounds interesting. Cant wait to see it.
  15. How about give the mobile stealth generator the ability to cloak itsself and other units while moving, like the gap generator in APB. But the cloaking range is much decreased, while not deployed. That has been talked about BUT that is just one idea. We have a few things in discussion at this time. We will be keeping the public updated along the way.
  16. And for the marathoners... GDI Nod
  17. Yes!!!...I've been waiting for new wallpapers!!!
  18. very nice headclot. keep up the good work
  19. That was long ago...I nice breeze could take me out now a days.
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