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Squid's Pixelart

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I really would like to see a 2D pixely game with your artwork in it


I have actually made plenty of these and the irony is that that's what started me on making pixel art :p

Unfortunately there are all terrible and not worth posting here but maybe I'll make a new one this year...


Software such as Construct 2 are a great launch platform for making fun 2D games. Pixel art goes great with that sort of thing.


Yeah I've used gamemaker in the past purely because I know it. They are quick and easy but of course also suffer from that as well >.>

Generally the stuff I produce is pretty low quality because I like to get projects done really fast so I can move on. I think the longest I've ever spent on a gamemaker game was a month.

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I really would like to see a 2D pixely game with your artwork in it

I have actually made plenty of these and the irony is that that's what started me on making pixel art :p

Unfortunately there are all terrible and not worth posting here but maybe I'll make a new one this year...


What about Heroes-X? :p
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Hey Squid,


Is there anyway you could make me a pixel avatar that's like a guys head, but in a gas mask, with a little "EDA" somewhere on it (like some of the concept art you've done for me already) and "Pax Europa" on the top.


That'd be awesome, and i'll pay you in my thanks and gratitude :p

Edited by Shnappz
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Hey Squid,


Is there anyway you could make me a pixel avatar that's like a guys head, but in a gas mask, with a little "EDA" somewhere on it (like some of the concept art you've done for me already) and "Pax Europa" on the top.


That'd be awesome, and i'll pay you in my thanks and gratitude :p



My pleasure! I hope this is what you had in mind!














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Squid, have you ever tried to make pixel art of LEGO content? I'd love to see if you could make something related to my Tiberian Daylight webcomic if you have the time and inspiration. A scene or a character you like or something, anything really... ^^,

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Squid, have you ever tried to make pixel art of LEGO content? I'd love to see if you could make something related to my Tiberian Daylight webcomic if you have the time and inspiration. A scene or a character you like or something, anything really... ^^,


Well sure, if you have any ideas chuck em at me :)


Here's an explorer



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Well I don't have any specific wishes at the moment. I was just thinking I'd be fun to see what you can dish out. You could check the current episodes for inspiration if an idea comes to you by any chance. I'd really like to see how you tackle LEGOs for a change. :D


I have an idea, but execution will take a little time ;)


Hey squid! You still make pixel maps? If so, here's some inspiration:






After Nod moved in on an old Trainyard base, a GDI team was quickly dispatched to find out what they were up to. Nod had been excavating the nearby railway tracks to recycle, and had left long empty ditches all over the nearby plains. On one particular day, a powerful ion storm rolled in, and both teams were left without communication to their command. It was a twist of fate that this was the same day that the Nod force finally detected the GDI presence, and fighting ensured. Due to the storm; both sides were limited to ground troops only, and so a strange battle played out in the excavated railway ditches - one in the style of the ancient trench battles of the 20th century.


(Contrary to what you suggested this is the first time I've used pixelart to draw a map :p)

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(Contrary to what you suggested this is the first time I've used pixelart to draw a map :p)


Woah then who am i confusing you with?? :aaa: Thats bothersome...


Either way, great job with that map and the accompanying story! I'm excited :D



EDIT: It was you, im not crazy (opinion)! :D Here's what i remembered you making:




Might not be pixelart but i had the map part correct....

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