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Avengers : Civil War


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There will be 3 factions. Black Panther will be the leader of the third. I would choose Captain America. He will probably win because the film is called Captain America, not Avengers. I don't really like Iron Man because he is just a rich guy with huge ego inside an iron armor. I never heard about this Black Panther so I would not choose it. Maybe because I am not from USA.

Edited by AndrewGOLD
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Assuming this follows the comic storyline Civil War, this whole thing will be over a thing called the Superhero Registration Act, which basically means that superheroes must register their secret identities with the government, and cannot take action without government orders. Iron Man is pro registration, and Captain America is anti registration. Black Panther (in the comic, at least) opens up the borders of Wakanda to any hero who doesn't want to register.




In the comic, Cap surrenders at the end, and is killed in a follow up story arc, with Bucky taking up the mantle. I doubt they'll do this, however, since Chris Evans has one more movie in his contract.




Personally, I'm with Captain America. Superheroes need to be able to respond to a threat at a moments notice, and shouldn't have to reveal their identities. Especially given how easy it is for evil organizations (HYDRA) to infiltrate government agencies.

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What's the point of even having superhero registration? Even if the heroes are registered, how would the government control their actions? Maybe if every hero had some kryptonite-like weakness and the government had tons of kryptonite, that would work...but that doesn't seem to be the case.

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Easy: SHIELD. They specialize in taking down super powered beings. Not every hero is super hard to take down; you just have to know what they can do, and plan accordingly. Sure, some are very difficult to take down, but they can still be taken down. It's even easier when you have super powered beings of your own to tackle the ones out of line. Specific weaknesses aren't usually necessary in the Marvel universe.

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In Iron Mans defense (IIRC) he only wanted the SHRA due to the whole issue of their being millions of people with Super Powers (with a capital S&P) and thousands of new groups and people turning up calling themselves Super Heroes which was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.


He was concerned that sooner or later one of these new groups (probably the Young Avengers or Runaways) or an individual Super Hero would screw up resulting in the cost of hundreds of lives. He then predicted that the Government(s) would look to make an example of someone/everyone in the Super Hero community by passing EVEN WORSE legislation against Super Heroes that was more restrictive than the SHRA and could end up with out and out rebellion by Mutants and Super Heroes.


He also turned out to be correct when when a battle between a group calling themselves the New Warriors and a group of Super Villains ends with a massive explosion which kills hundreds of Civilians, including children attending a nearby school.


The resulting public outcry is what pushes the SHRA through congress, resulting in, to quot wiki:


"Those with naturally occurring superhuman abilities, super abilities acquired through science or magic (including extraterrestrials and gods), and even non-super powered humans using exotic technology, such as Iron Man, to register as "living weapons of mass destruction." Enactment of the law on the federal level led to various revisions to state criminal codes (such as Chapter 40, Article 120, Section 120 of the New York Penal Code and Section 245(d) of the California Penal Code) in order to allow state and federal coordination in enforcing the law"


So basically, he saw which way the wind was blowing and decided to try to mitigate the damage when the inevitable happened.





Although the whole thing was rendered mute when Iron Man wipes the SHRA with a virus to protect all Super Heroes/Mutants identities from Norman Osborn who seizes control of the SHRA and SHIELD and the whole act gets dropped a bit later allowing Super Heroes to go back to the way they were before


Edited by DeviousDave
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There are too many superheroes in Marvel's universe. Adding a fight between all of them in this movie will end very bad. I don't even understand how will the "good guys" are going to win. Ant-Man was a little bit weird too. I couldn't understand the final. I can predict that Ant-Man, Captain and his team (Bucky and that guy with a wing suit) will be on the same size. Adding spiderman that had nothing common to the other marvel movies is another weird thing. Btw Jarvis has the infinity stone and is unstoppable and I know that he is one of the new avengers, but what will be his role in this movie? Too many characters. My mind will blow up while watching the film.

Edited by AndrewGOLD
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Civil War really would've worked better as Avengers 4 IMO. And to be honest, the amount of characters involved in the movie is miniscule compared to the comic.


Some other interesting stuff from the comics...



-Punisher blows up a funeral

-Spider Man reveals his identity at a press conference

-Reed and Sue Richards are on opposite sides

-After the war, Iron Man becomes the director of SHIELD

-Cyclops declares the X Men neutral



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Easy: SHIELD. They specialize in taking down super powered beings. Not every hero is super hard to take down; you just have to know what they can do, and plan accordingly. Sure, some are very difficult to take down, but they can still be taken down. It's even easier when you have super powered beings of your own to tackle the ones out of line. Specific weaknesses aren't usually necessary in the Marvel universe.


If you're SHIELD and you've got super powered beings working for you, well they're still doing it out of their own volition. If you give them an order and they disagree...well tough luck for you because you can't make them do it.


Alternatively, if SHIELD can take down superheroes using technology...like let's say they have Iron Man suits and got enough to equip an army...then that just means you've got a world with super-soldiers and super-vigilantes. And to quote Syndrome from the Incredibles, when everybody is super, nobody is.

Edited by delta
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