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Zelda: Breath of the Dark Souls

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Holy hell this game is tough! Anyone who's played a Zelda game will go into this expecting a small difficulty spike, but I've died over 50 times already and I'm not even half done with the first area.

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I've been having a ton of fun with this game. The difficulty spikes pretty hard, but I really enjoy that it's challenging me. The checkpoint system isn't really that punishing either, so if you attack a camp of Bokoblins and get rekt, then it will load you up to pretty much try again.

I love this new direction that they've taken the game. :)

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I've played most Zelda games except for this one and the previous Wii U one, because unfortunately I no longer feel like paying for a completely new (and expensive) console for just one game, when the last consoles I even remotely touched were the Wii and Xbox One (if I got the name right) when they launched, when I pretty much learned consoles aren't for me anymore. But I'd lie if I said that I don't feel like I'm missing out on these rare, select few "good" console titles!

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3 hours ago, OWA said:

I've been having a ton of fun with this game. The difficulty spikes pretty hard, but I really enjoy that it's challenging me. The checkpoint system isn't really that punishing either, so if you attack a camp of Bokoblins and get rekt, then it will load you up to pretty much try again.

I love this new direction that they've taken the game. :)

I got all the Shiekah Towers last night after hours of climbing and trekking mountains. I'll say that having at least two of the divine beasts completed helps a bunch, as they give you special boons like revival on death and a magic shield that can protect you from 3 hits.

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I just finished activating all the towers last night myself. I haven't attempted a single divine beast yet, though. I did, however, make an absurd attempt at entering Hyrule Castle while still at 4 Hearts. I flew in from the North and landed on the ground just past the moat. I slipped around 3 different types of Guardians and found an entrance to what seems like a basement level of the castle. After exploring around for a while, I encountered one of those stone bosses that I don't know how to deal with yet. 

It was guarding the only path I could use to move ahead, so I collected everything I could and tried to teleport out...only it didn't allow me to travel to a tower like normal. I could only "Leave Area". Which when I did that, it took me right to the deepest point of Castle Town.

I hadn't yet been to Castle Town. Hell, I hadn't been anywhere in that province yet except for the bit of the Castle I just explored. I was now surrounded by unfamiliar territory and enemies that I simply couldn't handle. For the fun of it, I tried to sneak out of there and maybe see if I could reach that provinces' tower while I was there. I went around slowly and carefully, avoiding stationary Guardians I could see while also keeping track of a moving one that kept pinging me, and got all the way to the southern exit of the town. That exit was guarded by an already moving Guardian, and it saw me before I even attempted to exit. At that moment I was pinned between that one ahead of me and the other which had been searching for me the whole time to my back and right. I suspected I would find another to my left if I ran that way, so I took that moment to abuse the quick travel function to escape that mess.

I knew the whole attempt would be largely pointless, but damn if that wasn't fun!

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