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Where are the screenshots of me?  This topic has been has been highly disappointing!


I've discovered that SIDAM launchers are useless on many maps:


Event maps without obvious ceilings still sometimes have transparent flight ceilings, rendering this vehicle useless.  I need to try deploying on steep slopes.


It turns out Nod's mobile repair vehicle is fast enough to out-run the turn rate of a titan''s weaponised top half.  It's also short enough to avoid direct fire from the titan's weapons.


Unfortunately it still takes quite a while to take one down; the DPS against heavy vehicles is low.  This titan was already damaged when I engaged it.


Mining building entrances with proxies is an outdated tactic.  Who remembers hiding mines inside the front doorway of the HON?  These days we can use shield-bearing AI to take the mines directly to the intruders:


Yes this worked.  1v1 match, I heard a *boink* whilst trying to destroy the enemy base.  Lots of laughing ensured :)


Modern Rene  occasionally provides some nice modern fog artwork:



Shortly after pouring the bunker pictured below, the concrete contractor was fired for using too porous of a mix.  Links to the Sydney Opal tower are being investigated and physicists are debating how the sandbags maintained their shape as they tunnelled through macro distances of solid material.  The ceiling later melted.



Now for the works of my favourite developer, Jerad the Grey:



A few matches back Cisco and KTFF got married:


The relationship turned abusive when Cisco discovered KTFF used Aruba gear in his toxin tractors. 

KTFF fled with a friend.  They were last seen driving away on an obscure stunt map.


On the topic of mystery maps: good luck working out what map these four screenshots are of.



Finally some prettier 1920x1080 shots:


(Maps: Temple of Cervinae By Jerad, Infinite Isle in Interim Apex by ??? TODO:update)

I also have some panoramas I want to stitch together.  Perhaps another time.



Edited by Veyrdite
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