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I'll start by addressing KY.  Ghost types are easy to deal with as long as you have someone with bite or crunch around.  It's the same counter as vs psychic, so it's generally a good idea to keep someone with it around anyway.

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So, dark-types, then? I tend to main Fire and Fighting types, so Ghost-types give me a lot of trouble. And, I will never forget the Curse incident.

Let me go into more detail about that, actually. The game is Pokemon Diamond, the only non-Gen 3 Pokemon game that I've actually played. I can't remember my whole team, but I know that it was before I started keeping Kadabra as a team regular. I knew that I had Machop as my primary because I was trying to level him up. And at this point in time, I didn't really know much about Ghost-types, and especially what can and can't affect them. So, yeah, bear in mind that my decision making was pretty poor at first.

Anyway, so I'm running around the town with the Pokemon day care (I forget the name), and I see some old, ruined tower thing. I'm like, "oh, neat, there should be some cool stuff in there." So, I walk in, and I'm greeted by a Ghastly. So, me being me at the time, I open with Karate Chop. Does diddly squat. Ghastly counters with Mean Look. I tried to run away, only find out that Mean Look prevented me from doing so. Ghastly used Curse, and for the next five minutes I'm stuck watching my Machop's health dwindle away as I helplessly try to bust this f**er. Sadly, I only manage anywhere between basically nothing and literally nothing. Then my Machop dies, and I send in Monferno. At this point, I just want this thing dead. I didn't even want to try capturing it. Flame Wheel until it died.

And that, Charlie Brown, is how I came to despise Ghost types!

Edited by Killing_You
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TBH I always keep my team well rounded so there's rarely a problem I can't deal with.  Of the 18 types, there will generally be only 1 or 2 on a given runthrough I don't have something to counter them with (aside from early game and still gathering the team).

I generally don't have an actual dark type on my team, but plenty of the more "animal" style pokemon have a dark attack in bite, and sometimes upgraded to crunch.  You'll be interested to know that in later gens they started making a few dark-fighting or dark-psychic combo pokemon, where your counter/opposite is right there on the pokemon that'd normally be bad against ghost.  In my Ultra Moon playthrough I have a Malamar, for example, which is psychic-dark (and evolves by literally holding your handheld upside down).  Though more typically it's like right now on Sacred Gold, my Feraligatr knows crunch and basically solo'd Morty's gym, only needing to go to the poke center before Morty himself because Crunch was out of PP.

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More people play it now than at any time since the launch month.  They've added lots of features like trading and pvp.  Monthly "Community Days" which are a 3 hour window on a given weekend of a month still create that feel of when it first came out, where everyone bands together at the local hubs to catch the monthly poke-star which has it's shiny release and boosted shiny rates.

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Update on my status, just cruised through Ecruteak Gym, A.K.A. Gym 4 A.K.A. the Ghost Gym and demolished everything with Crunch from my Feraligatr. Could not have had an easier time. Actually almost lost on the 2nd or 3rd Gym (can't quite remember). I don't really have a set team yet, but I'm making my way through with Feraligatr, Gyarados, Combusken, Piplup, Magnemite, Leafeon, Exeggutor.

For the ones I haven't mentioned, so far I have Gastly, Kadabra, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Bellsprout, Bagon, Teddiursa, Mareep, Buneary, Ralts, Misdreavus, Butterfree, Larvitar, Drowzee, Togepi, Ditto, Sudowoodo, and Aron. Only that many because I'm not trying to capture everything, just ones that are useful, nostalgic, or rare.

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As for starters, it seems like Water is always the best for overall ease for any game. At least any game that I've seen so far. It also helps for Gen 2 that Totodile winds up learning an Ice move to help counter his weakness, grass, and two dark moves, that counter psychic and dark.

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Yeah, that was my same strategy for Morty.  Crunch/bite on a starter is always invaluable.  I had forgotten about the ice move, and thought it was a change the rom made, but no, it's native.  Been very useful for the bug catching contest.  Fire starting does well in Johto too, though.

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Resumed Sacred Gold after a bit of a break... the lighthouse really caught me by surprise.  Had to run back to the poke center after the first person.... and then the second... making it difficult to train my Alakazam.

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I've never played through Black/White or Black2/White2. I just started that today (Black). Are the city differences big enough to warrant playing four games? (Probably going to use a save editor to transfer my team from one to the other)

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The differences between Black and White (and Black 2 vs White 2) are probably the most significant of any paired versions.  That said, that's mostly because because of the inclusion of White Forest/Black City being version exclusive.  If you don't care about those, you can limit yourself to just Black OR White.

Black 2 and White 2 are entirely new games, just same region, so definitely play one of them.

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