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Does it still count as Monday's news update if it was submitted before 12:00am Tuesday, Pacific time?


Let's get to it!

When you buy a naval unit from the Naval Yard or Sub Pen, you will now teleport directly into it. Beware, if you purchase from a different building, unless you are very fast at running, chances are you will need to get into the naval unit the old-fashioned, thief-risky way.

I expect large game nights on levels such as Hostile Waters will have less cumbersome purchase queue lines with this feature in play.

@ moonsense715  deserves credit for this feature.

Rocket Soldiers? So glad you asked! Yeah, their tracking/lock-on ranges are fixed and they got a new lock-on icon. There is now a small delay to lock-on, so it takes slightly more skill than point and click. Only slightly!

Tracking ranges fixed.png

And since they get pistols too, the other weapons have shifted to slots 2 and 3. Muscle memory be damned.

Rocket Guys Get Pistols.png

Pistol 1 Rocket 2 AA 3.png

I guess we can take this opportunity to show off a couple edits to our vehicles.

Behold, two new Chrono Tank camouflage options! Everything's the same as the orange version, except the orange is green.

CTNK GreenGray.pngCTNK GreenBlue.png

We also have a replacement MCV model. It's actually old, but is better than the current release and was never implemented till now.

New MCV.png

Thanks to @ GeneralCamo  for working on these vehicles!

Tanya needs to use her two C4 charges now to take down a building. Each one is similar in damage and timed like an Engineer's C4. It takes 8 seconds for her to charge up her second C4 and (like the first C4) 1 second to throw it, meaning it may take 39 seconds to kill a building after she throws her first charge. One nice thing here, though, is that she can switch to her Colt and fight with it while the second C4 charge uses up its 8 second cooldown in the background.

Tanya Two C4.png

The Engineer can repair vehicles with his limited golden wrench. It is only at about 75% the effectiveness of the Mechanic's wrench.
No, we're not becoming Renegade.

Engineer Repair Vehicles.png

Till tomorrow!

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This game is as polished as Kane's scalp. Also, yeah, you are bringing in IA influences to APB. I remember vividly the threads on techies and engies not repping vehicles and giving infantry classes extra weapons not in RA. Oh well, I don't have the same fire I did a decade ago, go ahead taint the purity of the game. :P

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