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Soviet BTR

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Of all the changes introduced in the recent patch, by far the most interesting (to me, at least) was the introduction of the BTR to the low-tech Soviet roster, replacing the Soviet Ranger entirely. Now that we've had a few days to play around with it, I'm curious. How does everyone feel about it? Is it a worthy addition to the game? Is it over or underperfoming? Discuss away!

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i feel the BTR is quite balanced, I think its really what the soviets needed that can not only be as an early-mid rusher but also as a great support unit. 
It works best early game as a support to an infantry rush or to a small tank rush of any kind, but if you see a light tank and have no support just run a way and if you can shoot back.

Alot of people tend to say that its "OP" but i think that's too easy to say I mean, the apc is just as affective if not better which its supposed to.
Here's a good example I remember fighting pyrel who was in an apc on North by north west and we both started out with a fresh amount of health, we killed each other at the same exact time, the only reason i died was because Pyerel's vehicle, before it magically De-spawned into a nothing-ness, "ran me over" at the last mili second.

Anyway unlike the btr the apc carries people and those people seem to forget that ,and they also forget that the apc has somewhat more health and or armor than the btr and
It also makes sense why the btr does a bit more damage than the apc. The dshk has a bit more power than a 50 cal realistically speaking but the 50 cal is more efficient comparatively and the same can be said in apb

That all being said, the BTR is probably the best vehicle at its priced range tier, higher than a ranger, lower than an apc, but weaker armor, it does a good amount of damage and can be used throughout most of a game. At times I wish we could carry maybe 2 passengers but at that point i think it would be a bit op but i could only see that happening if the ranger got 2 seats like it used to unless it was always one seat in which case, no.

SOooo.... Come on down the big bill Hells, and get yourself a nicely used 750 dollar BTR with 0 APR/ financing and start dishing out suffering to those allied dogs Guaranteed 

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1 hour ago, thedisclaimitory said:

Anyway unlike the btr the apc carries people and those people seem to forget that ,and they also forget that the apc has somewhat more health and or armor than the btr and

Actually BTR and APC have the same amount og health and armor (250/250), however the APC got mammoth armor type, where the BTC got light armor type.


But yeah overall I do agree, it is in a very good spot, which is really surprising for something newly added

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4 hours ago, GibbletsnBits said:

In my small experience the BTR seems too effective vs Light Tanks.


In what way? Pretty sure the BTR is supposed to not be utterly rubbish again LT (heck even a captain isn't absolutely terrible against LT, though still far worse than a BTR obviously), but even so assuming both drivers are about equally skilled the LT does have by far the most advantages. The only thing the BTR have is being slightly faster and a bit more maneuverable. On the other hand the BTR have a limited firing arc for its gun, where LT can short in all 360 degree directions, and in terms of firepower the BTR takes about 25secs to kill a LT, where the LT takes about 11sec to kill a BTR. in both cases hitting the front of the enemy vehicle for the entire time. and that is with only 50 credits more to purchase a LT than the BTR. Granted a missed shot from the light is more damage lost than a shot (or even several shots) missed from the BTR, since it is well cannon vs (heavy)machinegun. So yeah for a BTR to have any chance to battle a LT it need to happen at a longer distance to be able to dodge more shots, and on a terrain that is either relatively flat so it the BTR can keep moving, or the BTR need help from someone else (or the LT already being severaly damage)

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On 10/4/2021 at 9:32 PM, GibbletsnBits said:

In my small experience the BTR seems too effective vs Light Tanks.


try 1v1-ing an LT with a btr, you wont win, unless you are constantly driving behind cover and even then you might still die or have other friends around to help like another BTR, I have seen that its one of the only ways a BTR can survive one LT in a 1v1 scenario unless, that LT is down to say 3/4s of its health or even less than half of its health, and that isn't even counting the fact that the driver might have a rocket solider or cap in that LT which can further destroy you if you cant handle it well with the gun's high bullet spread.

The reason i bring the infantry into the mix is because when you face an LT, with every hit, your health goes down quick meaning that if that person has something like say an RS, he'll gut you quick, which is why when I'm about more than half health with the BTR, I always run back to where my team is when I'm low so i can support them or to get repairs. Sometimes, I don't make it, even though the BTR is kind of fast but this is one of the only units the soviets have up their sleeve that can do a hit and run/ rush support, effectively and that's if you can use it right, which isn't hard.

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I was barely able to keep up with a BTR and I had about 8 chances (b4 it made it back to the enemies line) to shoot it, maybe 6-7 hit (map filled with terrain, which I like btw)  and it was just barely below 50%. It feels as durable as and seems to do as much damage as a Light Tank (yes, $50 difference) that it's a proxy light. Which I would not anticipate, nor desire. It doesn't feel like a heavy scout, It seems like an auto cannon toting speed machine. I've never attacked an APC with a Light Tank before so I cant contrast the experience, but I've destroyed dozens of Soviet Rangers, and this feels like almost 2x the machine for $150 more.


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As you have asked. I really don't like it.

I don't think it fits with the spirit of RA. There are only a few vechs in APB that aren't in original RA but non of them are purchasable. It's overpowered, it dominates the ranger and holds up against an APC. I don't like the appearance, Seems silly to have a vech with passenger seats that can't be used. It's a soviet APC but doesn't carry personnel.

If the Soviets have to have a scout vech, then having the same or closer stats/price as the ranger seems fairer. Wouldn't a Gaz-64 be more appropriate? Or a BA-64?

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I like the BTR as a replacement of the Soviet Ranger, though I think it feels a bit more tanky when being shot at by the Allied Tanks. Its mobility and firepower feels right in the middle between the Ranger and APC.

I think the BTR should be made slightly more vulnerable to tank shells and rockets while maintaining its resistance to small arms fire. Its AP/HP is currently 250/250, which shares the same numeric value as the APC (despite having different armor types), but I'd consider lowering its health to 200/200 or 225/225. Its speed and mobility don't need to be changed if you ask me.

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